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I have a lot of ideas, but that is all they would be if I did not have
Cathy Knudtson to bring them to life. There are no words to say
how much I think of her, or what she means to me and my
family. One thing I do know, she was sent by God.  All I can says is,
Thank you Cathy.

Joe (Papaw) Anderson

A Message From Terri
To PaPaw

"You sent me your URL to come and visit your site. And I so enjoyed your precious memories of your little grandson William. And the pictures you showed and the storys you told it made me feel like I also knew him. What a very precious little grandson our Father in Heaven loaned to you for a while.  But you will see him again sweetheart in our Father's eternal city where all life is made brand new.  Big Smile.  Well I hope you don't mind but I took a few pictures from little William's site to make a few GIFs for you in honor of your Mr. William.  And now he is Heaven's Little William.  Smile.  And how very happy he is there of that you can be very sure.  One GIF I made just for you from Mr. William.  God bless you and yours dearheart.   Much love from Terri" 

Thank you so much Teri for those lovely words and the beautiful gifts.  We will treasure them always.

Please visit Terri's beautiful pages
"Terri's Treasures"

Mr. William loved hummingbirds.  Thank you Abagail for the beautiful image.
I don't know how you knew, but I'm glad you did.

Please take a moment to visit Abagails Angels

Papaw Anderson

A Valentine Greeting for Mr. William from Terri at Terri's Treasures

In Memory of September 11, 2001

This was drawn and sent to us by a 12 year old

He Called Ten Thousand Angels

September 11th, THEY captured our planes,
And made them go astray,
But under the wings, THEY did not know,
A hand was holding them up that day.

THEY did not guide our people to death,
For death holds no victory,
Those lost souls that stole our planes,
Were left alone to make history.

The first night, for me, was a nightmare,
As I saw over and over gain,
The plane go through the building
And destroy my faith in men.

I saw our pentagon crumble,
And tumble to the ground,
I heard the anguished cries from families,
And Everyone, the world around.

I saw the plane in Pittsburg,
It was smashing to the ground,
I heard the people screaming out,
It was a terrifying sound!

I prayed that God would help me,
Understand why this took place.
"Show me God, why let this happen,
Way up there, so high in space?"

The next night, my dreams were a vision,
So Beautiful and so very serene,
Right before the planes hit,
God showed me the hidden scene.

The planes were being gently held,
In the palm of God's own hand,
He released then thousand wings of doves,
And the angel's formed a band.

Right before the planes hit,
And the fire and smoke took place
I saw this scene before me.
God showed me by his grace.

Our loved ones floated toward the sky,
There was no fear upon one face,
Some rode the wings of a snow white dove,
Some had angels take their place.

I saw only fear in the eyes of the evil,
When they knew they had to face,
An angry God and all his angels,
For what had just taken place.

America always stands proud to say,
We stand firmly by God's side,
There's no where they can run,
There's no where they can hide.

Have no fear red, white and blue,
Because united our country stands.
We have faith in our president
And our future is in God's hands!!

Written by
Gayle Clary
(reproduced with permission of the

In Memory of September 11, 2001

Deuteronomy 32.11
As an eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth over her
young, spreadeth abroad her wings, taketh them,
beareth them on her wings


I was awakened by the sound of evil in my land,
I peered out from my nest and looked all around.
I stirred, I stretched, I rubbed my eyes, I could not believe.
The scene that lay before me was if it were a dream.

How dare you do this to my land, my people proud and free.
Did you not for one moment know you would deal with me?
Did you think I'd turn my back and fall right back to sleep?
No, sir you are mistaken; 'tis Peace that I shall seek.

I flew away to the place that you had brought destruction;
saw that man was already there readying for construction.
The Police, fireman, EMT's, volunteers galore,
you can't ever keep us down don't TRY anymore.
For I have seen my people weep the last time for your pleasure.
If I were you I would prepare for justice without measure.

I have been resting in my nest up in the Cypress tree,
but be forewarned, I'm now awake and you will HEAR from me.
I am not a hating bird, I do not like to harm,
but what you did is beyond belief and and I am coming armed.

So rest assured you've woken me, and now I cannot sleep;
not until America to her my promise keep.
I shall watch and I shall wait until you think we're through.
But this my man, you should know simply is not true.
I've got my talon's sharpened, my beak is to the wind,
and I shall guard America until the

Written for us by:
Kathalise Martin
September 18, 2001
(Not to be used without
express permission from author)

From Terri at Terri's Treasures

From Terri at Terri's Treasures