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Cuz we uncover conspiracies you ask me to mind my manners
Sayin' brother please hold the red, whtie, & blue banner
Callin' us vigilanties, you can't even spell it
But all the righteouss have been considered rebellious
Thinkin we incitin' violence cuz we sit in silence
& we won't bow to Clinton or call Fahad "your highness"
Minus the fact you try to passify us like punks
Dividin us into 70 some sects ain't enough
We want victory or death, man, we ain't afraid
But tell me bro, Why is it that Imams get paid?
Most of us have inferiority complexes, thinkin havin more than 1 wife is sexist
Using riba to justify yo Lexus, but Allah forbid interest, & you suplexed it
Sayin' Brother we can't reestablish the state, Amerikas too great, Brother just wait & pray
You know Jesus is coming back someday
Sayin' Brother we must work on everybodys iman
But in Morrocco we on nude beaches gettin' tans, Damned?
& in Turkey, sisters are in windows for sale
& if we work on everybodys iman, we'd be tryin in hell
Brother, khilafah is a Fard & Muslims hear & obey
So work on yo recreations another day
Brother stop arguin' about yo pants touchin the ground
With problems all around, ya'll lookin' like bozo the clown
Stop being passive & scared like permed out homosexuals
Islam produces the truth & an army of intellectuals
Allah created all tribes & colors so we may know one another
Only those bonded by La Illaha Illa Allah are my brothers
Adam was created from dirt but I'll save nationalism for the next verse
From amongst the fifty-two plus nation states they create to develop hate between the once great muslim
Ummah now devoured by this dunya. They know the sooner we come together the better. They want Islam
gone forever, as we strive (in the cause of Islam) things get hotter than the desert. From the beginning, first
inning, the likes of Abdullah Bin Sabah tried to cause division even while the Sahaba were liven. What
makes you think in a time where Islam is considered last, they won’t try and cause a clash, to keep the
Muslims second class. Remember Laurence of Arabia, that fag!! Pitted the Arabs against the Turks, see how
these divisions work? While we concentrate on Wudhu and Salah they develop plots, remember Ghulom
Ahmad and W.D. Mohammed?
Elijah claimed to be a prophet! Whats next on the agenda? Never befriend a kafir! Are trust belongs with us
they lust to see us fall. Islam is a threat to manmade system stability so they create enmity between me and
my brothers to make us enemies! Divide 1 from 1 it equals 1, add 1 to 1 it equals 2 I thought you knew!
United we stand divided we fall? Check yo guts
You wanna die Shaheed? But you ain't got the coconuts
Now whats this kufr you black & you proud
Islam prohibits nationalism, you should've known by now
I'm a Muslim & humble down to rumble, while you mumble, ignorant like dumbo
& I'll sting you like a bumble & you go out a B R Y A N T Gumbel, Whuut?
My brothers Kashif & Atif look like they from Pakistan
Kickin it with Ushrif, Shareef, Ali, & can't forget Hootan
All from Adam & down to snap like rubber bands
Ain't ashamed to go against the grain cuz we all human
No wonder groups claim that they care
Tellin sisters they don't have to cover their hair
Now where, did you find this daleel, it's evident, from yo representatives in congress or
yo President?????????????????????????????
I hate kufr thet's why I disrespect it
& rules from your intellect I reject it
Our Prophet (as) was offered kingship & wealth but with strings attatched
He rejected it all cuz Islam is unmatched
Stop decieveing us claiming jews & christians believe
This kufr idea is spreadin' faster that the HIV
Treatin' the kufar like Barney! What You mean man?
I love You, You love me, we're a happy family!!!
But we've come to drop bombs so keep calm
Establishing proofs from sunnah & Qur'an
This is the mentality we need to be harborin'
Cuz through Al-Khilafah we'll be livin simply marvelous