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Harley Wilson

News and Updates

*New updates in blue.*

...::Latest news on November 6, 2003::...

Thanks for all of the prayers! We heard this morning that Harley was sitting up in his bed. Bobbie's sister Janice arrived Wednesday to be there to support and help Bobbie. Thanks to Joy for being there with Bobbie yesterday for the long wait. Things are going great!!!! We hope to get them home in 3-6 months.


Harley went into surgery to get his double lung transplant at about 2:00am(3:00am Houston time) this morning. We got word about 2:00pm that he came out of surgery doing the best that he could be doing. When Bobbie went in to talk to him he did react by moving his sholders a little. Please continue to pray for him. Keep checking the website because we will update it as soon as we get more news.


Harley has had a great birthday!!! We talked to Bobbie and she said that Harley had gotten over 120 e-mails, and many cards and presents!! She said that it made him so happy.

We found some old photos, so we put together a slide show. Look at it Here. There might be more added in the days to come.

*Other photos added to the album too.


We are so thankful to be able to celebrate Harley’s 10th birthday today. Bobbie’s sisters flew down to help celebrate.

Harley is still waiting for his lungs to arrive. He continues his physical therapy, and speech therapy, and I.V. therapy each week. Unfortunately, he also caught a cold right before his birthday so say a prayer that he recovers quickly!

The last couple of weeks have been especially hard for Bobbie. Bobbie lost her job at Hickory Springs, and there are some minor problems getting her Ins. worked out. It also gets very lonely out there! Please continue to pray for Bobbie.

Jonathan has started High School at East Burke! He has finished drivers’ ed. and is getting ready to get his permit. He will be flying to visit his mom and Harley on Oct. 14th. Keep up the good work Jonathan!


On the 7th the doctors placed a button at Harley’s belly button to help supplement his diet. He will continue to eat during the day anything he wants, and will have supplement feeding at night. They are trying to add weight before the transplant surgery.

Last night we unfortunately had a false run. Please continue to pray for Harley and Bobbie in that is lungs will come quickly. The lungs that we thought would be available were not in good enough condition. It was a tough night, but this is all part of the transplant program. Lets pray that next time is the real thing!


Bobbie, Jonathan, and Harely are doing very well. Bobbie received her beeper on July 23rd. Harley is now active on the transplant list. There are five on the list at The Texas Children’s Hospital. They will have to match size and blood type. Please remember to continue praying for Harley and the donor family.

Harley will begin speech therapy on Friday August 1st. Dr. Taylor said his jaw is doing good and he needed to continue his exercises. Dr. Mallory has taken Harley off the bi-pap machine at night! Harley continues to get stronger and better prepared for the surgery every day!

Jonathan will be returning on August 2nd to get ready to start school.


Harley, Bobbie, and Jonathan all made it back to the apartment on Monday. We talked to Bobbie on Tuesday and Harley is recovering well. Harley will continue to Physical Therapy on Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Harley will see Dr. Taylor, the oral surgeon, on Thursday, and Dr. Mallory on Monday.

There was an update in the Hickory Daily Record today, hope you got to see it!!! Also, Jonathan had a great time on his Youth camp trip. If you would like to send any cards you may send them to PO Box 550.


Updates in Harley's Condition


BIG NEWS!!!! Harley is having his jaw surgery today at 12:00. We will put an update under “Harley’s Condition” as soon as we hear from Bobbie.

Since the last update, they have all been very busy. Harley continues his IV and physical therapy. The doctor said he is doing great!

June 27th, Jonathan left for youth camp with the Deasons. All reports have been very positive. He will get home on Monday, July 7th. We want to continue to thank this wonderful family for taking great care of Bobbie, Jonathan, and Harley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This past weekend Harley and Bobbie had company from home: Vikki (Harley’s teacher),Sara, and Deb came and made a stop as they travel the country. Also, Lori & Paul and Dale & Kristina came. Some of the fun things they did were: Vikki took Harley out for ice-cream, bought a tricycle, took Harley to the beach where he rode his tricycle and jumped waves!! Bobbie and friends went to an Astros game. They all went out Monday night to Joe’s Crab Shack!! They couldn’t talk Harley into trying Crab!


*Ooops! We found out we typed the fund total wrong. Sorry. Our fund total is 30,700.00! More updates really soon.


*Harley did extremely well during physical therapy on Monday. He rode a tricyle for the first time in a long time. He went flying through the halls with his therapist running behind him pulling oxygen. It was quite the site!

*Today he had his IV treatments which took about 7 hours, and he was quite a trooper. He will see Dr. Mallory on Thursday.

*Jonathan is going to his first Astro's game Wednesday night we hope he has fun!!!!


*Harley, Bobbie, and Jonathan had a really good time last Saturday at the NASA Space Center, and spending time with the Deason's.

Monday, June 9th, Harley started physical therapy, and did really well.

Wednesday, June 11th, Harley saw Dr. Mallory. His iron level was low so he is scheduled to have I.V. iron next Tuesday, June 17th. They will also begin his I.V. Osteoporosis treatment at the same time.

He will continue his physical therapy every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to build up his endurance. Dr. Mallory wants him in tip top shape for the transplant! We will have another update as soon as we hear from Harley's C.T. scane he is having Friday. He will see Dr. Mallory again next Thursday, June 19th.


*Harley saw Dr. Mallory yesterday. Harley is listed as fifth on the waiting list for new lungs. He is the only one with O positive blood type. He will see Dr. Mallory again on Wednesday. He will start physical therapy soon.

Harley saw Dr. Taylor, the oral surgeon, today. He ordered a CT scan for next Friday June 13th. He will then decide what type of surgery will help Harley's jaw problems.

Tomorrow June 7th they will be going to the NASA Space Center for an outing. Then they're going to Joy and Doug Deason's for a cookout, and to meet new friends! Everyone is doing great!!!!!


*New Pictures!!!


*After moving expences Helping Hands For Harley has a balance of $28,107.83!!!!!!! Our average monthly budget is $3,000.00. So, please help us with our continued effort to raise money. Go to the Donations part of the website to learn how.


*Harley, Bobbie, and Jonathan are in Houston, Texas!! They are happy with their new apartment, and are very excited. They had a safe plane trip down, and arrived on June 1, 2003 at about 1:15pm Houston time.

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© 2003, Harley Wilson