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Happy Birthday!

To a very special girl.... no...not a special girl...a special thats not quite right either, but then again I doubt theres words in the dictionary to fully justify what I'd like to say....but to you pulled me out of a rut...

I owe a lot to you, more then words can tell so this page is the least I can do.....I will always love you, nothing on earth can change that....

Thank you for the love you have given to me Tommi...I will forever cherish it with all my heart. The gift of friendship you have given me over the years has been the greatest gift I have ever gotten, but the gift of love is by far best gift a guy like me could ever have hoped of recieving.

So once again.

Happy Birthday Tommi!!!

(*I'll be working more on this page, but I had to get something up :)*)