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Dear Friends,

I realize this past tuesday has
been a horrible and tragic shock
to all of us.  This nation has
NEVER seen such devastation and
it is my prayer we never will again.

Though our future, for the moment,
looks gray, we must hold on to our
faith and know that God will hold
our hand through it all.  This was
true for me and I fear was true
for many of us.  When I watched our
nation being turned upside-down, my
heart and soul were filled with a
pain and sadness, I never knew
possible, yet as I continued to
watch, I was filled with an anger,
I have never felt before.  Anger
is, unfortunately, one of the
strongest emotions known to
mankind, simply because of the
passion that is almost always placed
behind it.

What I ask today is that we fill
ourselves not with hate and anger for
those who have done this, but with hope
and love for those who are around us.
And ask that we fill that love with the
same passion, no, with a hundred times
more passion that we've filled our anger.  
Making love the strongest emotion,
as it should be.  Remember, God promised
he would never forsake us, let's not
forsake Him, or each other.  We have a
duty, not only as Americans but also as
children of God to come together and do
all within our power to help.  Remembering
that through God ALL is within our power.
No, I'm not JUST asking for prayer, but
for a physical effort.  To band together
and help all who have been claimed victim
to this terrifying act of Satan.  These
victims are not just those inside the
buildings or planes, and not just their
family and friends.  I am a victim, you
are all victims.  Though the flames never
touched our skin, our lives along with all
America have been dramatically changed.

As a 17 year old with hundreds of dreams
and plans for my own future, my initial
thoughts were that they were all gone.  I
lost the hope that pushed me toward my
goals and I'm afraid this is true for us
all.  But we can't allow an act of hate
to murder our dreams along with those
thousands of people.  If we do, we've
allowed it to murder a whole nation
because what we do now determines what
our nation becomes.  I realize many of us
may think this happened so far from us, it
doesn't affect us, but in the same sense,
the sun is even further away than this,
yet a whole world depends on it.  this
nation has been frozsen in fear by what's
happened, out lives don't have to be.

When this began to happen, I watched as
everyone, including myself, ran in fear.
I ran all the way to Alabama!  Families
were being evacuated from the military
bases surrounding my house.  My hometown 
in virginia was a small picture, to me, of 
what this chaotic country must look like.  
People being taken advantage of left and 
right as prices of gas skyrocketed.

This is not about the money we can gain.
It's all about the strength we can give
one another.  Please continue your efforts
in prayer but also expand your help to all.
God has carried us this far, He will not
drop us now.

The above was written by a
17 year old friend of mine
named Jeana (Cutie)
I think it expresses what a lot of us are feeling.

God Bless all the victims
and their families.  God
Bless all the firemen,
policemen, doctors, nurses,
EMTs, rescue workers and 
military personal who put 
their lives on the line for
us each and every day.
God Bless all the survivors.
God Bless this great Nation.
God Bless America.
God Bless us All.

Link to Page 2

What Have You done to my Country?

Link to Page 3

God Bless The USA

Thank you for the beautiful award.
