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Simple Harmonic Motion


Vibration or
The motion of an object that regularly repeats itself, back and forth, over the same path.  Simplest form is represented by an object oscillating on the end of a coil spring.  This motion is periodic.
Equilibrium position     The position when no external force is on the mass.
Amplitude The greatest displacement from the equilibrium position.
Frequency The number of complete cycles per second.  The mass moves from its original position and returns to the same position with the same motion.  A complete cycle is shown below.  Changing from step (b) to step (d) is not a cycle.  Although the mass is in the same position, it is moving inward in step (b) and outward in step (d). 
Period The time required for one complete cycle. 

        1                                            1
f  =  ---  = frequency   and   T  =  ---  =  period
        T                                            f

The diagram to the left illustrates the forces, displacement, and velocities at various positions in a cycle.

In step (a), the spring has been stretched and released.  This is the instant the mass has been released.  The maximum force is on the object pulling the object inward.  The object has not started moving and it is at its maximum displacement.



In step (b), the mass has reached its equilibrium position.  There is no force on the object and it is at the maximum velocity in the negative direction.




In step (c), the spring has reached its maximum compression.  The mass has stopped moving and reached its maximum displacement.  The force is at its maximum and is pushing the mass outward.




In step (d), the mass has reached its equilibrium position.  There is no force on the object and it is at the maximum velocity in the positive direction.




The mass has returned to its original position.







Simple Harmonic Motion The vibrating system has a restoring force that is directly proportional to the negative of the displacement.   F  =  - kx
Simple Harmonic Oscillator      A system that has simple harmonic motion.