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Scenarios 1 and 2 for Lesson 7

Scenario 1:

You have just moved onto your new farm. You hear your next-door neighbor, Farmer Bob has a really bad reputation of spraying his field, and doesn’t really have a sense of what he is doing. He sprays at the wrong time of the day, and doesn’t do much research into the type of sprays he is using. He has also killed quit of few of your other neighbor’s crops. It is vital that you get this year’s crop planted and harvested in order to have some cash for the next year. What are your options? What things can you do to make sure your crop survives?

Scenario 2:

There is a pond on your land that is really getting annoying to you because it floods over onto your farmland every spring. You want to utilize your land to its optimum level. You have a few options:

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Lesson 7