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a.b.y.f [aloha baptist youth fellowship]...
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About Us
Purpose Statement
.....We, the members of ABYF, exist to nurture and facilitate intense love for God and intense love for one another - even unto death. And we seek to love our lost friends and families into the eternal life of God, given freely by God, because of the love of God, through His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
.....He himself freely gave himself to us- even death on a cross- for forgiveness of our sins. In the same way we, too, strive to give ourselves to one another and to the world.
.....We, therefore, pledge our love, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor to God and to one another and so fulfill God's purpose in Christ- even our destiny. This we shall stand before Him unashamed, without fault, and with great joy on the Day Christ appers to judge the earth in glory, authority, and power.

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