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What Ryan Says......

"Being in Hollywood has made me stronger as a person. I don't know if that's good because I don't know if it's that desirable to strengthen every belief I've got." ~ Ryan Phillippe on living in Hollywood.

" I think you grow and adapt according to adversity, and I personally feed into it. I feed into the own drama of my own life sometimes." ~ Ryan's wise words.

"I think the good stuff that we've gotten out of it ould have happened regardless, and was happening in other places anyway. Meaning acceptance, understanding and personal liberation. And who need the celebrity stuff anyway? I wish more people understood that or believed that." ~ Ryan

"I always liked the idea of exploring other personalities and trying to sponge from anyone I found remotely interesting, for whatver reason, negative or positive." ~ Ryan

"Good, real, normal people with very real problems." ~ On his family.

"We're goofy as hell...I mean, we still go out on Halloween dressed as Power Rangers. But we take our work incredibly seriously." On his friend Breckin Meyer.

"My girlfirend(now wife) is convinced that people think she's always with a different guy. I have this propensity to make myself look different. It does something to my personality, and I hope it does something for the characters I play." ~ Ryan talking about Reese

"Don't watch me eat, I have this total weird hang up about people watching me." ~ Ryan talking about his phobia of people watching him eat

"We like being at home and we like being together. I'm not adverse to talking about it, because I'm not ashamed of being in love." Ryan on his relationship with Reese Witherspoon.

"I had friends, so I wasn't a complete loner, but I was a bit anti- social. High School is so much about groups and I was never comfortable about that. It was almost a phobia." Ryan on his days in High School.

What others say about Ryan......

Susan Phillippe(his Mum) on Ryan ~ "I always used to cry everytime I had to say goodbye. I thought he may never come back."

Reese Witherspoon on Ryan ~ "It makes him physically ill when the paparazzi take his photos. He wants people to respect his work, not his picture."

Eric Feig (IKWYDLS producer) on Ryan's role as Barry ~ "Instead of giving an all American football performance, Ryan brings so much heart to the part. You see underneath his veneer into a complex character."

Matt Alexander(Ryan's best bud from Delaware) ~ "One of the things I admire most about Ryan is that he hasn't changed. He hasn't gone all Hollywood."

Sarah Michelle Gellar on her friendship with Ryan ~ "Well, Ryan and I are very good friends and have been for 8 years."

Sarah Michelle Gellar on Ryan and Reese ~ " They're an inspiration to young love."

Susan Phillippe(Ryan's Mum) on Ryan ~ "He always liked to do magic shows for the kids I had in day care. He would stage little movies with his sisters and the kids. He would dub in music in a way that most kids wouldn't know. He had just never been taught. It came naturally."

Seth Green on meeting Ryan ~ "It just so happens that these two guys [Breckin Meyer and Ryan Phillippe] & I met and then we all started working a bunch. We're all so dedicated we inspire each other... Breckin and I kept running into each other at auditions. Then he met Ryan at an audition for 'Man of the House' and brought him to my house asking if we could keep him."

Josh Holland on his relation ship with Ryan ~ "Ryan's my closest friend and biggest support. He encouraged me to pursue acting and made me believe in myself."

Joshua Jackson on Ryan ~ "I think Ryan Phillippe is the real deal. He's the only next-generation guy I've met where I'm like, 'Yup, that guy is not a pretender.'"

Breckin Meyer on his kissing scene with Ryan in 54 ~ "It was a lot better than kissing an actor you don't know," Meyer says. "We told the director we didn't want to rehearse the actual kiss; we wanted the first one to be on camera. And then we ended up making out eighteen times." Having had the pleasure of doing the same --and more-- with Salma Hayek, he laments: "Now I've got nowhere to go but down -- I've kissed the most beautiful people on the planet."

Heather Matarazzo on working with Ryan in 54 ~ "I had a great time with all the '54' actors... especially with Ryan. He is so humble and sweet. He was really shy at first. He is a gentleman, very polite. And when Salma was goofing around with Mike, Ryan got extremely nervous... he doesn't like nasty jokes."

Sarah Michelle Gellar on Ryan's acting ~ "I already knew Ryan Phillippe from my soap days -- he used to be on 'One Life to Live'. He's such an amazing actor that there were times we'd be filming and I'd forget my lines because I'd be so distracted by what he was saying."

Sarah Michelle Gellar on Ryan and his her co-stars on IKWYDLS ~ "The looks, I guess they were a plus. I mean, Ryan [Phillippe] and Freddie [Prinze, Jr.] are two of the most gorgeous guys..."