Steve Blackman defeated both my boy Teddy Ted and the Brooklyn Brawler to become the number one contendor towards the Toughest SOB title. Kurt Angle defeated William Regal to continue the Fab 5's winning streak and to become the number one contendor at the TV title. Then Mike Sanders of Fab 5 fame, defeated Steve Austin in the finals of the Toughest SOB title tournament. Billy Gunn only continued the Fab 5's success when he defeated that Raven guy to retain his Central States title. In the other tournament finals, RVD defeated HHH to become the TV champion. Then in my opinion was the greatest match of the night, Bret Hart defeated Chris Jericho in the TLC Match to become the HTF's newest commissioner. Finally, in what was probably the most confusing match of the night...Stacy, Cactus, and HBK...yeah that's right HBK defeated The Rock, Lita and World Champ Chyna, but let's not ignore the fact that Al Snow also got involved and cost Chyna what could have possibly been the victory they needed. What the fuck is going on? I dunno...but we're probably gonna have to wait until next year to find out...LoL!