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Combinations of Standard 4 and 7

Standard 4 and 7- Combinations

With all of my lesson plans that I have done over the past semester, I think that lesson 1is the one in which combines the two mains standards together the best. I think that like with the opening, they are exposed to something that they would only learn in an agriculture or science based class. Plus, they are encouraged to do some critical thinking as well with the lab exercise of picking out the specific characteristics of monocots and diocots. Then with the main part of the lesson, they are exposed to traits and practices that are more commonly used in the agriculture area. And they are also encouraged to do some critical thinking with the second lab as well. There they are given a problem like you are in a very dry area that has sand based soil. You have some options of what to do, and it will be up to the student to figure out whether or not they should irrigate, or plant a crop there that is more suitable to dry, sandy soils.

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