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Disclaimer; The name Ermac comes from Mortal Kombat, I hold no rights to the name nor the game, I am a fan of the series and decided to create a CATS character based off of him. While the name and powers are similar however the background, story, and everything are my own creation, if these are similar to other works, it is pure coincidence, I hold no rights to Jellicles or CATs they are the property of Real Usefull Information and I hold no rights to Mortal Kombat this is the property of Ed Boon and Midway.

The Story of Macer

A red and black tom sleeps restlessly in an old abandoned warehouse North of Scottland Yard, this times nights have been filled with nightmares and horrible visions, he couldn't explain them, nor could he escape them. This tom trusted no one save his younger brother, even his brother couldn't get the red and black tom to speak of what he saw. No one could enter the toms mind to find out for he had developed powerful telekinetic and telepathic abilities. Who was this tom, not many know, but those who confront him have called him Macer, though now he is known as Macer.

Macer's past is shrouded in mystery, only he knows the truth and only he knows his true name and only he will know when the time comes for him to reveal his true self to the world.

Macer awoke with a start, his eyes wide as though he had just seen a ghost.

A small orange and black tom wakes up, mostly because of Macer, "Whats wrong bro" he asked

Macer looked around and rubbed his eyes, "N..Nothings wrong little bro...go back to sleep its still late." He said quickly though unsure of his answer

The young tom looked up at Macer, "I don't believe that, some day you are gonna have to tell someone, hopefully its before the nightmares you are experiencing tear you apart." He stated.

"I'll be fine Marce." Macer told his young brother

As Macer was settling back down the door to the warehouse opens up, and in walks a tall black and red striped tom walks in and looks at Macer and Marce

Macer and Marce quickly get to their feet, Macer infront of his little brother, "Who are you" he asked

"Those who know me, call me the Lord of Darkness, though you Macer, may just call me Dark Lord." The large tom said.

"DarkLord" Macer asked, "Alright what do you want"

"I have come to offer you a job Macer, I require a powerful telepathic being such as yourself to deal with a slight problem I have." DarkLord responded

"I've heard of him brother." Marce said, "He's evil, no good can come out of helping him."

DarkLord looked at Marce, "Let your brother make up his own decisions runt."

Macer growled, "Don't you talk to my brother that way, DarkLord." He warned, "Why should I help you" he asked, "If you're as bad as my little brother says then I want no part in your scemes."

DarkLord narrowed his eyes, "Very well then." He said and raises a paw and pointed a clawed finger at Marce, and a small black beams strikes the young tom before Macer has any chance of defending, "If you will not help me willingly, then I will make you help me." DarkLord growled as Marce's body fell to the ground, "If you do not help me, then you will never see your brother again, his soul will belong to me for all time." He stated, "Help me and I will free your brother."

Macer knelt next to Marce's body put a paw on his shoulder, then growled up at DarkLord, "Alright...what do you want from me" he asked

Darklord grinned, "Excellent I knew I could get you to see to reason." He said, "What I want you to do is cause chaos among some enemies of mine, use your telepathic powers to cause distrust and hatred among the cats at a Jellicle Junkyard in London."

Macer looked at DarkLord, "The Jellicles what treat are they to you" he asked, "They are hold no power to someone like you."

"There are a few extraordinary cats who have stood in my way multiple times, their friendship for one another has given me one defeat after another," DarkLord explained, "The love energy of the area is appalling and makes it difficult for me to work." He stated

Macer sighed, "So you want me to go in and disrupted this love" he asked

"Exactly do it by any means necessary even if you must pit mate against mate, I don't care I want them out of my way." DarkLord said.

"But why, why do you want that Junkyard so bad" Macer asked

"That is none of your concern, just do as your told or your brother's soul will be mine for ever." DarkLord said

"I understand, I will do as you say." Macer said

"Good and while you are working for me, please feel free to call me Master." Dark Lord said with a laugh

"Yes...master." Macer choked out, swallowing his pride for his brothers sake, "I shall begin immeditately...." He sighed and looked at his brothers lifeless body, "Please forgive me brother, I have no choice..." he said and looked up, Dark Lord had vanished, then he looked to the sky, "May the heavens forgive me for what I am about to do...for I do not know if anyone whom I am forced to harm will be able to." He added as he moved to a small crate, as he opened it a white sword began to glow, "I can not get innocent blood on this blade...I would never be able to atone for the sin and crime." He sighed and began to use his powers to create a black copy of the white sword, the copy would be everything the original was, only darker and only capable of using dark energy.

"Perhaps this is what my nightmares have been warning me about...its too late for me to do anything or say anything about it now..." Macer said to himself as he worked, "Because of me my brother is gone and only by becoming that which I despise can I save him." He told himself as he looked down at his finished work, and then moved to another crate and inside this crate was a red ninja outfit, "Though once this is over I may not be able to confront my brother again, I can not stand by and do nothing" he quietly stated as he put the outfit on

As he tightened his gloves and boots his looked over at the original white sword, "I hope you will be able to forgive me and I hope those who held you before me can do so as well...I don't know if I will be able to forgive myself, but I will do what ever it takes to get my brother back, even if it means going to the netherrealms to find him." He spoke out towards the sword as he put on the red and black mask

He then turned and looked in a mirror, his eyes full of dispair for what must be done, though in his heart he knows he cannot turn back now, slowly he picks up the black sword and sheaths it, then he sheaths the white sword, "I will not use you, but I will not leave you here either, I can never come back to this place, nor can I ever be called Macer again" he said

"I am Macer no more." The red and black tom said as he tightened his black ninja belt, "From now on, I am Ermac."

To be Continued.