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a.b.y.f [aloha baptist youth fellowship]...
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Recent Updates
.....40 new pictures were added to Summer Days - Part II section. I also changed some of the main banners.
.....Henry and Michelle's Engagement Party pictures have been added to the memories section. There are 30 pictures for a total of two pages for the engagement. I also changed the main memories banner. I realized how horrible it was and decided it was in need of change. I also updated some of the main pictures in the opening paragraph of the page, not the main banners, just the pictures next to the text.
.....>WALLPAPERS!!!!!< are here!!!! These wallpapers are not just any other banner I made. There take a lot more time and thought. Meaning they won't be made as quick as the banners are made. They are designed to fit your whole monitor, no matter what size you have. Currently there are 2 wallpapers. More will come. Have fun with them, and if you have any suggestions of what I could do for future wallpapers please let me know. Just as long as you it isn't one of just you and abyf across the image. It may look like I did not do much today, but I did a LOT.
.....A new section was added, the 2001 Youth Camp page is now up. There are 30 pictures in that section. I also changed the pictures that are in the first paragraph on the main page. Created banner and captions for the new 2001 Youth Camp page as well.
.....Today I worked on some new banners. Three new main banners were changed.
.....I went through the 500 new pictures and organized them into different sections. I added the Summer Days - Part 2 section, there are 45 pictures on there. I also made the banner for it and changed one banner no the front page. I also finally added a new devotion.
..... I added FIVE new pages of pictures to the Summer Days section. These pictures are from class, the decon retreat and some from sat night activities. Van also wrote about the new project called "Video Pho," which is a collection of 4 music videos that we put together. You can read about what Van has to say about it on the memories page. Hopefully I will get pictures for that section soon. I also changed the banner to this page, I didn't like the old one anymore.
..... I changed almost all of the pictures on the main page. I also edited 81 pictures to load onto the summer days section. They are ready to go, I just need to create the page for them and write the captions. Van also wrote about our new video, "video pho," which is a collection of music videos we worked on.
..... First pictures from Van's new camera were added to the Summer 2001 page. I posted another 28 pictures to that section, they start on the third page, the captions were also added. And Van says "HI", he is watching over my shoulder right now. :)
..... Added Leann to the members page. I also changed Vincent, Andy and Tim's pictures in the memmbers page.
..... Added the Summer Days 2001 section. Made a banner on that one too. From now on you'll probably notice that I will be spending a little more time on the banners so they look nicer. I have the Fist of Fooey pictures ready to go. I just need to start editing them.
..... Created a really cool banner for the new section Jon/Diane's house. There are only 9 pictures on this page, but its more pictures isnt it? Well enjoy them.
..... Added two new main banners on the front page.
..... Changed the movies banner a litle and updated to a recent picture of Van. I also added a little message.
.....Today the SITE STATUS page was finally added. This section lets you see and understand a little more about the page and where it is in terms on completion. I also got a few movie clip sounds from Van and I will try to get those up soon. But not too soon, because finals are coming up and I need a lot of study time.
.....Today the May 2001, second edition was added. There are four pages in that section and 58 total pictures. Enjoy them. There are a few pictures of us playing basketball, baseball, and doing other activities.
.....Got some more pictures from the weekend. Didn't do anything except change a few of the side images. I was going to finally add another devotion for the day, but then when I reformatted my hard drive all the drivers were lost and I can't find my scanner driver disk. Once I find that, I can get back to scanning devotionals.
.....Today the Mother's Day 2001 section was added to the memories page. There are currently 45 pictures on that page. I created the banner and wrote captions for it too.
.....It has been about 6 weeks since I have updated the page. But now, the page is finally being worked on again. Today I fixed the captions on the Weekend of March 24-25 section. I created the banner for that page. and i also received many many pictures of mothersday from van, soon to be worked on. I changed the main pictures on the front page around, cause I figured you are probably getting sick and tired of those ones already. I also added the May 2001 section to the memories page. There are currently 30 pictures on that page.
.....It has been many weeks since I've updated the page. This was due to computer difficulties. My computer still has some problems that I am trying to work through, but it is usuable. Today I posted 30 pictures from youth group on march 24 and at church on sunday the 25. Click Here to see the page.
.....44 pictures were added to Where did all the asian boys go?? in the movies section. I got a shorter URL for the page, and it is:, that is much easier to remember and much shorter as well. It should help people remember the site address easier.
.....I finally did something today. I know I have been saying that a lot lately, but I ran out of pictures to add up, and don't have too many ideas anymore. Today Van sent me some new pics, and I only have used them to change some of the images on the main page. I will work on the new picture section soon. I will also be getting sounds soon to add to the site. You will be able to hear clips from our movies.
.....Sections Harrington Days and the 1999 Summer Church Camp. The Hdays have a total of 38 pictures and the camp section has 11 pictures. I designed seperate banners for those sections like in all the other sections I've made. I also made a new blue side image because I felt that the ones I had were getting boring, so I wanted to add some more variety.
.....I changed the past devotions page a little bit. So later in the future when there are many devotions, it is easier to navigate through them.
.....I added captions to the memories section. Every picture has a short description on there. I also some new pics to the main page. I also added a picture of Van, and his camera on the main movies page. Changed my pic on the memebers page. I will be adding more scan pics soon. Not telling when kinda pics are coming though, you gotta come and see yourself.
.....Today I posted the Miscellaneous section. There are 41 pictures to that section. I also scanned some more images to add up later.
.....I know I have been really lazy for the past few days. But today I worked quite a bit on the page. The Movies section. Check it out, it just has some info on some of the movies we have made and there are some pictures as well. Currently 50 pictures on that section
.....Its been 6 days since the last update to ABYF. I've been working aon a side project and spent most of my time on that. But now I am back. Today I added the About Us section. I also added a new devotional and added Tim to the members section.
.....Added the 2000 youth group camp section today. There are a total of 45 pictures through three pages on that section. I also created new banners for the main page. There are six of them total, and they change randomly, but it seems that two of them do not show up, oh well, you have four new banners then. I did that because it looks like there is something new at the page, because it will slightly look different each time. So it looks like I am udating the banners regularly.
.....Created the "Past Devotions" section on the main page. I also added some things here and there. I put an "About the Forum" sention, because most people coming to the page asked me what the forum board is, or how to use it. I also modified the images on the main page, to make them look more 3d. Added a little picture of the church a few years ago when it snowed on the contact page. Scanned some old camp pics from summer of 1999. A navigation menu was added on the main page as well, since there are enough subjects to do that, and people won't have to scroll down the long page to find what they are looking for anymore.
.....Added "Lesson of the Day," on the main page. It is a devotional that you can use to help your walk with God. I will try to update the "Lesson of the Day" regularly so you can have new devotions. The 2000 Summer Camp section is up. There are 38 pictures on that section. I also created seperate banners for the Sock Game sectiond and the 2000 summer camp section.
.....You may not think so, but I did a lot of work today. You can't see it though, becaue the stuff I did isn't stuff you can see. I got a new scanner today and scanned TWO PHOTO ALBUMS!!! These aren't little photo albums, they are huge. It took me several hours to do, but I was also doing other things at the same time. Since I have around 200 pictures now, I decided to start working on the memories section. I got the main page on there finished and a subsection done, which was the "sock game." This was a very interesting game, and it was a good thing that we experimented with it, because everyone had fun, and that is hard to do with a game.
.....Lots of work to do. But I decided that I should work on the easier sites first. So I worked on the News (the page you are reading from) section today. I created the banner for the news page as well. I also added the site navigation on the bottom so it is easier to navigate around the pages. Event though there aren't too many pages to navigate through right now, it will come in handy for the future. I alos made a little banner for the side menu so it would take up some extra room, because that side seemed too empty. I also updated the main page a little bit. Just adding a few things about what the page will look like in the future. Another little change that I did today, was that I added the minimum stats that you should have to best experience abyf. The two most important things you should have on there is a medium sized font for your browser (if you don't know where that is, it is under view and text size) and that you have a resolution of over 800 by 600 pixels. The site is designed so that the page will completely show up on a screen with resolution of 800x600. Anything higher there will be extra space on the sides.
.....Today the site was posted. There is still so much to do. I only had time to mess around with the layout and how i want the page to look. I didn't get too much done, but the main page is mostly completed. I still have literally hundres of pictures to work on. I posted my brillant banner on the main page and the forum section is up and running as well. There is a little message similair to this one on the main page, along with a picture on me and vicent.
.....I went around looking for a site to host abyf, but I couldn't find any that would met my standards. So I just decided to go with Angelfire, even though there is an annoying pop-up banner. What I was looking for was a banner-less host that would allow ftp upload. I found some bannerless sites, but they did not allow ftp. The only way to upload was using browser, and I really dislike using browser because it is slow and it is very time consuming. If you need to upload hundreds of pictures at once, which I did once before for my other site, it will take a very long time. I was uploading 400 pictures at once, and it took around 10 minutes (56k modem) if I was using a browser to do that, it would take me all day.

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