Review Of the Nick Carter Concert In Mexico City
Source: El Norte

Distrito Federal, México - If he would take a step, they'd scream, if he'd raise ahand, they'd scream; if he'd say Mexico, they'd scream some more; and if he said "my girls of Mexico", then they'd break your ears, because for them, it was seeing Nick Carter now or never.

They wanted so much to get closer to him that, during his first concert at the Metropolitan this thursday, some fans closest to the stage caught his feet and pulled until the singer had no other option than to let himself fall on his back to avoid them pulling him to the crowd.

Once saved of his fans, Nick stood back up quickly and, without even talking about it, he continued his show.

In the 90 minute show that started at 9pm, Nicholas Gene Carter performed songs from his solo album and three accoustic versions of songs from BSB, some unheard songs and his band mate even played "La Cucaracha".

"¿Qué pasa México? vamos con más música", he said at the beginning and with a poor Spanish, although, he did promise later on that he'd promised the last time he was here that he'd learn Spanish.

The American had broken the record of ticket selling in this venue when in two days he sold 1965 and in his hour and a half show, the still member of BSB filled the place not with young women but with throats that couldn't stop screaming and singing.

From a stage without any set, with just lights as stage set, dressed with a grey trousers, black shoes and red shirt, en electric guitar and his blond hair, the youngest of the BSB opened the show with "Girls In the USA", in which during the chorus, he changed the country name for "Mexico City".

"My name is Nick Carter", was his introduction right after singing "Blow Your Mind".

Keyboard player, two guitarrists, a drumer and a bas player supported Carter in his performance of sings such as "My Confession", "Wanna Shout", "Just What I Needed" and "Forever Rebel", while he was the constat objective of female intimate clothes.

Energetic, Nick carter ran from one side to the other of the stage, played with the mic, turned it as if it was a gun and knelt down several times, he wet his hair, shaked his head and even spat water towards the air and the audience.

Later on, and although his BSB bandmates, Kevin, A.J. Mc Lean, Brian and Howie D, weren't there (the latter returned to mexico last year to promote his Dorough Lupus Foundation), Carter performed three songs of the group: "Quit Playing Games With My Heart", "I Want It That Way" and "Shape of my Heart", which were songs that got the audice to sing filled with emotion.

At all time there were screams, but the romantic side came with "Not Like You" and "Who Needs the World", while he sang sitting on a stool.

"Tu eres muy bonita", said Nick Carter in Spanish, right after his body was stuck by a lingerie projectile and asked for the words in Spanish to his guitar player.

"México, I need your help, on the count of three I want you to say 'Help Me'", he sid and he performed his first single of Now or Never.

Towards the end, Carter took his guitar again and said, "I've been thinking, would you mind if I take all of you home with me?" and he performed "I Just Wanna Take You Home With Me", and straight after "End of Forever", which dissolved slowly into the music of "Paradise City" by Guns 'N Roses while he sang "take me down to the Paradise City".

"We want Nick, we want Nick!", the screams continued to make him return to the stage. And he did, and performed "I Got You" and "Do I Have To Cry For You?" which was also mixed with the song by Bryan Adams, "Everything I Do, I Do It For You".

Right before going to perform his songs of Now or Never, the still member of the BSB, also signed autographs, took pictures and kissed some radio stations contest winners.

"I'm amazed by the fans welcome.I never tought they would follow me and love me like this, it's not the same think that they're follow 5 as in the grup, than just one, that in this case is me...HOW INTENSE MEXICANS ARE!!!!, that's how i like the women" said the 23 years old man while he was signing tshirts, albums and posters.

12 had the chance to get a kiss from him and he let himself enjoy the love, but his manager didn't leave him alone for a second and even 'suggested' not to eat tacos or tortas because he could fall sick.

"Thanks for loving me, for coming and being here with me. Tell to all the fans outside that I also love them...", he told a fan while he was receiving a letter and a gift from her.

Nick then entered his dressing room smiling and soon after came out to perform.

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