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White Tigress' Story

The zoo again was crowded but the tigers and their cubs didn't care as long as they had each other and food what more could they want. The smallest and youngest a white tigress seemed to attract the most attention. The mother of the litter that the humans call Albina looks at the sky and notices that it's about to rain. "Come children." She calls as none of them have true names. The father, Bangladesh watches his children than goes over and picks his only daughter up by the scruff of the neck and carries her into their den. "Dad! I wanted to stay out and play!" The cub in Bangladesh's mouth says batting at the air. "Not now it is going to rain sides it is time to sleep." Albina says as she takes the cub and starts to sing a lullaby. "But.I'm not.. sleepy.. mommy" The cub soon falls asleep.

"White." The mother coos but than stops when she notices that the cub is asleep. Bangladesh smiles at his mate and children. The rest of the family which consists of their true daughter and adopted ones . "Albina we should sleep too.." He says as he lays down next to Albina and White. Albina nods her head. She looks outside at the drizzling rain. "Tiger Tiger burning bright in the forest of the night what immortal hand or eye could frame thy fearful symmetry?" She says in a sing-song voice. She than lays down and falls asleep. When White wakes up she licks her lips to taste something sticky and metallic. Albina wakes up to see a cut on her daughters face. "She quickly gets up and cleans it." Bangladesh comes walking in, in an unhappy manner.

"There are new humans running the zoo." Albina opens her mouth but than feels the blood come to her mouth she can see that Bangladesh also has one. "That's strange we all have similar cuts.." Bangladesh nods his head. "All the tigers and tigresses do." He grimaces seeing his daughter hurt and quickly goes to her aid. White doesn't mind the taste of blood its just that its coming from her. She smiles at her father and starts to clean his face. "I'm okay daddy." Bangladesh smiles and just nods but continues to examine her. White smiles than romps out of the den

~~~~~~~ Three months later ~~~~~~~~~~~

White Tigress as everyone was now starting to call her had become a star attraction for the zoo. "White!" Albina calls as her daughter still had energy but had become wiser. "Yes mom?" White Tigress asks in her intelligent voice. "You do know that you should go to bed before the crack of dawn." Albina says teasing. Tigress smirks. "Okay I'll go to sleep.." She says curling up on a large flat rock. "See you in the morning.." Albina says as she turns away and starts to walk towards her mate. Tigress stays awake she than sees something that catches her eye a black colored cat. She pads over to it.

"Hello" she says she has grown but to only the height of an extra large queen. The cat stops and looks at her blinking. Tigress can now see that he is wearing a black ninja suit and that his fur is not actually black. He laughes than mumbles something. Tigress' starts to feel sleepy and falls to the ground in a deep sleep. She wakes up later in the morning. Her head spins and she feels like it is about to break in two. "Oh god my head." She licks her lips and taste blood but not of her own. Some humans walk by and scream. Tigress turns her head to see a dead tiger. A zoo keeper comes by and than leaves. Albina hears the commotion and comes out there is also blood on her face. Bangladesh follow suit with a bloodstained face. Some men in strange costumes come in and look angry. "The ones with the blood one their faces there a danger to the public." The zoo master says. Albina senses the danger as they open the gates. "White run and don't look back!" White is confused but when she sees the men fear takes charge and causes her to run. She charges through the crowds dodging the humans and hitting food stands knocking them over. She soon meets up with other humans like those that she ran away from.

She snarls at them and a few of them quiver. She than lunges over the shortest one and continues to run. She soon is out of the zoo. She falls into an opened manhole. She hurts her paw when she hits the bottom but fear again takes charge and after her eyes adjust she quickly takes off again.. She twists through the tunnels and soon sees light. She stops and whimpers at the pain in her paw. She lays down in the dark shadows and sobs. "Mom.. dad why did I have to leave?" She cries than falls asleep in the tunnel every now and than letting out a sob.

Part 2