A Review Of The Near Death Experience By Michael Kundhent, Psychiatrist
Near death experiences (NDEs) have been
reported throughout time in essentially
all cultures. The contents of modern
NDEs is independent of gender, age, and
profession. The frequency of occurrence
is estimated to lie between 10 and 50
percent of all near- death situations.
This frequency could be higher still,
perhaps even 100 percent, were it not
for the dreamlike and dissociative
character of the experience and the
amnesia-prone participation of the
temporal lobe causing a clear tendency
to forget the NDE. A number of similar
elements are common to NDEs, such as an
out-of-body experience (OBE) in which
the physical body and its surroundings
are observed from various external
vantage points, often from above.
Numerous cases exist in which the
reality of the OBE-observation can be
independently verified, by external
conditions, situations, people, objects,
etc. Even previously non-religious ND
experiencers subsequently show a
markedly decreased fear of death and a
corresponding increase in belief in life
after death. Certain elements of
NDE-like experiences can be induced by,
for example, electrical stimulation of
the right temporal lobe or the use of
hallucinogenic substances. It is
possible that hallucinogenic
transmitters (and endorphins) or the
brain itself play a role in the NDE.
Nevertheless, there are NDE-elements,
such as the frequently reported
life-review and certainly the
acquisition of external, verifiable
information concerning the physical
surroundings during the experience, that
cannot be explained by physiological
causes. Wish-fulfillment, death-denial
or other defense mechanisms of the brain
are also not adequate explanations. The
large body of NDE data now accumulated
point to genuine evidence for a
non-physical reality and paranormal
capacities of the human being.
Landeskrankenhaus Weinsberg, 74189
Weinsberg, Germany Volume 7 Number 3:
Page 219 of Journal of Scientific
Exploration (SSE)
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