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Hades is as his name implies the cat form of Hades, he works with DarkCat and DarkLord. He gives them all sorts of powers. In exchange that DarkCat helps spread his evil around the world.

Hammer is musical cat, who is brown and black, he carries a large and magical battle hammer, his eyes are brown, and he travels with Vanilla Ice.

Hawkeye is a brown and black tom. He is an ace shoot with a bow, and always hits his target. He comes from a finally of thieves he taught him how to be quick and silent, but he ran away before they had him actually commit a crime. He is the cousin of Scorpion. It takes a while for any one to earn his trust.

Heero is a tom from another time, in which humans and cats have been put under the leader ship of a Military alliance. Heero is the leader of a group of crack shot fighter pilots. Heero can make himself appear to be a 15-year-old human, or a cat who is the size of a 15 year old. He pilots a machine called a Gundam, which is made out of a rare super strong metal called Gundanium. Many have described him as a perfect soldier, his only concern is with the mission, he cares for no one else. Unless they earn his respect. During a mission or fight he shows no emotions. His fur is brown and gold, and his eyes are blue. Is the future son of Ryo. His mother is unknown. Despite his lack of emotions, he has a lot of charisma.

Hellfire an evil looking black, red, gray, silver, and orange tom, with white fur outlining his muscles. Unlike Talpa and DarkCat who think they way to take over the world is by defeating the Jellicles, Hellfire is looking for total domination, using any method necessary. Hellfire's group has what it takes to do so too. He has the power to bend reality.

HellKat is a warrior for HellFire. He was taken from his home and brainwashed. He can use his powers to put anyone in a hypnotic state. He is gold, red, and white. His has black fur outlining his fur.

HellKit she is HellKat's sister. She is a cunning, and strong young kitten. She is faster then most toms she is asked to kill. She is an assasion most of the time.

Hellraiser is a white, red, and brown tom. He is a hench cat for a group of evil warlords called the Beastmasters. Hellraiser specializes in demolition and in the use of many different weapons. He has a par of black and red tiger striped wings.

Hope is a sweet and pretty queen. She is red, with blue eyes. She is a kitten, who is looking for a new home. She is very cute, and very fast for a kitten. She has magic, but has only begun to learn how to use it.

Hypnos is a red and brown tom, who can put any cat (even if they have some protection spell around them) asleep. His eyes are red.



Character Catagories