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Lesson 1

Topic: Plants in General

Basic Summary: Students will learn about the main two types of plants that exists, how to classify them by distinguishing characteristics.

Lesson Objectives- SWBAT:

1. Distinguish characteristics that separate a Monocot from a Diocot.

2. Know what types of climates each style of plant can go in.

Overall Evaluation

Students will have a test of 50 questions that will be worth 2 points a piece on topics that go over information that has been talked about in lecture and handouts in class.

Preparation: Use of student knowledge that they already have from their Biology and Earth Science courses.

Materials: Handouts and worksheets

Time: Three to five class periods.

Opening: Students will be able to examine and dissect examples of a germinated Monocot (ie. Corn), and Diocot (ie. Any general type of bean like Kidney, etc.).

Body: Students will be able learn specific characteristics about each system of plant, and also learn what it takes to grow with any certain types of conditions available.

Closing: Does and Don'ts of seed propagation and asexual plant propagation.

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Standards 4 and 7