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Heavensent: The Backstreet Boys

Dear People,

Sorry, but we decided to take this page down. Why? Well we are all VERY busy people. And we decided to get lives. Surprising, uh?

Well I , Liz, am going to *buckle down and study so I can get into the Unversity of Florida so I can marry Nick*...ahem. Too much information! Anyway. And I really need to study. I am seriously failing math. *ouch*. Not a GOOD thing.

Lord knows what Sarah is doing. I believe she helping out one of our friends, with her Nick Carter fan fiction site. Her name is Mandy. She is a doll. She tried to tell us to keep this page up, but after endless hours of whining, she still could not get us to keep this page up.

Cherry is off doing whatever weird little things she does. She's trying to get her fanfics up at the Backstreet Fan Fiction Galaxy, and she's thinking of making an Aj page.

Krystal is off doing her weird little things that she likes to do. She's trying to become a DJ on our local radio station. *Pray for her children*

So, in wrapping this all up, we are slowly getting lives. You can still e-mail us though. We would love to talk to you guys.

Alrighty people. We're officially signing off.

Keep The Backstreet Pride Alive.




Liz's E-mail
Sarah's e-mail
Krystal's E-mail
Cherry's E-mail