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What Have You done to My country?

I am an American..
this I'm proud to be
No foreign  threat will take 
that away from me ..
This is my land, 
my country, 
my people  whom I love
All races, all colors , 
this land is Blessed from above

We will stand strong 
and prove ourselves if tested
We won't crumble,or be divided 
of terror they have vested
We will hold strong, 
whether it be in prayer or by might
Our tears only water the seeds 
we hold to strengthen us thru this plight

Our flag will fly high  
in all it glory of Red, White and Blue
Our hearts beat with pride 
as we do what we must do
THe people of this great country 
will put aside all foolish drivel
And take up arms together 
to fight for the good to beat the evil

I am an American, 
you'll not take that away from me
I am all people who will fight 
to keep our country free
I am a nation 
quick to defend the unjustice 
and set the record straight
We are a country bonded 
by blood,love,loyalty 
and this you can't negate!!

I am an American 
for One and All
For this reason 
I  stand Tall

Thank you God .

God Bless America and all Our People ! !

Dear heavenly Father,
hear our plea.
this nation needs your Blessing.
We pray, that you will be with 
all the families that are affected
by this horrible happening.
Give the survivors and the families
of the lost ones the strength to carry on. Lord stand beside Her and guide Her. And Lord please give our President the wisdom , to handle this situation wisely. Amen! Lets pray for the victims and for our Country. Pray that out leaders make the right decisions. This was a horrible attack on all the people of the United States. To All That Believe in A Higher Power: Do you remember when there was a time in your life when you didn't think you would make it through the next day. Then somehow God stepped in a made a way for you. Well Now is the time to put our faith together and show our God that we do Believe. Please take a few minutes out of your busy day to ask God to touch those that really need him right now. There are Thousands injured and hundreds died because of some evil act against the country. OUR COUNRY SAYS "IN GOD WE TRUST" so lets pray together and help those that might need it more than ourselves. Go one will one will judge you...They need us right now! Please make a stand!!!!

Graphic by John

The Eagle is Crying

The eagle is crying
As she soars high above
Over a terrible tragedy
On the land she loves.

Her heart is breaking
Over the tragedy of it all
A tear slips from her eye
as the towers begin to fall.

Her people are screaming
and running in fear
Searching and crying
for loved ones held dear.

Cowardly demons
streaking through the air
taking many innocent lives
without a single care.

The American flag
stands tall and still flying
Looking forward to the day
Our eagle stops crying.

Hope in the Harbor

She stood in the harbor's 
morning light
And saw the planes fly by.
She watched them plunge 
into towers of steel
As flames leaped toward the sky.

She listened through 
thunderous crashing &booms 
And heard our people cry.
Yet, still, the Statue of Liberty
Held the symbol of freedom high.

We watch the story unfold 
on the news
As helpers continue to try;
We hope for the best as 
they struggle to dig
Before any survivors may die.

We listen to news anchors 
looking for details
Through hundreds of expert's eyes.
And, still, the Statue of Liberty
Holds the symbol of freedom high.

As we gather our children 
around us and listen
To questions of how and why,
As we ponder the reasons that 
they'll comprehend 
And begin with a heavy sigh,

We can tell them the truth, 
that our comfort & strength
Come from knowing that God is nigh;
And that, still, the Statue of Liberty
Holds the symbol of freedom high.
~LuAnn Strine Phillips~ 


They slithered through the shadows 
into our homeland,
Sneaking around to carry out 
their most evil plan.

With no warning at all 
they caught us off guard,
That terrible morning 
they hit us so hard.

The scenes that followed 
were beyond all belief,
It cut to the bone 
and our hearts filled with grief.

When the cleanup is done 
and we have the death toll,
GOD will open his arms 
and embrace every soul.

For those that lost loved ones 
we pray for you all,
That you find courage 
and strength to go on 
and stand tall.

Our country and the world 
must take a deep breath,
Unite and hunt down 
ALL terrorists of death.

Soldiers of GOD 
we will patiently wait,
Until they slip up 
and seal their own fate.

Though hurting inside 
I stand tall and true,
For if you cut me I bleed 
RED...WHITE...and BLUE!!!

Craig Dark  Chesaning, MI 9-14-2001

Wait until you see what we do with our American Spirit. Sleep tight, if you can. We're coming.

Link to Page 1

September 11, 2001

Link to Page 3

God Bless The USA

I did not write any of the above.
I got them from different
sources on the net and in
email. Only one author is
known. If you are the author
or know the author, I will
be more than happy to add
your name to it or remove it
completely, if that is your
wish.  Spirit
