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January 25, 2002

My user name is COLady and I was born in Denver, Colorado, attended High School, then business school, and later on, I studied accounting and physiology in college (Not at the same time of course). I was an Administrative Assistant with the City of County of Denver, retiring in May, 1997 after 23 years of employment. While I was with the city, I worked for mayoral appointees. My job was demanding, varied, and certainly not boring!

My family consists of five children, three girls and two boys, nine grandchildren, five girls and four boys, one great grandson. Quilting, sewing, bridge, traveling, computers are my interests. I had two dogs, Bichons, until recently. I had to have the male put down. I still have my female, Tasha, who is 14.

I travel lots, taking several extended trips by car or air to various parts of the US. I spend the winter in south Texas and the summer in Colorado. Most recently, I took a two week Thanksgiving trip by car to Portola, California which is 50 miles from Reno. Of course, I stopped in Las Vegas and Reno going and coming!

Favorite books and authors are "China Bayles Mysteries" by Susan Wittig Albert and mysteries written by Mary Higgins Clark.

. I have been on-line continuously since the fall of 1997 and off and on since the internet was introduced. Being on-line enhanced my life, I think, by meeting people that I would have never met otherwise. I have made life long friends on the internet. I've attended two bashes, one in San Antonio, Texas and one in Clearwater, Florida. I've also met chatters in Colorado and Washington for lunch. Not at the same time of course.

"If I had one day to go anyplace or do anything, how would I spend that day?" Oh my! What a tough question to answer. I've always wanted to go to Alaska so I would love to go to Fairbanks, Alaska even if it were only for one day. I would spend my day by taking a tour of Fairbanks and learning as much about it as I could. I would try to make at least one friend to keep in touch with as well so that I could learn even more about the area and the people.

My favorite quote is, "It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all".
To take life as it comes and offer what you cannot handle to your Higher Power is my lesson in life that may encourage others.. I have a strong faith in God and have turned many things over to Him that I could not deal with. He has always comes through for me. I may not agree with His answer when He does but He has never let me down though. I have a handicapped son. When David was hurt, his dad and I flew to Germany together even though we were divorced and married to other people. Our son was in critical condition and we would have walked on water to get to him. We arrived on the Sunday after Thanksgiving. On Wednesday, he was having trouble with his heart and had gone into urinal shutdown. I went back to my room and prayed. I asked God that His will be done, not mine. I literally gave my son to God. He lived and is alive today...21 years later. I am sure that many people have done the same thing on and since September 11th.

I am a very open person who loves to talk to just about anybody. I have a delete key that works quite well if I care to use it, so you have my permission to post my email addy.


January 18, 2002


Shewho is my main nick name, my other nick name is Judd. New York, New York is the city of my birth. I was an easterner until WWII began and then my widowed mother, brother and I drove to CA where my maternal grandfather lived.

We bought a home on the edge of Oakland, CA and I attended school in that area from fifth thru most of the eighth grade. My mother met a Navy man at the Naval Hospital close to us, married and we then moved to Los Altos, California the place that I call home.

My new step-father was disabled but had been raised on a huge wheat farm in WA. My parents decided to become gentleman farmers and purchased a house on five acres of land. Instantly this city kid became a kid with lots of chores. We went over board and started out with a cow, calf, pig, 100 chickens, 3 horses, one mutt dog and one collie who soon had 9 pups, plus raising 4 kittens whose wild mother disappeared. I learned how to feed and care for animals and ride a horse in short order.

My highschool had 400 students total and it was a big deal that my class was the first one with 100 in the class. That was a good time to live in that area. Now the population is about 50,000 and then it was 1500 with a volunteer fire department. Mt.View Highschool was the school for Los Altos and Mt. View students. October 2000 my class held a 50 year reunion which I attended.

A year in college and then I went to work. Most of my working years were spent as a secretary or clerical worker. I went to college in Connecticut so was working on the east coast when I met an married a navy man. He was from AZ and I loved the west coast, so when he was discharged we went west to the Los Angeles area. We bought a tract home in Anaheim and our two sons were born there. My husband was always on the move. Our house was sold and went to Montana where our daughter was born. Then back to southern CA for a few years, with a stop in Los Altos as we worked our way up to Oregon.

I lived in Portland, OR area for about 20 years. The kids graduated from high school, I divorced and changed careers from being an office worker to working for the telephone company in 1979 as an information operator. That was my favorite job. In 1984 the telephone office was moved to Everett, WA a city about 20 miles north of Seattle. There I stayed until my retirement in 1994.

Bend, Or is in the middle of the state and referred to as high desert country. Mt. Bachelor a well known ski resort is here along with many beautiful lakes and rivers. This area draws many tourists. Two of my children were living in Bend, OR. When I retired I moved to Bend my idea of paradise. I hope never to leave this area.

I like to read but seem to do it in fits and starts. Crazy about movies. Right now I am in seventh heaven with the Olympics coming up and I always follow the ice skaters each year. I like to view sports on TV but certainly have two left feet when it comes to being athletic.

I have been talking in chat rooms two or more years now. Chat rooms have certainly added to my daily enjoyment. A real bond has grown up with several chatters and though we haven't met we really have shared the ups and downs of our daily lives. I have been blessed with so much support over the internet. Yes, I have met a few of my chatting buddies. I was in Wichita this past October and met the writers group. I have also met a CA chatter, plus one on the other side of OR. My chat room friends are very special folk.

One day to go any place and do anything. I would request a magic carpet to help me visit favorite places and people all over the world. First stop England and my cousins who I visited in 1950, then to New York City and take in a show at the Radio City Music Hall and the rocketts. Then I would stop to see family in several states, and of course chatters sprinkled across the US and up into Canada, and then back here to Bend and my two cats. I could then spend many happy hours recounting my wonderful day to my feline buddies.

One of my favorite quotes that I try to practice came from the opera singer Beverly Sills. She said, I can't always be happy, but I can always be cheerful."

My days are full acting as trustee for my step grandmother who just died at age 98. I had been involved for several years with her well being.

This year my new years resolution is to have more fun. 2001 was a year of many serious challenges for me and so I hope to do lots more laughing and silly things in 2002 as well as keep in close contact with friends.

January 11, 2002


1943 was the year that I made my appearance. July 9 to be exact. At the time, I was known as Martha White. Now if I have done my math correctly, that makes me 58 years old. I must tell you though, that I do try to play with those numbers but they always add up to the same thing.

I was born in Tacoma Park, Md, and I had a 6 year old brother waiting for me. My two sisters followed,one two years later, the other 6 years later. If my math still holds, that counts up to 3 girls and one boy = a family of six.

I lived my very young years in Md, of course, then New York and then a very small town in west central Illinois. That would be Loraine Ill, which is hardly there today.

When my parents divorced in 1953, my mother re-located with her four children to the Washington D.C area where she had a job working at the Pentagon. As all of you from broken homes know, that is a difficult situation, but life for the four of us was as good as it could be. My mother later remarried, but we will not talk about that here.

I graduated high school in 1962 with a job and a car that I had earned while working part time my last two years of school. Now........ let me tell you about this car !!!!! If not for that car, I would not be where I am today. Why, you ask?
Because I could never keep that &*%^$&*(&% car running, that's why. Every day after work, I had to call the garage across the street to fix my car, and get it running. It wasn't long before I realized that it would come in handy to have a mechanic in the family. So, in 1963 I married my career army man/mechanic. I then became Martha Angle.

We were blessed with our first son on Dec 24, 1964. Our second son arrived on Dec 11, 1965. I guess I finally figured it all out, because there was never a third or fourth baby, or even a fifth one. :)

For the next 30 years, I had the good fortune of being a stay at home mom. I was always grateful for that because my older son was born with cerebral palsy, and required total care. Forgive me while I brag about him for a bit, but when this boy was two years old, the doctors told me to find a "place" for him, because he would never even be aware of his own personal needs. Today, he lives in Chicago Ill (900 miles from us ), he has a job, and his girlfriend is there. So....... the moral to that story is to follow your heart and your own instincts.

After caring for my ill mother for the last 6 years, and after her death this past Aug., my life has changed dramatically. My hubby, Gates is now fully retired, and we are spending our time traveling. We are either on a trip to or from somewhere, or we are planning one. And of course, all this transpires between our pet sitting jobs.

When I am home and not at the computer, (which is not often ) you can find me curled up with a good book. A good book for me is almost any historical romance. And, if you look quickly enough, you might find me with a vacuum cleaner or a dust rag in my hands. Or, you may find me in the kitchen trying out some new experiment.

Now that I have told you about Martha White and Martha Angle, let me tell you about Ruthie!!!!!!!

You are likely to see Ruthie at any time and any place on the internet, but mostly in a chat room having the time of my life. Just ask Judigirl..... she has seen me sit at her computer while I was visiting her, and I was LOLOL literally. And then she started laughing at me. And then we would both be laughing. I have also had the pleasure of meeting with Gnomes and Gerrope, and Perbear this past fall. Gnomes took us to a park for a picnic and a great time was had by all. My hubby even got his fishing line wet.

Until May 2000, I did not even know how to turn one of these puter things on. Since I discovered the internet, my puter is almost never turned off. In fact, my use of my puter prompted my son to give me a new keyboard for Christmas..... just because all the letters had been worn off, and my fingernails had made dents in the keys. I kept telling him that my keyboard was fine, and I was not having a problem at all. But I got the keyboard anyway, but not until he had popped all the keys off and put them back all scrambled up!!!!!!!!

Before I finish this, I want to tell everybody how very much I cherish all of my internet friends. You all mean more to me than you will ever know, and I am looking forward to meeting as many of you as I possibly can. So if you see a big blue van pulling a 26 ft trailer down the interstate, be sure it is Ruthie and her hubby Gates coming for a visit. I love you all.

January 4, 2002

My user name is Hank.
I am located in Northeast Pa. on Lake Wallenpaupack. I was born in the Greenwich Village section of Manhattan, NYC. I attended Stuyvasant High School in N.Y. graduated from N.Y.U. with a bachelors degree in instrumental music.

Later attended Queens College and obtained a Master's Degree in Education. I had two separate careers. From 1939 thru 1970 I played trumpet with the so called big bands which led me into a career, in 1943, playing first trumpet in all the big Broadway shows. That lasted for 27 years including shows like Kismet, Damn Yankees, My Fair Lady and culminating from 1966 to 1970 with the Angela Lansbury show "Mame" There were many other hit shows during that time.

Also during those years I did many recordings for TV, movies and commercial jingles. During that period I also did hundreds of arrangements for shows, vocalists and dance bands. I also taught music in high school until I retired in 1980.

I was married to the girl next door for over 60 years. I have three children, five grandchildren and 4 great granddaughters. I have several hobbies such as photography and woodworking. I have built many large pieces of fine furniture as I have a completely equipped wood shop.

I have travelled the world and have been on all continents except Antarctica. I have been on line now for two years and am grateful for the pleasure and friends I have met during that time. Since I have attended a few bashes I have met many of my PC friends in real time and have visited with some of them. I have been to so many places that I always wanted to see, that, at present, there is really no area that is lacking.

Having been in the boy scouts as a youth I still like the "Be Prepared" quote of that organization and find it to be a good piece of advice to follow. During my lifetime I have been interested and worked in such diverse occupations as a TV repairman and other technical areas.

After having the basic shell constructed I built, with the help of my late wife, our present home in the Poconos. I still play the trumpet when I am not travelling, with a big 17 piece band made up of senior citizens. We do this every week and enjoy playing all the good tunes of the 30's 40's and 50's.

I believe in being honest with everyone. I maintain a healthy lifestyle never having smoked or done much drinking.

Thank you,

December 21, 2001


Many of you already know me from Senior.Com, but for those who don't, my name is Willow Miranda and I live in Sebastopol, California. It's in Sonoma County and is called The Redwood Empire because it's the home of the Giant Sequoia Redwood trees. The area is also a famous wine growing region, and nope, I don't grow grapes, but I do have two HUGE Sequoia Redwood trees right next to my house where I put them about 22 years ago "until I found a spot where I wanted to plant them permanently".

For many years, my user name has been my real name, Willow. When Jann (Katz) and I decided to do an on-line newsletter, TIME_FOR_THE_NEWS , we were feeling kinda feisty and decided to choose different names, hence, Katz 'n Jammer. (I'm Jammer.. *S)

I was born in Fairland, Okla., on Flag Day, 1939. During the depression, my family migrated to this wonderful little corner of the world and we have been here ever since. Barely completing the tenth grade, I finally acquired my GED at age 44 (only because I needed it to attend a nursing program at the local Junior College).

In the past, I worked for many years with older adults in nursing homes, hospitals and in personal home care. Other employment involved working with Special Education children, instructing developmentally disabled adults, and caring for adults disabled with quadriplegia. (Oops, I almost forgot the 12 years that I worked as a school bus driver and school bus driver instructor.)

Volunteer organizations included being a puppy raiser for "Canine Companions for Independence", "the Assistance Dog Institute" (with my dog and I licensed as a "Social/Therapy Dog" team), and the "Golden Retriever Rescue Organization of Northern California". Other volunteer activities were with "PALS" (Pets Are Loving Support) (an association helping to care for the pets of people diagnosed with AIDS), and the Laubach Literacy League (assisting adults in learning to read and write).

My first computer was purchased in about 1993 and I joined Senior.Com when it first went on-line in 1995, becoming a staff member in 1997. I have to admit that it was the most time-consuming, energy-sucking, patience-building occupation I have ever had. When the site closed early in 2001, I decided it was time to retire. It took me at least six months to learn that it was "OK" to sit and just do "nothing", and Boy, Oh Boy, am I ever enjoying it NOW!.. *s

I was never really interested in traveling, but during my time with Senior.Com, I traveled to business meetings and to bashes around the U.S., meeting many "chatters" in person over the years and in fact so many, that I've lost track of the number.

Manny (my hubby) and I have one son and 2 grand-children. The word, "grand", is an exact description of the children. Manny and I share our lives with a Border Collie and 2 Golden Retrievers (Bern, A.J. and Bubba). Living in a country setting, we are fortunate enough to have space for a flock of Toulouse (Tooooo loose..*S) geese and chickens. Writing poems and short stories has been one of my joys. That, and generally just savoring life.

Favorite reading is non-fiction, hobbies are coin collecting and studying the habits of all the critters, creatures, wild-life, and not-so-wild life I find out in the yard, everything from slugs and bugs, to the passengers and pilots who land their colorful hot-air balloons in the fields in front of my house. One of my favorite quotes is, "Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that crushes it". That is the lesson of my life that may encourage others. To forgive and forget has some of the same physical and mental healing effects of a healthy belly laugh!

If I had the opportunity, for one day, to go anyplace or do anything, I would most likely spend the day at home, surrounded by my family, (and a caterer.. and a housekeeper..*S) My main home-page, with photos, is WilloWorld and if you click on the following names, you will meet some of my special companions who brought laughter, love and companionship into my life: Nokie , Ruby , Murphy (Look to top menu and click on VIEW / INCREASE FONT, in order to see the text better on Murph's page.)

Happy Holidays,

December 14, 2001


Hello name is Janice and this is my chat name also. When I first started chatting I used the name of Mommc6, so some of you that I haven't seen in a while might remember me by that name.

I am located in Georgia. I have been here since 1961. I was born in Pennsylvania and raised in Michigan. When I was in my teens my parents bought a business in Florida and we moved there. Thru marriage I ended up in Georgia.

When my children were small I was fortunate enough to be able to stay at home with them. I lost the love of my life in June of 1976. He was only 42 at the time. At that time I still had 2 children left at home and was able to see them through school before I started working again.

I went to work at a hospital here and worked my way from admissions clerk to director of medical records, admissions and patient business. I worked for the hospital for 22 years. It was a very rewarding experience for me. I won several awards during this time and am very proud of this. My mother was a very dedicated volunteer at the hospital. When she passed away they built and dedicated a beautiful garden and fountain in her memory. I always feel close to her when I go to it for relaxation and prayer.

My family all lives close by. I am an only child. I have four wonderful children. I have 2 boys and 2 girls. All are married. I have 10 grandchildren of which 2 are married. No great grandchildren yet but am looking forward to that.

I also have my Chelsea, who is a Yorkshire terrier. She is a lot of company for me. She is very independent like me

As for my travels I have done a lot in my life. Have been to all states with the exceptions of New England, Hawaii, Alaska.. Maybe someday.

I collect Teddy Bears and figurines of old people. My house has bears in every room. Two of my favorites are my Harley Bear dressed in leather given to me by my oldest son and wife and a pair of bears dressed as school children from the pioneer days along with a life size antique school desk that they sit at given to me by my youngest son and his wife.

I have only been chatting for about 2 years now. I first started in Seniors. com. Met a lot of nice and very helpful people there. Never thought that I would go into a chat room. Now I can't stay out of it. LOL. Have not had the good fortune of meeting any of the chatters yet but have made some great chat friends.

I feel I have lived a wonderfully fulfilled life and have had many blessings.

There is a quote that I really like and that is:
"Life is meant to be enjoyed, not endured."

Thank all of you for the kindness you have shown me and for allowing me be do this
Your friend in chat,

December 7, 2001


My daddy always said the buzzards dropped me on a tree stump but I never did believe that story. As a matter of fact, I was born down by the Skunk River in southern Iowa. No, my mommie didn't set me adrift in the bull rushes, she decided to keep me. Forty years later I returned to the old deserted farmhouse, crawled through the window and took the porcelain door knobs off door in the room in I was born , later to mount them on my curtain rods, a constant reminder of my 'beginnin' so to speak.

My first few years I attended a country school, walking barefoot uphill both ways in the snow!. My grandchildren cannot believe that I didn't have indoor plumbing, electricity, or gravel roads until my teens. Those were the good old days, chopping down the Christmas tree, pulled taffy, ice cream made in an old lard bucket,churning butter, and bob sledding in the winter.

After finishing high school, I took some business courses , ending up in Aurora, Illinois,as teletype and switch board operator at a large company.

Papa Gnomes and I are the proud parents of one son and two daughters; having them all in college at the same time. Talk about that being expensive.

We spent our early married life taking vacations in a home made camping trailer, touring the west, seeing some awesome sites and making friends along the way. Many unexpected events happened along the way; getting a flat tire in Canada at a very remote French speaking community; bearings burning out in the Grand Canyon; the poodle chewing up papa gnomes fishing rod; being interviewed by a newspaper reporter at Glacier National Park and having our picture and story appear in the paper. I could go on and on and have even forgotten alot.

Now with the third generation of seven grandchildren growing up, last summer we returned with our children and their families to one of our favorite camping areas in Wisconsin and had an enjoyable week together, just like old times.

I have had numerous hobbies through the years. I was very fortunate and could stay at home and raise my family. I became interested in ceramics and after many, many hours ended up owning my own shop. For eight years I worked with senior citizens and that was very rewarding.

After Papa Gnomes retired from AT&T I retired ,so to speak, too. We were going to travel and see more of our country. We moved out of our big house into a mobile home, out back.

In l992 Papa Gnomes started having strokes and shortly after that he had triple by pass, so our travel days together have ceased . Soon after I became his care taker I decided I was smart enough to learn the computer, bought one, and installed it all by myself. As if that weren't enough I proceeded to purchase a computerized sewing machine and I spend many, many hours at both. When I am not puttering, you can find me at our local health club in the pool.

Some of you have wondered why the name Gnomes. Several years ago I became interested in the wee people and started collecting Tom Clarke's famous sculptures, having several with his personal autograph. Yes, Virginia, there are wee people, and if you don't believe me, just look out in ;your yard early at dawn or just before dusk, and there those little wee people will be scurrying from bush to bush, Honest!

My greatest thrill is meeting my fellow chatters. I have been very lucky to meet over 40 of them, including KatznJammer, Ducky, Surly, Kidsmom,Ruthie,to name a few, and of course, our late Monkeycatcher, bless his soul. Last but not least, I got to spend the day in the VIP lounge at O'Hare with Perbear and Pam from Australia..

If any of you chatters are hesitant in meeting with fellow chatters, put all fears aside, there are wonderful people out there. These are memories and friendships that a price tag cant be placed on.

Next to my computer is a book case loaded with little mementos from my chat buddies, everything from a ball point pen, Marti Gras beads, kaola bear,and a picture frame with Kidsmom smiling down at me.

I hope this interview has helped you know me a little better, so I will close with my rule to live by; whenever you see someone that needs help, give them a helping hand. They may not even give you a thank you, but some where down the line, you will meet with someone to return the favor. I'll see you on line somewhere down the road, I don't know where, but just look for the purple boots.

May your blessing outnumber
the shamrocks that grow,
And may trouble avoid you,
Wherever you go.

