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I will tell you about Granny's 

Birthday celebration.  Lucy and 

I went to Grannie's and took Sam 

with us.  (Sam lives in the big 

city.  She don't get to come 

out where civilized people are, 

very often.) 

Well, when we got to Granny's 

we couldn't find her!

Then I found her in her 

"private house".

She was sure surprised all right!!! She screamed when I yelled" SURPRISE" when I opened the door! hmmm..... I wonder why she looked at me like this:

Anyway, we sat on the front porch and she began opening her presents. Uncle Hubert gave her a billfold to keep her money in.

Lucy gave her some canned goods.

Sam made her a pretty quilt.

Lucy gave her a new door for her "private House"

And I gave her a new set of fine china!

Well sir! We was all sittin around talkin and having a good time when all of a sudden .... Sam's dog

Takes off after Lucy's cat

And chased it under the clothes line

Knocking the pole down and dragging them in the mud! WEll, you know me!! I am always there to the rescue! I jumped between Grandpa and the pole

And with no thought to my own safety I pushed Grandpa away and the pole with the wet clothes landed on me!!! Grandpa was sooooo grateful that he was speechless and blushed so hard his face turned red! He spent the rest of the day on the front porch whittling on a piece of wood and every once in a while he would look at his stick and then at me. I bet he is making me a surprise for saving him. I think I'll go back over there today and see what he made me. Ya'll have a nice day! Ya hear?
