Carnage sets Falls on Fire

Height= 6'0"
Weight=205 lbs
Titles Held: WHW World Champion(Current)
Finsher: Total Destruction

Putting his body on the line everynight Craig Carnage is a fan favorite
With his suicide dives over the ropes and his top rope arsenal and his willingness to go hardcore you never know what to expect in a match from Carnage.

Carnage's Destruction of Falls
Carnage Spikes Legion
Cranage Flips Off TopRope Onto Diablo
Carnage Suicide Dive Onto Diablo
Carnage with a splash on Glenn Falls
Carnage with a dropkick to Glenn Falls


  • Carnage finshes off Legion
  • Carnage hits the swanton
  • Carnage with a dive over the toprope on Diablo
  • Carnage with a monkeyflip to Legion
  • Carnage destroys Falls
  • Carnage hits K-Mo with a dvd
  • Carnage pins Falls with the Northern Lights suplex.
  • Carnage lands on Glenn Falls with a top rope leg drop
  • Carnage Kills Random with a SitDown PowerBomb
  • Carnage with a Shinning Wizard
  • Carnage hits the migraine
  • Carnage with a standing Hurricanrana