1. Starting Out

1.1 Getting in your apartment

1.2 Equiping your weapon

1.3 Skills

a. Constitution

b. Dexterity

c. Intelligence

d. Psi Powers

e. Strength

1.4 Sewers

1.5 Getting quick cash

2. Leaving the Sewers

2.1 Pepper Park

2.2 Outzone

2.3 Wastelands

2.4 Tech Haven

2.5 Military Base

3. Misc Information

3.1 Copbots

3.2 STORM Bots



1.1 Getting in your apartment

Basically this is the biggest question for people who just start out in the game (nOObs). How do I get into my apartment? Even though if you read the pop-ups you can see how, I'll tell you how here. Just simply right click on the switch to the left of your door and bam, your door is open. Now what you find in your apartment is: GenRep, GoGuardian, Chars + Table, Storage Space, and a CityCom Terminal. The GenRep can be used to get your stash back without having to leave your current location, GoGuardian is used to store stuff for easy access in many, many places , Char + Table is there for you to sit and have a cold refreshing beer with your friends , Storage Space is where you can store stuff like in the GoGuardian but can't be recovered unless you are in your apartment , CityCom Terminal is one of many that are located around the world on Neocron which allows you to go from just searching info on players,clans,ownage of factories, and such to downloading missions to complete for credits.YOUR KEY CODE TO YOUR APARTMENT IS YOUR IN GAME NAME.

1.2 Equiping your weapon

Another big question is....How do I equip stuff? Well it is simply, just click and drag it over to the right side of the screen where you see numbers 1,2,3,4, etc. to one of those slots. Then when you want to use/equip it just press the number and there ya go. Simply huh? I usually equip my weapon then some medipacks for quick healing, not to mention that if you die without your chip in your lose something in your quickbelt. So it is nice to have items of less value in there for your chances to increase. To fire your weapon simply left click on the target. Remember to let your aim sit for a minute for a better chance of your shot hitting the enemy with guns.

1.3 Skills

This game is all about skills and how you use them. Starting off (depending on your class) you will have some skills raised up already and some skills that are low, real low. Got this from Spookie over at

Constitution - Just like strength but dictates how much damage your char does.

Athletics [ATL] - Influences your movement speed and your ablility to jump.
Body Health [HLT] - Directly relates to your hit points. The overall health of your character mainly relates to this skill.
Endurance [END] - Modifies your stamina. The overall stamina of your character mainly relates to this skill.
Resist Fire [ENR] - Controls how well you resist fire.
Resist Energy [POR] - Controls how well you resist energy.
Resist XRAY [XRR] - Controls how well you resist XRAY.
Resist Poison [ELR] - Controls how well you resist Poison.

- Combination on manual dex and coordination. A must for marksmen or drivers, subskills also include recylcling and repair so a must for tradesmen as well.

Pistol Combat [P-C] - Enables you to handle better pistols.
Rifle Combat [R-C] - Enables you to handle better rifles.
Hightech Combat [T-C] - Enables you to handle hightech weapons.
Vehicle Use [VHC] - Improves how well you use vehicle's.
Agility [AGL] - Improves swiftness of movment and the damage you take in melee combat.
Repair [REP] - Fix or improve failing weapons/objects.
Recycle [REC] - Transform junk or items into raw material. You must have at least half the level of the tech level of the thing you want to recycle.
Remote Control [RCL] - The capablity of using drones: observers, killers, control etc.

Intelligence - If you char focuses on hacking, implanting and research this skill should be high

Hacking [HCK] - Improves hacking skill
Barter [BRT] - So you can negotiate prices with NPC vendors (and get a better price).
PSI Use [PSU] - Modifies everything connected to PSI powers in General. For instance the duration of PSI action, the damage of a PSI attack etc.
Weapon Lore [WEP] - Influences your actions when aiming while fighting (ARG PSI and Firing Weapons).
Construction [CST] - Your ability to build and modify weapons. The better this is the better the results and the higher Tech level things you can build.
Research [RES] - Needed to create blueprints from inspecting items. To sucessfully use this skill it has to be as high as the tech level of the item you want to inspect.
Implant [IMP] - To successfully use implantable items you will need this skill. It modifies the durablility decrease of an item when implanting it.

PSI-Power - Psi, power of the mind, can be used agressively, passively or exoticly

Passive PSI Use [PPU] - Your skill to use defensive PSI powers affectively.
Agressive PSI Use [APU] - Your skill to use agressive PSI powers affectively.
Exotic PSI Use [EPU] - Your skill to use PSI powers which are neither aggressively used nor defensively used (eg healing).
PSI Power [PPW] - Influences your ammount of PSI Energy (points). The overall PSI power of your char mainly relates to this skill.
Resist PSI [PSR] - Your ablity to resist Psi attacks.
Willpower [WPW] - Your ability to concentrate. This influances your Aiming ablilites or other tasks where concentration is needed.

Strength - For those who want a char who uses heavy weapons or melee combat (tank).

Melee Combat [M-C] - Your ablility to handle small meelee arms in combat. The damage done relates to this skill.
Heavy Combat [H-C] - Your ablility to handle heavy weapons like rocket launchers in combat. The damage done with such a weapon is related to this skill.
Transport [TRA] - This skill influences you maximum carry capacity. MAX LOAD in your inventory indicates how much you can carry.
Resist Force [FOR] - Influences the damage you take from explosion shockwaves (must for high lvl combat).

1.4 Sewers

Here is a place you'll be spending alot of your time if your just starting out. The Sewers is your main port for money/exp, you'll want to spend at least a day or two down here killing stuff and picking up chitin for sell or usuage. Just remember that if you have your chip out down here people can PK (player-kill) you and they have (most of the time) no problem with it. I would start out killing roaches then as you move up in lvls you can start killings spiders, small rats, rats, giant rats, and then you can make your way out of the sewers to explore the world. Good Luck.

1.5 Getting quick cash

For a nOOb, cash is the main deal for you right now (well besides exp). You have about 3 choices here : 1) you can stay in the sewers and kill stuff making small amounts of money while gaining exp. 2) you can take on a mission for the city and gain about 400 cr everytime you complete them and 50 exp to all major skills. 3) you can sell chitin (about 75 - 100 each). Those are the best choices I can think of for you guys to do for right now. Later on in the game you'll find that there are many, many ways to make credits in the game besides those ways I have just listed.



2.1 Pepper Park

Pepper Park is a good place to get killed at without your chip. Basically this place is for all the people who want to pk or go to the sewers in PP and battle mutants. Really this is a colorful place to run around and get lost if you're not careful, like all the other distracts you have your weapons, ammo, and high tech weapons stores. What really sets this apart from other districts is the large amount of whores in the area. I mean if you ever wanted to see some whores...this is the place to go. Just don't get fooled into wasteing tons of credits (I mean come on, they're not real anyways). Just have fun and enjoy.

2.2 Outzone

This is your one way ticket to the Wastelands. Here is basically another district except for the fact that you can get killed here too! Oh wait, that's just like Pepper Park but without the whores =P. You have your basic places to shop and sell goods. Then there is this giant door that leads your way to the Wastelands. (Will give more information later on)

2.3 Wastelands

Here is where it all happens! You got clan wars going on behind your backs and you don't even know they exist. You can explore the Wastelands but be warned they are vast. You'll see factories, uplinks, outposts, etc. There is so much to explore out there, but be warned that they are also so many creatures that kill you. The most dangerous I have encountered were the Hover Eyes, Bombers. What they do is hover near you and basically for most newbs kill you with one shot. So in the words of a known friend "They kill all living things". So stay clear of these. Not too much I can say about the Wastelands except to just explore, you'll find stuff. Not to mention some really, really big monsters. Thanks for the shots Spyder *wink*

2.4 Tech Haven

Home of the Fallen Angels, this is a base/city. You'll be amazed by the hugeness of this place, you got stores, GenReps, and even sewers. In these sewers you'll find stuff a hell of alot stronger then those darn rats and roaches, Sentry guns will be attacking you down here. They give good exp and real good money, but they pack a hard punch. Basically like Neocron except that it is underground, you can purchase clan/regular apartments here if you would like to as well.

2.5 Military Base

From what I have heard there is bascially nothing here but some decent size monsters and high tech weapons. Don't see much of a point of getting into this topic due to the lack of real purpose of this place besides it being: 1) Really far away 2) Faction head quarters of CityMercs.



3.1 Copbots

Cops bots are the police of Neocron but instead of going to jail if your a criminal you'll prob get destroyed by their powerful weapons of mass destruction. So I best advice for you as a nOOb is to stay clear of being a criminal at the start of your Neocron life. Trust me (from previous knowledge) they have no problem killing you and you have no chance of killing them. On the bright side of things, if you have a guy tring to kill you and he happens to have a low soul light then just run on by a Copbot and he'll leave you alone for the moment.

3.2 STORM Bots

Lets say a riot breaks out and lots of people start killing Copbots, then these guys come into play. They are the GODS of the Neocron world, you can't win but you always lose. If you see one with their gun out pointing at you, then my best advice is to run like hell because your not gonna even touch these guys before they blow your brains out.