Whether they be hilarious, ironic or stupid enough to be on here, these are my favorite quotes of the week. I'm not telling you for what reason I chose them, some you can figure out by yourself and some you'll just have to take it for what it's worth!

HBK: When I woke up this morning,I looked into the mirror and for the first time in months a smile came across my face too!Cause I saw myself no longer as a has-been..a nobody..an also ran..yesterday's news..I'm not any of those God damnit,I am HBK,a Hall of Famer and world reknown legend!!!

Lita: Can I pinch your cheeks?? You're adorable!!

:::The kid, thoroughly embarrassed and blushing giggles as he tells her "When I grow up, will you marry me?" This makes Lita laugh...:::

Lita: We'll see (laughing) You call me in about 10 years, OK?

Gunn:Hey where is Steve?

Sanders:I dont know I thought he was with you guys.

Angle:Nope, I know you guys have a match this week but still. No one has seen him all week. I wonder where he could be.

Sanders:Maybe Cole got a hold of him.