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a.b.y.f [aloha baptist youth fellowship]...
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w a l l p a p e r s 100% COMPLETED The section is up and there are currently 3 wallpapers on there with FIVE different sizes.
n e w s 100% COMPLETED This page has been up and running. Every time I update the page, I post it on the news section for you to see what I did.
m e m o r i e s
100% COMPLETED!!! This very hard section had been completely finished. There are currently FIFTEEN different sections. And there are a total of 639 pictures for you to look at, save, or do whatever you wish with. THE LAST UPDATE was on (11.12.2001): and 40 pics were added to the Summer Days Part II section

- s e c t i o n -

Section Online? # Of Pages # Of Pics
2000 Summer Camp Yes 3 38
2000 Youth Group Camp Yes 3 45
The Sock Game Yes 1 15
Miscellaneous Pictures Yes 3 41
1999 Summer Camp Yes 1 11
The Harrington Days Yes 3 38
March 24-25, 2001 Yes 2 30
May 2001 Yes 2 30
Mother's Day Yes 3 45
May 2001 - PART II Yes 4 58
Jon/Diane's House Yes 1 9
Summer 2001 Yes 10 145
Summer 2001 - Part II Yes 6 80
2001 Youth Group Camp Yes 2 30
The Engagement Party Yes 2 30
TOTAL Yes 45 639
m e m b e r s 90% COMPLETED This page is up and running, but the reason I say its only 90% done is because I handed out like 25 member information sheets for people to fill out and I only got back like 10. *ahem*. I don't know when those other people will give me their papers back.
f o r u m 100% COMPLETED The forum page is done and you can go there to post your thought or comments. It could be about anything, but keep it appropiate for the page, or I will delete the post. You can also post prayer request, make sure the prayer request is for you only. Because there are some legal things on that matter.
m o v i e s 50% COMPLETED Pics are all online, but the sounds are still being worked on. I think I finally got it figured out.
a b o u t u s 80% COMPLETED Page online and everything, but there are a few more things I want on there, which John Forgard should be writting.
c o n t a c t 100% COMPLETED You can now contact the facilitators if you want. And there is also directions to the church.
l i n k s 0% COMPLETED I haven't done anything to this page yet. I can't think of what links I should put on here.

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