you move farther from Earth, the acceleration and force due to gravity
Fgravity = G
Fgravity provides Fcentripetal for satellites.
mems me
Fcentripetal = ----------- = G
---------------- => v = ( G------ )
The satellite travels faster when you are closer to the Earth.
2 pi
2 pi r
v = ----------- => T = ---------------
With a faster v and a smaller r, T is smaller closer to Earth.
The Correct Answer is D.
However, this is not the complete
answer. When you accelerate a spacecraft, you are adding
energy. Since the total energy is greater, the space craft moves
into a higher orbit to have a greater potential energy. After the
initial acceleration, the space slows down to a slower velocity as it does
work to move away from Earth.
When you slow down a space craft in orbit
around the Earth, the total energy is decreased as the space craft moves
closer to Earth. Because it is moving closer to Earth, it will
change potential energy into kinetic energy. This causes the
space craft to speed up to a higher velocity than it had at the beginning.
The concept is this.
For space craft and satellites in orbit around
Earth or any other object:
1. You get a shorter period and a faster
velocity by decelerating.
2. You get a longer period and a slower
velocity by accelerating.
If you want to catch up with a space craft in
the same orbit, you initially decelerate to drop into a lower or bit and
speed up. You latter accelerate to move back to the original orbit. |