Article About Nick in Mexico from

[Note: Translated by lizjp + esmeralduxa @ BSB LD]

Nick Carter Fans goes Crazy

Mexico City (13 March 2003) - Due to the fact that his fans were practically dispersed in the whole airport of Mexico City, Nick Carter went out almost hidden by an exit of the area of national flights, which provoked that They (the fans) were untying their energy, reason why the Fans hit the car several times before the singer was leading to the hotel.

Even though the fans of the Backstreet Boy were most of them in the exit for the international gate, the people who received Nick decided to get him out for another exit, but when the fans realized the riot was happening in other place, many girls went out to the streets following the vehicle were the singer was, that's why his 2 assistants and other 2 persons that were with him had to wait in another car.

the interpreter of "Help Me" was afraid by the euphoria that more than a hundred of his fans showed him in the Airport and even tough some of them tried to keep the order in the place, there were some others that constantly hit the windows of the car and even tried to stop it.

Nick, who will be presenting today and tomorrow in Metropólitan Theatre as part of the promotion of "now or never" his first solo album, didnt even tried to say "Hello" to his Fans (Note of Me: Thats a big Fat Lie!!!!... nick said "Hi" to the Fans, but when all the girls when crazy he got scared...who wouldnt!!!???).

Some of Them (the fans) arrived to the place since last tuesday approximately at 17:00, whereas others got to the airport yesterday by 7:00 am, and waited for him 'till 7:25 pm, hour in which he arrived proceeding from Los Angeles in commercial flight.

Besides singing all 16 song of his album, nick will be singing some hits of the backstreet boys, such as "IWITW" and "SOMH".

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