CARUSO, ENRICO, Tenor (Kah-roo-zoh)
Caruso is the greatest living operatic tenor, one of the outstanding artists of his generation. His American engagements have been a continuous ovation, the great audiences being held spellbound by the exquisite refinement, beauty and power ot his voice. He is a native of Naples and was born in 1873. When he was a mere boy he sang in the churches of Naples, and the beauty of his voice arrested the attention of all who heard it. Caruso was eighteen years old when he met a distinguished baritone, who, after hearing his voice, decided that he would give the young singer substantial assistance. He therefore took him to Maestro Vergine, who was captivated by the beauty and purity of his voice, and began to give him vocal instruction. |
The singer made his debut in 1894 in Naples, in a now forgotten opera, "L'amico Francesco," afterward singing in various Italian cities and in Cairo. A South American engagement followed, and on his return, alter a season in Milan, it was clear that here was one of the most promising young tenors ever heard in Italy. Caruso had made a success in various countries of Europe before coming to America in 1903, but it was his performance of the Duke at the Metropolitan on November 23d of that year which convinced opera-goers that the greatest ot all tenors had arrived. He recently celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of his operatic debut and was accorded special honors by his colleagues at the Metropolitan.
This great artist has made records for the Victor since 1903, and the present contract with the tenor does not expire until 1934.
THE CARUSO RECORDS (Sung in Italian unless otherwise noted) No. Size
Addio a Napoli (Farewell to Naples) T. Cottrau............................................................
87312 10
Adorables Tourments (Love's Teasing) In French Bartholemy........................................
88115 12
Africana—0 Paradiso (Oh, Paradise 1) Meyerbeer.......................................................
88054 12
Agnus Dei (Lamb or God) In Latin Bizet........................................................................88425
A Granada InSfianish Gras y Elias-Alvarez....................................................................
88623 12
Alda-Celeste Alda (Heavenly Alda) Verdi.....................................................................
88127 12
Alba separa dalla luce 1'ombra (Day Banishes the Night) Tosti......................................
87272 10
AmoiMio (My Love) (Vocal Waltz) Gacta-Ricciardi.....................................................
87176 10
Andrea Chenier—Come un bel di di maggio Giordano..................................................
87266 10
Andrea Chenier—Un di all' azzurro spazio Umberto Giordano......................................
88060 12
Ave Maria In Latin (Violin by Elman) Kahn...................................................................
89065 12
Because In French Teschemacher-d'Hardelot...............................................................
87122 10
Boheme—lo non ho che una povera stanzetta Leoncavallo............................................
88335 12
Boheme—Racconto di Rodolfo (Rudolph's Narrative)..................................................
88002 12
Boheme—Testa adorata (Adored One I) Leoncavallo..................................................
88331 12
Campana di San Giusto (Chimes of San Giusto) , Drovetti-Arona.................................
88612 12
CampaneaSera (Ave Maria) Billi-Malretti.....................................................................
88615 12
Cantape'me (Neapolitan Song) Bovio-de Curtis............................................................
87092 10
Carmen—Air dela fleur (Flower Song) In French Bizet.................................................
88208 12
Carmen—11 fior che avevi a me (Flower Song) Bizet...................................................
88209 12
Cavalleria Rusticana—Addio alia madre (Turiddu's Farewell) Mascagni........................
88458 12
Cavalleria Rusticana—Siciliana (Harp accompaniment) Mascagni..................................
87072 10
Chanson de Juin (Song of June) In French Barrucand-Godard.......................................
88579 12
Cid, Le—O souverain, ô juge, ô père! In French Massenet...........................................
88554 12
Cielo Turchino (Neapolitan Song) G.Capaldo-M S. Ciociano.......................................
87218 10
Core 'ngrato (Neapolitan Song) Cordiferro-Cardillo.....................................................
88334 12
Danza—Tarantella Napolitana Pepoli-Rossini..............................................................
88355 12
Deux Serenades (Two Serenades) In French (Violin by Elman).....................................
89085 12
Don Sebastian—In terra solo (On Earth Alone) Donizetti..............................................
88106 12
Dreams of Long Ago In English Carroll-Caruso............................................................
88376 12
Duca D'Alba—Angelo casto e bel (Beauteous Angel) Donizetti....................................
88516 12
Elegie—Melodie In French (Violin by Elman) Massenet...............................................
89066 12
Elisir d'amore—Una furtiva lagrima (A Furtive Tear) Act II Donizetti............................
88339 12
Eternamente (For All Eternity) Mazzoni-Mascheroni....................................................
88333 12
EugenOnegin— Air de Lienski (Faint Echo of My Youth) French.................................
88582 12
Faust—Salut demeure (All Hail, Thou Dwelling!) In French Gounod.............................
88003 12
Favorita—Spirto gentil (SpiritSo Fair) Donizetti............................................................
88004 12
Fenesta che lucive (The Shining Window) (Neapolitan Song)........................................
88439 12
For You Alone In English O'Reilly-Giehl.......................................................................
87070 10
Forza del Destino—O tu che in seno agl'angeli (Thou Heavenly One)............................
88207 12
Garibaldi's Hymn (Italian Patriotic Air) Mercantini.........................................................
87297 10
Germania—Non chiuder gli occhi vaghi (Those Dreamy Eyes) Franchetti.......................
87054 10
Germania—Studenti, udite! (Students, arise!) Franchetti................................................
87053 10
Gioconda—Romanza—Cielo e mar (Heaven anAOcean) Ponchielli..............................
88246 12
Goodbye—Addio ? Paolo Tosti...................................................................................
88280 12
Guardann' a Luna (Lively Moon) Crescenzo.................................................................
87162 10
Hosanna (Easter Song) In French - Jules Granier..........................................................
88403 12
Huguenots—Piu bianca—Romanza (Fairer Than a Lily) Meyerbeer..............................
88210 12
Ideale (My Ideal) . Paolo Tosti.....................................................................................
88049 12
Juive, La— Rachel! quand du Seigneur la grace tutilaire In French Halevy.....................
88625 12
La mia canzone (My Song to Thee) Paolo Tosti............................................................
87213 10
Largo from Xerxes Handel...........................................................................................
88617 12
Lasciati amar (Let Me Love Thee) Leoncavallo.............................................................
87161 10
Lolita—Spanish Serenade Buzzi-Peccia........................................................................
88120 12
Lost Chord In English Proctor-Sullivan..........................................................................
88378 12
Love is Mine In English . Teschemacher-Gartner...........................................................
87095 10
Love Me or Not In English Secchi................................................................................
88616 12
Luna d'Estate (Summer Moon) Riccardo Mazzola-F. Paolo Tosti..................................
87242 10
Macbeth—Ah, la paterna mano (My Paternal Hand) Verdi............................................
88558 12
Mamma mia che vo'sape (Neapolitan Song) Nutile........................................................
88206 12
Manella Mia (Neapolitan Song) V. Valente....................................................................
88465 12
Manon—"Ah ! fuyez, douce image" (Preceded by "Je suis seul") French.........................
88348 12
Manon Lescaut—Donna non vidi mai (A Maiden So Fair) (Harp acc.)..........................
67135 10
Martha—M'appari (Like a Dream) Flotow....................................................................
88001 12
Masked Ball—Di'tu se fedele (with Opera Chorus) Verdi...............................................
87091 10
Masked Ball—Ma se mé forza perderti (Forever to Lose Thee).....................................
88346 12
Mia sposa sara Ie mia bandiera (My Bride Shall Be My Flag) Rotoli...............................
88555 12
Musica Proibita (Forbidden Music) Stanislas Gastaldon...................................................
88586 12
Nero—Ah, mon sort ! In French (Harp acc.) Rubinstein..................................................
88589 12
Noel (Holy Night) (Christmas Song) In French Adam......................................................
88561 12
O sole mio (My Sunshine) Capurro-di Capua...................................................................
87243 10
Otello—Ora e per sempre addio (Forever Farewell) Verdi..............................................
87071 10
Over There 1st verse English, 2nd oerse French George M. Cohan..................................
87294 10
Pagliacci—No, Pagliacci non son (Punchinello no more) Leoncavallo...............................
88279 12
Pagliacci—Vesti la giubba (On with the Play) Leoncavallo...............................................
88061 12
Parted In English - F. Paolo Tosti....................................................................................
87186 10
Pearl Fishers—De mon amie (My Love) French Bizet.....................................................
87269 10
Pearl Fishers— Jecrois entendre encore (I Hear as in a Dream) French
Bizet................... 88580 12
Pecche? (Why?) Neapolitan Song De Flaviis-Gaetano E. Pennine....................................
88517 12
Pieta, Signorel (Lord, Have Mercy 1) Attributed to Stradella...........................................
88599 12
Pourquoi? (Tell Me Why?) In French Heine-Tschaikowsky.............................................
87271 10
Pour un baiser (For a Kiss) In French Tosti.....................................................................
87042 10
Procession, La In French Ch. Brizeux-Cesar Franck........................................................88556
Queen of Sheba—Magiche note (Magic Tones 1) Goldmark..........................................
87041 10
Queen of Sheba-Prete-moi ton aide (Lend Me Your Aid) French Gounod......................
88552 12
Rameaux, Les (The Palms) In French Jean Faure............................................................
88459 12
Regiment de Sambre et Meuse (Marching Song of French Soldiers)In French
Planquette. 88600 12
Requiem Mass—Ingemisco In Latin Verdi......................................................................
88514 12
Rigoletto—La donna e mobile (Woman is Fickle) Verdi..................................................
87017 12
Rigoletto—Parmi veder Ie lagrime (Each Tear That Falls) Verdi......................................
88429 12
Rigoletto—Questa o quella (Mid the Fair Throng) Verdi.................................................
87018 10
Samson et Dalila—Vois ma misere (Sore My Distress) French (with Chor.)....................
88581 12
Sancta Maria In French Bertrand-Faure.........................................................................
88559 12
Santa Lucia Neapolitan Neapolitan Folk Song................................................................
88560 12
Serenade de Don Juan (Don Juan's Serenade) In French Tschaikowsky..........................
87175 10
Si vous 1'aviez compris (Had You But Known) French (Violin bu Elman)........................
89084 12
Stabat Mater-Cujus Animam (Through His Wounded Side) Latin Rossini........................
88460 12
Tarantella Napolitana—La Danza Pepoli.Rossini.............................................................
88355 12
Tarantella Sincera (Neapolitan Song) de Crescenzo........................................................
88347 12
Tiempo Antico (Olden Times)........................................................................................
88472 12
Tosca—E'lucevan le stelle (The Stars are Shining) Puccini...............................................
87044 10
Tosca—Recondita armonia (Strange Harmony) Puccini..................................................
87043 10
Trovatore—Ah, si ben mio (The Vows We Fondly Plighted) Verdi.................................
88121 12
Trovatore—Di quella pira (Tremble, Ye Tyrants) Verdi..................................................
87001 10
Trusting Eyes In English E. Teschemacher-C. G. Gartner................................................
87187 10
Uocchie Celeste (Blue Eyes) Armando Gill-Vincenzo de Crescenzo................................
88587 12
Vieni Sul Mar! (Over the Sea)........................................................................................
87305 10
Vucchella.'A (A Little Posy) Neapolitan D'Annunzio-Tosti..............................................
87304 10
Your Eyes Have Told Me In English Bowles-O'Hara......................................................
87159 10
Faust—Eternelle (Garden Scene) In French Gounod.......................................................
89031 12
Faust—11 se fait tard (Garden Scene) In French Gounod...............................................
89032 12
Faust—Act V, Attends, voici la rue (Prison Scene) In French Gounod............................
89034 12
Faust—Act V (Mon coeur) (Prison Scene) In French Gounod........................................
89033 12
Madama Butterfly—0 quanf occhi fisi (Kindly Heavens) Puccipi.......................................89017
Manon—OnrappelleManon (She is Called Manon) /n French Massenet..........................
89059 12
Aida—Aldaametogliesti (Aida Thou Hast Taken) Verdi 8905).........................................89051
Alda—Gia i sacerdoti adunansi (The Priests Assemble) Verdi.........................................
89050 12
Trovatore—Ai nostri monti (Home to Our Mountains) Verdi...........................................
89018 12
Trovatore—Mal reggendo (At My Mercy Lay the Foe) Verdi.........................................
89049 12
Boheme—Ah, Mimi, tu piu (Mimi. False One) Puccini.....................................................
89006 12
Don Carlos—Dio che nell' alma (God in My Soul) Verdi.................................................
89064 12
Forza del Destino—Solenne in quest'ora (Swear in this Hour 0 Verdi...............................
89001 12
Madama Butterfly—Velodissi? (Did 1 Not Tell You ?) Puccini.........................................
89047 12
Madama Butterfly—Act I, Amore o grille (Love or Fancy) Puccini...................................
89043 12
Aida—La fatal pietra (The Fatal Stone) Caruso and Gadski.............................................
89028 12
Aida—O terra addio (Farewell. Oh Earth) Caruso and Gadski.........................................
89029 12
A la Luz de la Luna (Anton-Michelena) in Spanish Caruso and de Gogorza......................
89083 12
Boheme—O soave fanciulla (Sweetest Maiden) Caruso and Melba..................................
95200 12
Crucifix In French Caruso and Journet..............................................................................
89054 12
Elisir d'Amore—VentiScudi (Twenty Crowns) Caruso and De Luca.................................
89089 12
Faust—Finale Act I (Heavenly Vision) Caruso and Journet...............................................
89039 12
Forza del Destine—11 segreto fu dungue violate Caruso and de
Luca.............................. 89087 12
Forza del Destine—Le minaccie Caruso and Amato.........................................................
89053 12
Guarany—Sento una forza indomita Caruso and Destinn...................................................
89078 12
Martha—Solo, profugo (Lost, Proscribed) Caruao and Joumet........................................
89036 12
Otello—Si pel ciel Caruso and Ruffo...............................................................................
89075 12
Pearl Finhers—Dc] tempio al limkar Caruso and Ancona................................................
89007 12
Traviata—Brindisi—Libiam nei lieti calici Caruso and Gluck............................................
87511 10
Trovatore—Ai nostri monti Caruso and Schumann-Heink...............................................
89060 12
Trovatore—Miserere Caruso, Alda and Metropolitan
Opera Chorus............................ 89030 12
Faust—Alertel ou vous etes perdus French Caruso, Farrar and Journet.............................
95203 12
Faust—Trio du Duel (Whal is Your Will ?) Caruso. Scotti and Joumet..............................
95206 12
Lombard;—Qual volutta (With Sacred Joy ) Caruso, Alda and Journet.............................
95211 12
Samson et Dallla—Je viens c6l6brer la victoire French Caruso-Homer-Journet.................
89088 12
Martha—Siam giunti, o giovinctte (This is Your Future Dwelling) FIotow..........................
95207 12
Martha—Che vuol dir do (Surprised and Astoundedl)
FIotow................................... 95208 12
Martha—Presto, presto (Spinning Wheel Quartet)
FIotow...................................... 95209 12
Martha—Quartette nottumo (Good Night Quartet)
FIotow..................................... 95210 12
Faust—Seigneur Dieu (From Garden Scene, Part I) In French Gounod ............................
95204 12
Faust—Eh quo; toujours seule (From Garden Scene, Part II) French ................................
95205 12
Boheme—Quartet, Act III
Caruso, Farrar, Viafora and Scotti.................................. 96002
Lucia-Sextette. Act 11 Caruso. Galli-Curci. Egener, de Luca. Journet,
Bada........................ 95212 12
Lucia—Sextette, Act II Caruso, Sembrich. Severina, Scotti, Journet,
Daddi......................... 96200 12
Lucia—Sextette, Act II Caruso. Tetrazzini, Amato, Journet, Jacoby,
Bada........................... 96201 12
Masked Ball—E scherzo Caruso, Hempel, Duchene, Rothier, deSegurola............................
89076 12
Masked Ball—La rivedra Caruso, Hempel, Rothier, de Segurola (Cho)...............................
89077 12
Caruso. Abott, Homer and Scotti.........................................
96000 12
Caruso. Galli-Curci. Perini and de Luca.....................................
95100 12
Caruso. Sembrich. Severina and Scotti.....................................
96001 12