A Death In The Family
When a family member dies, you
may be reluctant to let your child see
you grieve, fearing that the burden of
your sadness will be too much for him.
But inthis situation, it's even more
importantto share your feelings. Your
child is highly attuned to your ups and
downs. Trying to hide your sorrow will
be seen as desertion from the child's
point of view. Parents often ask me:
"Isn't my child too young to learn about
death?" I assure them that it is far
better for him to learn the facts from
his grieving parents than it is to
experience their withdrawal without
knowing the reason for it. A child's
sense of death is more primitive than an
adults. He'll tend to equate it with
being left alone, which brings on the
fear of desertion. If parents simply
withdraw without explaining what has
happened or how they feel about it, the
child's worst fears will be confirmed.
For example: "Grandma died, and now
Mommy is so sad that maybe she will die,
But when you let your child in on the
experience, even let him see that you
have unresolved questions about death,
he will have the chance to explore "in
safety" the kinds of questions that
plague us all. He'll feel included in
his family at an important time, and
he'll also have a healing effect on the
adults around him, giving them the sense
of future and purpose they so
desperately need.
I am constantly struck by how often a
small child will attempt to comfort a
grieving parent. I remember a young
mother who had lost her new baby. As she
was telling me about it in my office,
she started to sob. Her 2-year-old, who
was playing quietly in the corner of the
room, got up when she saw her mother's
tears and toddled over to her. As she
crawled into her mother's lap, she
reached up and clumsily patted her cheek
to wipe the tears away. She said "Mommy,
I'm here." Her mother looked down at
her, smiled and drew her close. Her
child had reminded her that there was a
little someone she loved who could
balance her grief. For the child, there
was the rare sense of power in being
able to make her weeping mother smile.
Anytime there is a death in the family,
I would urge you to tell your children
the truth. Tell him as much as you think
he can understand, making sure not to
frighten him with painful details. If
you say something like, "Grandpa was
getting so old that he wasn't able to do
all the things he wanted to do" or "When
you get old, you get pretty tired, and
now he can rest." you will be helping to
prepare your child for the conversations
he is bound to overhear.
Naturally, he'll have questions and
unhappy feelings: "Couldn't we help
Grandpa to rest at our house?" or "I
miss him and I want to play the games he
played with me." Answer him honestly:
"None of us knows why someone we love
has to die and go away. Just like you, I
hate to give up Grandpa, but what I plan
to do is to remember all I can about him
so we can keep him with us that way. Can
you remember some special things about
him to tell me now?"
Your child's next set of questions is
likely to reveal his fears about being
left by other members of the family.
You'll also see indications that he is
wondering whether his own thoughts or
deeds brought on the loss. Because
"magic thinking" (the notion that you
can affect outcomes simply by your
thoughts or wishes) is prevalent in
early childhood, children feel that they
are to blame. They need repeated
assurances that bad things or behaviour
do not carry with them this kind of
retaliation; they did not cause the
death. Of course, share your religious
beliefs with your child and talk to him
about your own ways of dealing with
grief. Children love to hear stories
from the past about when their parents
were children and their grandparents
were young. Make your life as a child
come alive for your own child. He'll get
the point that our happy times with
loved ones lived on, that our memories
are never lost to us.
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