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This page contiains some of my fav. places and people...but not enough of each to make a single page! From Mel Gibson to Ice cream to Cars to Kinder's...Here it is.

Mel Gibson *pant pant*

Great Mel site!!

Big collection of Mel pic's! Ooo La La!

Official Site for Conspiracy Theory Check it out!

Neon Enthusiasts!

Nifty Neon Shrine

Ever been lucky enough to taste the little piece of heaven called Ben&Jerry's Ice Cream? Well here is the Ben&Jerry web page!


They have a flavor sheet, fun pages, even a mail order service!!
!!!YUM YUM!!!

One of the Benifits of buying Ben&Jerry Ice Cream is that they always support COOL foundations, like the one above!!


I have loved these things since I first expierenced them in Germany when I was an exchange student. Since my collection of the toys is not very impressive (20 at themost.. Hey! give me a break....They aren't SUPPOSED to be sold in the US and to make matters worse..I'm in North Dakota!! ;) ) So here are some sites with GREAT collections on them!

Links to other Kinder sites...and a nice pic of a moving toy...

In both German and English, you can buy, sell, and trade here!

Awsome Kinder Egg site!

Yet another collector!

Well that's all for now! More to come of course...Please E-mail me if you think anything should be taken off, put on, or left alone here! Thanx!

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