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5374 Niagara-Carthage Rd, Southern Pines, NC  28327   (910)692-5593   Map, e-mail




Pre-Natal & Post Natal Classes & Assisted Childbirth Classes

The mother is everyone's first teacher.  Where do moms and moms-to-be find support and training?  Come together in a class designed to enhance your birthing experience.  Honor natures way of opening your body through Yoga.

This very important and perhaps somewhat overwhelming change in our mind and body can be shared with other women.  How different our lives can be if we nurture each other emotionally and physically.

Allow the wisdom of your body  to create a natural flow opening as a flower to life creating a beautiful experience.

How can Yoga affect your experience?  By teaching you to breath, one of the basic and most important ingredients of Relaxation, Stretching and Strengthening.  Our breath, ours and our babies, is the basis for life.  It nourishes our body and soul.  It brings strength to the body and peace to the soul.

Each Trimester has different challenges for your body; we will discuss and work within these needs.

Perhaps you are asking why Yoga?

1.  Yoga's discipline of breath will enable you to be calm, focused and maintain your energy level.

2.  Yoga teaches you to focus on what your are feeling; creating a body-feedback system.  Learning to stay in the moment and calm gives you confidence and the ability to soften and release as you experience labor and delivery.

3.  Classes are weekly for the entire pregnancy to ensure that the breathing techniques are second nature by the time of delivery.

4.  You may choose to have me attend your labor and delivery.  I will provide emotional support, breathing and movement, as well as massage & acupressure to encourage regular productive contractions.

5.  Six to eight weeks prior to delivery I will work with you and your partner to prepare them to assist you.  We will meet six times to instill the practice and create confidence.

Yoga Mom classes will be held Tuesdays at 4:30 p.m. Baby & Mom classes will be held Thursdays at 4:30 p.m.  Classes will be ongoing & open to new students.  Dress in comfortable stretchy clothes.  Bring a pillow and blanket.  Check with your doctor first.  If your doctor has any questions please have him contact me.  I have received positive feedback from several OB's and I truly appreciate their receptivity. 

Class is to encourage bonding time between mother & baby to help the new mom strengthen and center as well as a way to play with the new baby. 

Partner/coaching classes:  Pre-natal labor and delivery support will be taught during the last 6-8 weeks prior to delivery.  By having six classes your partner will become comfortable with the breathing technique, it will be natural by then.  He will have learned relaxation techniques and had ample practice with you.  Use of the birthing ball and helpful supported positions will be practiced. 

Birth Plan:  we will review your concerns and desires during labor, i.e. when you would want medications or not, number of guests in your room (relatives and friends, it has become more popular, do you really want anyone other than your coach and medical staff), holding your baby and breast feeding immediately or after clean up.

Instructor:  (Grandmothering) Sandra Thomas, RYT, ICMT Special training in labor & delivery

Qualifications:  Nationally Certified Yoga Instructor, Internationally Certified Massage Therapist, American Specialty Health Network, mother of two, daughter, woman


