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Lesson 4 and 5: Crops in North Dakota

Topic: Classifying plants native to ND: Students will have skills to help them classify and identify major plants in ND.

Basic Summary: Students will use skills learned from past objectives to identify and name certain plants from ND.

Lesson Objectives- SWBAT, using information from past lesson plans from this unit:

1. Classify and identify the main forage and grain crops grown in ND.

2. Classify and identify grasses and other plants that are native to ND.

3. Classify and identify the main noxious weeds.

4. Identify or describe methods of conservation, ways to help native plants thrive, and ways to combat unwanted plants.

Evaluation: This will happen 10-20 minutes after each class lecture and some time after class(students will be able to take home mounts and seeds in order to study them):

Overall Evaluation:

Students will have a test of 30 stations of North Dakota plant and seed specimens, including grain and forage crops, grasses and noxious weeds. They should be able to identify which part of the state they are native to, and be able to name the samples. This will be done in small groups, and students will be able to help each other.

Preparation: Use of past lessons plans from this unit to teach characteristics of plants and have example of the plants available.

Materials: Plant mounts and seed samples, worksheet

Time: Three to five class periods.

Opening: If available- take a field trip out to a local hill or field, to show them samples and introduce them to the subject.

Body: Students will be able to work in groups, be able to pick out specific characteristics about each plant (Why they grow in ND, etc..). Also will have a discussion of the importance of cash grains crops grown in ND.

Closing: Discussion on conservation, and weed control, and why it is vital to all farmers.

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