I Peter 2:13-17

  1. the source of government
    1. what is the source of government?
      1. there is no authority except from God
      2. the authorities which exist are established by God [for the Lord’s sake] - 13
    2. those who resist authority are opposed to the ordinance of God
      1. government did not come into being by accident; it is the creation of God
      2. those who oppose will receive condemnation to themselves
    3. Christians should understand and recognize the place of authority
      1. because we believe in God
      2. the created universe operates on discernible laws and principles
      3. because man is sinful, authority is needed to make society tolerable (to keep us in check)
  2. the purpose of government - 14
    1. punishing evildoers
    2. a rewarder of them that do good
    3. they were appointed for the good of society
    4. all the kings and all their punishments cannot hinder evildoers
    5. society is in trouble when they begin to turn these two purposes of government around
  3. obedience to government
    1. our duty to government is submission - 13
      1. "submit" means to obey, to yield, a voluntary attitude of giving in, cooperate
      2. Christians are to fulfill their responsibility to the institutions of their society; as part of their obedience to Christ [for the Lord’s sake]
      3. we are not just spiritual people living in a spiritual vacuum; our spirituality is demonstrated by how we live in the midst of a secular society
    2. why submission is important - 15
      1. God has willed that we silence our critics by doing good, not by opposing authority
        1. the favorite charge against the early Christians was that they plotted to overthrow the empire
        2. for this purpose they were exhorted to conform, as much as is possible
        3. in the process of time, they could disarm and pacify their enemies
      2. the Christian who obeys the law of the land will have a good influence on others
      3. our personal testimony for Christ will be enhanced by our obedience
    3. why we should submit
      1. because we belong to God, and this is His will
        1. it does not matter if we agree with what God has said, He said it
        2. it does not matter if we like what God has done, He’s done it anyway
        3. our attitudes do not alter His actions
      2. because of the indwelling Holy Spirit
      3. it was the example that Jesus set forth
    4. there is one exception: when the authorities contradict what God has said
  4. liberty and the Christian citizen - 16
    1. living like free men is a very popular subject in our day
      1. this attitude shows itself in moral standards, political stances, and personal priorities
      2. the common desire seems to be that all restrictions should be taken away so that we can enjoy what we imagine to be liberty
      3. to take away limits and restrictions does not produce liberty, it produces anarchy (chaos, mob rule)
    2. to understand liberty properly, we must look into the "law of liberty"
      1. this expression from God’s Word seems to be a contradiction of terms
      2. contrary to the high minded thoughts of some. real freedom come from being under the law of liberty
        1. freedom is offered to those who make Christ the Lord of their life [as the servants of God]
        2. freedom from the things that hinder, mar, and spoil us individually and as a society
        3. freedom comes only according to God’s Word
        4. individual rights and absolute freedom to do as we like is not real freedom
    3. God has ordained limits on our human liberty
      1. we are free to breath, but not without air
      2. we are free to eat, but not without food
      3. liberty is not found in the absence of limits, but in living joyfully and submissively within God’s ordained limits
    4. the nature of liberty
      1. we are not to use our liberty as a cover-up for evil
      2. isn’t it interesting that the words "liberty" and "servant" appear in the same verse
      3. our liberty is exercised properly when we freely submit ourselves to His Lordship
    5. there is a difference between liberty and license
  5. we are to show proper respect and courtesy to all humans - 17