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Welcome to my Virtual Portfolio

I hope to do a few things with this portfolio. One thing is to prove the things that I have learned over the last semester in my education classes. An example of this is the different teaching techniques, and how and why I want to use them in my classroom experiences. I have included several lessons plans in which I use certain methods, and how I plan to intertwine them into the classroom setting.

The one thing, and the main thing I want this to prove is the sort of personality that I have, and how I’m going to use that in the classroom also. I think that a teacher's personality is one thing that really makes them stand out above the rest. I think that this portfolio will show what kind of personality that I have. Just the basic set-up of the pages, and the little things that you will notice will be the main thing that sets this portfolio apart from the rest.

Table of Contents

Standard 4
Standard 7
Combination of Standards 4 and 7
Other Standards
Service Learning
