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We have seen the American spirit 
in the courage of passengers 
who rushed terrorists to 
save others on the ground.

We have seen the state of our union 
in the endurance of rescuers working
past exhaustion.

We've seen the unfurling of flags, 
the lighting of candles, the giving 
of blood, the saying of prayers in 
English, Hebrew and Arabic.

We have seen the decency of a 
loving and giving people who 
have made the grief of strangers
their own.

My fellow citizens, for the last nine 
days, the entire world has seen for 
itself the state of union, and it is 

Tonight, we are a country awakened 
to danger and called to defend 
freedom.  Our grief has turned to 
anger and anger to resolution. 
Whether we bring our enemies
to justice or bring justice to our
enemies, justice will be done.

All of America was touched on 
the evening of the tragedy to see 
Republicans and Democrats 
joined together on the steps of
this Capitol singing ''God Bless 

And on behalf of the American 
people, I thank the world for its 
outpouring of support.

America will never forget the 
sounds of our national anthem 
playing at Buckingham Palace, 
on the streets of Paris and at 
Berlin's Brandenburg Gate.

We will not forget South Korean 
children gathering to pray outside
our embassy in Seoul, or the
prayers of sympathy offered at a 
mosque in Cairo.

We will not forget moments of 
silence and days of mourning in 
Australia and Africa and Latin 

Nor will we forget the citizens 
of 80 other nations who died 
with our own.  Dozens of 
Pakistanis, more than 130 
Israelis, more than 250 citizens 
of India, men and women from 
El Salvador, Iran, Mexico and 
Japan, and hundreds of British 

Once again, we are joined 
together in a great cause.

On September the 11th, 
enemies of freedom committed 
an act of war against our country.  
Americans have known wars,
but for the past 136 years they 
have been wars on foreign soil, 
except for one Sunday in 1941.  
Americans have known the 
casualties of war, but not at the 
center of a great city on a
peaceful morning.

Americans have known surprise 
attacks, but never before on 
thousands of civilians.

All of this was brought upon us 
in a single day, and night fell on 
a different world, a world where 
freedom itself is under attack.

The enemy of America is not our 
many Muslim friends. It is not our 
many Arab friends. Our enemy is 
a radical network of terrorists 
and every government that
supports them.

They will hand over the terrorists 
or they will share in their fate.

Our war on terror begins with 
Al Qaeda, but it does not end there.

It will not end until every terrorist 
group of global reach has been 
found, stopped and defeated.

These terrorists kill not merely 
to end lives, but to disrupt and 
end a way of life. With every 
atrocity, they hope that America 
grows fearful, retreating from the 
world and forsaking our friends. 
They stand against us because 
we stand in their way.

We will direct every resource at 
our command -- every means of 
diplomacy, every tool of 
intelligence, every instrument of 
law enforcement, every financial 
influence, and every necessary 
weapon of war -- to the 
destruction and to the defeat of
the global terror network.

Our response involves far more
than instant retaliation and 
isolated strikes. Americans 
should not expect one battle, 
but a lengthy campaign unlike 
any other we have ever seen.

We will starve terrorists of 
funding, turn them one against 
another, drive them from place 
to place until there is no refuge 
or no rest.

And we will pursue nations that 
provide aid or safe haven to 
terrorism. Every nation in every 
region now has a decision to 
make: Either you are with us or 
you are with the terrorists.

From this day forward, any 
nation that continues to harbor 
or support terrorism will be 
regarded by the United States 
as a hostile regime. Our nation 
has been put on notice, we're 
not immune from attack. We will 
take defensive measures against 
terrorism to protect Americans.

The only way to defeat terrorism 
as a threat to our way of life is to 
stop it, eliminate it and destroy it 
where it grows.

The hour is coming when America 
will act and you will make us proud.

This is not, however, just America's 
fight. And what is at stake is not 
just America's freedom.

This is the world's fight. This is 
civilization's fight. This is the fight 
of all who believe in progress and 
pluralism, tolerance and freedom.

We ask every nation to join us.

Americans are asking, ''What is 
expected of us?''

I ask you to live your lives and 
hug your children.

We're in a fight for our principles 
and our first responsibility is to live 
by them. No one should be singled 
out for unfair treatment or unkind 
words because of their ethnic 
background or religious faith.

And finally, please continue praying 
for the victims of terror and their 
families, for those in uniform and 
for our great country. Prayer has 
comforted us in sorrow and will 
help strengthen us for the journey 

Tonight I thank my fellow Americans 
for what you have already done and 
for what you will do.

In all that lies before us, may God 
grant us wisdom and may he watch 
over the United States of America.

This is the World's Fight!!!!!

Excerpt from speech givin 9/20/01
by President of the United States,
George W. Bush

And Justice For All
By Matthew J. Hyatt

Here we sit, one week from the day
that Americans sat in horror, 
not knowing what to say.

The day that had started 
with such a positive tone,
would soon turn to gray, 
leaving so many alone.

The murderers came swiftly, 
like thieves in the night,
and took so many lives.  
What gave them the right?

The rage is growing stronger, 
the tears still fall like rain,
as we look so desperately 
for an end to our pain.

Our search continues 
for innocent lives,
while we plan our response 
to the men with knives.

Drawn together by this 
unfortunate bond,
we help one another to set 
our sights far beyond.

Although we have been through 
such a terrible ordeal,
our resilience and 
our determination 
are as strong as steel.

We are a nation that will 
stand together and fight,
for what we believe 
is ethical and right.

For nothing can bring back 
the ones we have lost,
we will still seek justice 
no matter what cost.

United we stand, 
together we fall,
and never to forget our 

In memory of the men, women and 
children whose lives were lost 
on that terrible day, 
Tuesday, September 11th, 2001.

On Monday we emailed jokes
On Tuesday we did not

On Monday we thought that 
we were secure
On Tuesday we learned better

On Monday we were talking 
about heroes as being
On Tuesday we relearned who 
our heroes are

On Monday we were irritated
 that our rebate checks had
not arrived
On Tuesday we gave money 
away to people we had never

On Monday there were people 
fighting against praying
in schools
On Tuesday you would have 
been hard pressed to find a
school where someone was 
not praying

On Monday people argued 
with their kids about picking
up their room
On Tuesday the same people
 could not get home fast
enough to hug their kids

On Monday people were upset 
that they had to wait 6
minutes in a fast food drive 
through line
On Tuesday people didn't care 
about waiting up to 6
hours to give blood for the dying

On Monday we waved our flags
signifying our cultural
On Tuesday we waved only 
the American flag

On Monday there were people 
trying to separate each other 
by race, sex, color and creed
On Tuesday they were all 
holding hands

On Monday we were men or
 women, black or white, old or
young, rich or poor, gay or 
straight, Christian or
On Tuesday we were Americans

On Monday politicians argued
 about budget surpluses
On Tuesday grief stricken they 
sang 'God Bless America'

On Monday the President was 
going to Florida to read
to children
On Tuesday he returned to
 Washington to protect our

On Monday we had families
On Tuesday we had orphans

On Monday people went to 
work as usual
On Tuesday they died

On Monday people were fighting
 the 10 commandments on
government property
On Tuesday the same people
 all said 'God help us all'
while thinking 'Thou shall not kill'

It is sadly ironic how it takes 
horrific events to
place things into perspective,
but it has.  The
lessons learned this week, the
things we have taken
for granted, the things that 
have been forgotten or
overlooked, hopefully will never 
be forgotten again.
Author Anonymous

Link to Page 1

September 11,2001

Link to Page 2

What Have You done to my Country?
