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Saber is a snow leopard who pretends to be nice at first then he turns evil after he has gained the trust of the group, he has magic and his eyes are hazel. He wears a blue pair of pants and a jean jacket.

Sagat is a very large cat with a scar in the middle of his chest, his eyes are black, and his fur is white and orange.

Sage comes from a family skilled in Kendo, a Japanese form of fencing. His grandfather is head of the family, followed by Sage's mother and then his father (who married into the family). Sage has two sisters, one older by five years, and one younger by two his entire family was killed by the Warlords. But when Sage was a child, he was rebellious and his grandfather took it upon himself to teach Sage how to control himself both inside and out. Sage's calm, controlled demeanor can be attributed to his grandfather's influence. Sage enjoys anything to do with swordplay. He also likes meditating, race cars, and playing the bamboo flute. Sage is probably the most controlled, but even he can be provoked into a blind rage if the right buttons are pushed. Sage is a ronin, his armor is called Halo, and he is the warrior of Light. He is adamant about always having a plan. Sage is a master swordsman, but doesn't rely on his physical capabilities alone. "Mind, Skill, Spirit," Sage said once, "If I have control of my mind, I can handle anything." Sage's eyes are violet and his fur is as white as light. On Sage's armor is a symbol of a Lightning Bolt . His weapon is the No Datchi (a Long Sword) and his armor color is green. His most powerful attack is the Lightning Bolt Cut which brings a bolt of lightning from the sky and is stored into his sword and then Sage can use it in any way whether to heal another cat or attack. Sage is either afraid of girls or a hopeless flirt, but he is often called a bishonen (pretty boy), and he's almost always flirting. This could be because Sage's older sister constantly teases him, and that made it difficult for him to talk with girls are drawn to Sage because his is such a bishonen. When he was younger, the sight of both his eyes often frightened his friends so he decided to cover his right eye with his fur. His eyes were so strange and intense that they made other kittens cry. Outside of his armor Sage is not magical.

SarahKat is a brown and gold queen with a love for the sky and its precious element air. She has dedicated her life to trying to control its awesome might and power. She can use the air to cool or freeze things, or to start heat an area up. She can also heal or kill with it.

Scar is a large female Bengal tiger. Her body has many noticeable scars, the first is on her face, it starts on the right upper side of her head, and goes down and a little past the left side of her chin. The second is on her chest, which goes diagonally from the left down to the right. Then on her back, the scar goes from right to left in a horizontally across the middle of her back. Lastly on her arms and legs there are one on each that goes down the back of her arms and legs. Her eyes are blue all though one is hard to see cause of the scar. She got these scars in a brutal fight that she barely won

Scarlet is a female ninja with a green and blue ninja outfit, made out of metal that covers every part of her body including her eyes. She has very powerful magic and knows chi. She is a member of a clan known as the Ninja Force.

Scorpia is the twin of Scorpio, she is red, black, white, and orange with light blue eyes. She has telepathy and she is always connected to Scorpio, she can feel everything he feels and senses the same things he does

Scorpina is Scorpions mate, she is a living cat, but has gained all of Scorpions powers, she looks like him, and wears the same yellow ninja outfit as she does, she is the sister of Lady Ice. ShadowMaster is an exact oppisite of Goldenjaguar, with gold colored fur, but he has yellow eyes instead of gold. He uses black magic instead of light magic.

Scorpio Is the third kitten of Scorpion and Scorpina, he has green eyes, and red, orange, white, and black fur, he has the powers of bother mother and father. He is the twin of Scorpia and they both have a telepathic link with each other, he knows what she is thinking, feeling, and seeing as she sees it, feels it, or thinks it.

Scorpion a ninja in a bright yellow outfit. Scorpion is the enemy of Sub-zero, but there is something unusual about scorpion he is a specter, who has returned to get revenge on Sub-zero for he believes that the blue ninja killed his family and his own clan. Scorpion can breath out fire and in both hands he has a snake-like spear which is a live and can chase down the victims and by saying the words Get over you! The spear releases (but the end is still connected to his hand) and attacks the opponent and can do one of two things either kill the other cat or restrain the cat so Scorpion can capture him. Scorpion can summon other spectors to do his bidding as well. When Scorpion removes his mask all that shows is his skull and then he can spit fire any where he needs. Scorpions eyes are white when he has his mask on but when he removes the mask then his eyes are black. Scorpion has no alligances but is a mercenary for higher. Although he is sometimes impossible to control he will always be loyal to the cat who requires his services. His fur is black and a yellowish orange. Since he is a spector he can make himself invisible to the cat or human eyes.

Scout is tan and brown, with brown eyes. Her face is brown, and the rest of her body is tan. She is small, and young, she is always learning and loves to explore new places. She is always ready to protect her friends, and family. She is Atticus' daughter, and she knows some powerful magic.

Sekmet is an evil Warlord. He is know as the Warlord of Venom. Sekmet is known as the insane one of the Warlords. With his six kitanas each has poison or venom in the tips that if it touches the eyes or the skin it will paralyze and blind the victim. Sekmet has fun watching others suffer and if he says Snake Fang Strike he can through all six swords at the opponent. Sekmet's poison is deadly and not to be taken lightly. Sekmets armor color is Green, Red, and Brown and is shaped some what like a cobra. It is said that Sekmet is part reptilian which would explain how his stare can paralyze even the strongest opponent. Sekmets eyes are green and his fur is black and orange.

Sektor Is a ninja in a blood red uniform, he too was a friend of Sub-Zero, and is now trying to kill him. His eyes are red, and his fur is Black, red, white, and orange.

Serpentor is a cat in clothes that are shaped like a snake, he has two snake like things wrapped around his neck, he has many other magical weapons, his eyes are yellow, and his fur is yellow and brown.

Set is said to be Apocalypse's father. He is named after the god of Choas, he has god like powers, and seems to gain more strength ever time he uses his powers. He is also strengthened by the hatred and other negative emotions of the world.

ShadowMaster is an exact oppisite of Goldenjaguar, with gold colored fur, but he has yellow eyes instead of gold. He uses black magic instead of light magic.

Shadow Strike is a gray and black tiger striped tom. He is able to change his body from a shadow like form or he change turn completely invisible. He is also able to teleport between shadows. He can hear any conversation that is close to any shadow, he can speak through the shadows and he can make his voice sound like it is coming out of multiple shadows.

Shang Tsung is a red and brown tom who has the power to shapeshift. His power to change comes from the souls of a 1000 fighters he killed. He is able to steal and imprison souls of anyone who dies infront of him. He copies not only their appearance but also any special abilities they may have had. He can also copy the form and powers of living fighters but this uses up more power then he would like to use.

SilverBolt is a cat whose fur is silver and his eyes are black. He is a fast cat and can use elemental powers

SilverDekka is a silver and red queen. Her eyes are brown. She is a great friend of Hawkeye's and GoldenJaguar

SilverDessa is a silver and gray queen. Her eyes are light blue. She is a cat with a mysterious past that only she knows about.

Silver-eye is a gray and silver tom. He is Jag's father, but he was killed by Nightstalker. Silver-eye however has the power to return to the earth at any time he chooses, and with the proper magical spell could become mortal again. He can control time, and he has a silver armor, and large silver sword.

Silverhawk is the second youngest of Skyhawk's family, hge has wings lik ehte rest of his family, his eyes are blue and his fur and wings are silver. He is very buff.

SilverPoge is the son of Cheeta and Slade. He is silver and black with silver eyes. He is mostly Silver, with small patches of black.

SilverTito he is the youngest son Cheeta and Slade had, he is similar to Silver Poge, but he is more black then silver, but does have a few patches of silver.

SkyHawk is a silver and white queen with wings. She got her wings by an experiment she did. Her favorite hobby is working with science especially genetics. She comes from a family of five. But only her brother and herself remain. The others died mysterously. Her eyes are white and she is a teen.

Slade is a large black and orange tom. His eyes are green-gray, and he has a strange power, to turn his body into a mecha or large robot, only he keeps his soul and all his life force when he transforms. (Mostly like a morph) He can summon this transformation from a crystal, called a Tekno crystal, but shouting Tekno Power. The primary weapon he uses is a two sided lance (it has a blade at both ends.) this weapon will never affect him if used against him.

Slaughter is a large well-built orange, black, and gray tom. He is the pet of a strong military general. He can be tough, yet he once he has began to trust someone, he never fails to help that friend. No matter what happens, he will never leave a friend in trouble

SlyHawk is the youngest kitten of Skyhawk's family, she is white with silver and gray wings, she got these wings through her sister. She has a facination with playing tricks on others. She has magical abilities.

SlyKat looks exactly like WilyKat and nows the same tricks, but he is evil and is Kat and Kit's long lost brother. He knows the Dark magic and has been training with DarkStalker and DarkCat, only he doesn't fight much he only uses his magic to play jokes and pranks on any cat he meets, he also knows a lot of science and can make almost on type of gas that he wants. Also when in a fight he will use all of his tricks.

SlyKit is the sister of WilyKat, WilyKit, and SlyKat. She does know magic, but looks exactly like WilyKit, she nows the same tricks as WilyKat and how to use it

Smoke is a ninja who wears a gray smoke colored outfit and can produce smoke that can fill a room or area so nothing can see and then he can blend into the smoke and attack with out being noticed, his fur is gray and his eyes are hazel. He has a spear in his hand just as Scorpion does but this spear isn't alive but can chase the other cat, He can teleport and make himself invisible. He is Sub-Zero's younger brother.

SmokeJaguar is a gray and black colored tom, who works with Crystaljaguar, his body is always emitting small clouds of smoke, when he uses his magic. He can fill an entire room with this dark smoke, making it impossible to see.

SmokeScreen is one of Smokes best friends, he is just like Smoke except he is red and gray, his eyes are brown, he can create weapons out of any material, including air. He can also use Chi, he wears a gray and red ninja outfit that is made out of metal and is a part of the ninja Force.

Snake eyes He is a black, white, red, and silver cat, his eyes are icy blue. He wears a black metal ninja suit, that covers everything including his eyes, He never speaks, and he has a mysterious sixth sense. The reason he never speaks is due to a injury to his vocal cords. He knows chi. He is a member of a clan known as the Ninja Force.

SnakeBite He is a cat who works for Nightstalker, his body is filled with the same venom that Sekmet uses, except it runs through his body as well, His bite is very deadly, it is just as deadly as a snake bite, he has yellow, white, orange, and red fur and yellowgreen eyes. He wears the DarkClans colors.

SnowBall is a fluffy white kitten, her parents are Sub-Zero and Lady Ice, she has the ice powers of Sub-Zero. Her eyes are bright yellow and green.

SnowCone is a male white kitten that resembles Sub-Zero, he looks exactly like Sub and has his mother Lady ice's powers.

SnowStorm is tan and brown, with red eyes. He is the son of Sub-Zero and Lady Ice. He has all of his parents powers just aren't quite as strong yet and will become the guardian of ice when Sub-Zero is gone.

Solinari is said to be the creator of White magic, and the archrival of Nuitari. He is white and brown, his muscles are outlined with gold lines. He is also said to be Goldenjaguar's great grandfather.

Spawn is a black and red male kitten, and he has hazel eyes, the son of Scorpina and Scorpion. He has the same powers as his mother and father, but is very shy and easily scared.

Spectron is a friend of Blazord, he has a weapon that can slice through anything, and it can shoot through anything, his armor is blue and white. And he has the word Police on it. His Helmet has a visor, which acts as his radar, and sight. Under his armor he is a black, gray, silver, and white cat with hazel eyes

Stalker wears a green and brown camouflage ninja outfit, which is made out of metal, he has a lot of magic, and can use any type of weapon. His fur is orange, red, white, brown, and black. His eyes are green.

Star Warrior Gold is a silver, black, gold, and white tom, with a gold star on his paws.

StarBlade is an adult female who is very strong, she has magic, and has the ability to shape shift.

Starblaster is a silver, white, and gray tom with a silver star in the center of his chest. He is the largest of the StarForce.

StarBlaze is a gray and white tom, with silver eyes. Is the second largest tom of the StarForce team, he is also is the only one who is partially a robot. While battling one of his foes, his body was badly injured, so they took the parts that worked and combined them with cybernetics, creating a faster, strong, and more powerful guardian

StarClaw is silver and gray, with several white patches of fur, he has blue eyes, and has magic.

Starfire is a silver and white cat who has the powers of nature, he can change his body into anything he wants too, he is the cousin of Cale, is a great friend of Superstar.

StarGazer is a gray, white, and Silver cat with two silver stars over his eyes. He is the smallest tom of the StarForce group, but makes all the weapons and informs them of everything

StarHammer is a friend of AngelHawk, (Some say they are more then friends) he is silver with black and white strips. His eyes are blue, and he has a star on his forehead.

StarJammer A large red and silver tom with a black star around his eyes. He carries a large silver sword that is capable of healing, as well as destroying. When the star around his eye changes color depending on his mood, but it is usually black for reasons unknown. He is a great friend of Ryo's and they share a telepathic link. His senses have all been heightened by extensive training, he can hear the softest whisper, and can smell the dullest of smells.

StarKat is a brown and tan tom who lost both his arms in a brutal fight. That fight also took his left eye. Now his eye has been replaced with a red laser eye, and his arms have been replaced by robotics. Each arm now carries a large variety of accessories. His eye can act as an inferred scanner or X-ray scanner.

Starr she is the youngest member of the starforce, her size and age are often look upon as disadvantages, except she is one of the best fighters and that is why she is with the Starforce

StarShock is a gray, white, and Silver cat with two black and silver stars over her eyes. She is the smallest queen and sister of StarGazer of the StarForce group

StarStorm is bitter enemy of Sunfire, he has the power to change his own shape and to cool things, his fur is black, white, red, orange, and gray.

Starstruck is the long lost sister of Rowen, she was taken away from her home when she was little. She has a symbol of a star on her head, she also contains a mystical armor, plus knowledge of a different kind of armor that she has vowed to tell the Ronins of. She is the same age as Rowen. Her fur is red, orange, brown, white, black, and light yellow

StephaCat is a hot and sexy queen with beautiful blue eyes, and a slender gold body, she has strong powers, and she is very strong muscles. Her muscles are outlined with black fur

Steven is a small orange and gray tom, who is a tactical warfare expert, there isn't a building or base he can't find info on, and there isn't a complex that can keep him out.

Storm Shadow is a gray and white tom, with gray eyes. He wears a white and gray ninja outfit made out of metal, that covers every part of his body including his eyes. He has powerful magic and knows chi. He is apart of the Ninja Force

Stunts is a winged cat with white fur, his muscles and major veins are outlined white gold, his wings are outlined in gold. He is Goldenjaguar's young cousin, he is extremely fast and strong. He has learned how to increase both his speed and strength using his magic.

Strife is a gold and black tom with gray stripes circling his muscles. He enjoys creating disharmony amongst friends. He can use his powers of deception to create the perfect scenario for creating distrust in any group, no matter how powerful the cats may be.

Sub-Zero is a ninja a ice blue outfit, who has the power to freeze things with subzero temperatures he can also use the ice to heal or to slide along the ground. His eyes are blue and when he is about to use his powers his eyes turn icy blue. His fur is white. He is mostly a friendly cat but if someone is trying to hurt him or his friends. He is Goldenjaguar's cousin. Sub-zero has a scar over his right eye which he received from his arch enemy Scorpion.

SunFire is a white, gray, red, brown, and black cat with a very hot temper, and a very hot power, he can create flames that are hotter then the sun, is a good friend of the Ronins (Also the brother of Kento) Is immortal

Superion is a cat with a black face, red arms and legs with a white chest and a red spot on his chest sort of like Misto only smaller. He is super strong, and with his magic and chi he can get even stronger. He also carries two guns a rifle which he has hanging on his back or in a black case, and at his side he has a cougar magnum.

Supernova is a very powerful magic cat, he is red, orange, black, brown, and white and has the abiltiy to alter the appearance of the ground around him, as well as create super nova like blasts of energy. Is a friend of Goldenjaguar

Superstar a white, orange, red, brown, and black cat who knows a lot of martial arts, and has a wrist band that carries 6 ninja starts and on his back he carries two kitana's but does know how to use any other weapon

Sydny is a black and red queen. Sydny is Abby's sister, And is just as beautiful and dangerous if not more. She can use any weapon but usually uses a whip, she is never seen with out one.

Scorpino is a tiny replica of Scorpion, his fur is black and a yellowish orange. His eyes are white. He is the son of Scorpion and Scorpina.

ShadowNinja is a gray and silver ninja. He can use magic to make himself invisible. His eyes are silver. He wears a silver ninja outfit and he prefers to be near dark places. (such as shadows),/p>

StarCat is a silver colored tom. On his chest is a patch of black fur in the shape of a star. There is a white star on his face. His eyes are blue. He has lines of brown fur out lining the muscles on his arms, chest, and legs.

StarHawk is a silver colored tom with bright gold wings and a patch of white fur around his mouth that is in the shape of a diamond. In the center of his chest and on his paws are patches of black fur in the shap of stars. When ever he is about to fight or defend someone with his powers these stars start to glow.

Sterling is an ornage with white tiger striped tom. His eyes are bright blue. He is Kawaski's friend and partner. Sterling is the one who is relating all the information Kawaski gains on the Beastmasters to Goldenjaguar. He has the power to steal others abilities, but doesn't know quite how to control that talent. He is capable of adjusting to any battle situation.



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