I Peter 3:1-7

  1. Intro.
    1. a strange situation exist in our society today
      1. we have more information available on marriage today, and yet we have more marital problems
      2. even many Christian marriages are falling apart
      3. obviously something is wrong
    2. the fact that a man and woman are both saved does not guarantee a successful marriage
      1. marriage is something we have to work at
      2. when one marriage partner is not a Christian, that makes matters even worse
    3. in this portion of Scripture, we will learn the essentials of a happy marriage
  2. the duty of the wife - 3:1-4
    1. subjection - 1
      1. meaning of the word
        1. submit to one’s control
        2. yield to one’s admonition or advice
        3. a voluntary attitude of giving in, cooperating
      2. every relationship has its particular duties
        1. a wife must fulfill her duty to her own husband, and not any other
        2. her duty is the same, even if the husband does not obey the Word
        3. there is nothing more powerful than an good conversation and a faithful discharge of duties, except the Word of God
      3. in the home, God has given the place of authority to the husband
        1. subjection does in no way imply inferiority
        2. leadership is not dictatorship
        3. the chain of command that God has set in the home is the husband is to be over the wife
        4. God knows that this is the best arrangement for a happy and fulfilling marriage
        5. submission has to do with order and authority, not self-worth or importance
          1. the buck private in the army may be a better person than the five-star general, but still a private
          2. husbands and wives are to be partners, not competitors
    2. a chaste conversation - 2
      1. the meaning of chaste is pure, clean, modest
      2. evil men are observers of the behavior of those who are professor of religion
      3. it is the character and conduct of a wife that will win a lost husband
    3. be most concerned with inner qualities, rather than external appearances - 3-4
      1. some think they must imitate the world to win their mate, but just the opposite is true
        1. glamour is something a person can put on and take off; true beauty is always present
        2. glamour is corruptible; true beauty from the heart grows more wonderful as the years pass
        3. a woman who cultivates the beauty of the inner person will not have to depend on cheap externals
      2. this does not mean that a woman should neglect herself
        1. Peter is not saying that a woman should not fix her hair, wear jewelry, or dress attractively
        2. he is placing the emphasis on the "hidden man of the heart"
        3. Christians should make sure that their external behavior makes a good profession of faith
        4. the attire of a harlot is never becoming on a Christian woman
    4. the finest ornament of a Christian woman is a "meek and quiet spirit" - 4
      1. meek
        1. gentleness of spirit
        2. comes from a trust in God’s goodness and control over the situation
      2. quiet means peaceable, undisturbed from without
  3. OT examples-3:5-6
    1. holy women of old - 5
      1. it is the way things use to be [after this manner in the old times]
        1. they had less knowledge to inform them of this behavior
        2. they had fewer examples to encourage them
        3. yet in all ages they practiced this duty
        4. the duties imposed upon a believing woman is not something new
      2. they were holy women that did this
      3. they did it because they trusted in God
        1. they trusted in God, and yet they did not neglect their duty to man
        2. the duties of a woman have always been practiced by the greatest and best women in the world
    2. the example of Sarah - 6
      1. Sarah obeyed her husband
        1. she obeyed when Abraham said it was time to move, and didn’t know where he was going
        2. she called him lord, thus showing her reverence and submission to him
      2. some things to learn
        1. God takes notice, and keeps exact records of the actions of all men and women in the world
        2. subjection of wives to their husbands is a duty which has been practiced universally by holy women in all ages
        3. the greatest honor lies in a faithful exercise of duties no matter the circumstances God puts us in
        4. Christians ought not do their duty out of fear, but with a willing mind [and are not afraid]
  4. the husbands duty to the wife - 3:7
    1. marriage is not a one-sided relationship
      1. marriage is a union of two, and both are important
      2. "any marriage in which all the privileges are on one side and all the obligations are on the other has every chance of failure"
      3. Christianity has done much to change the position of a woman in society (from a slave to an equal partner)
    2. cohabitation [dwell with them]
      1. this implies much more than just sharing the same address
      2. the husband must make time to be home with his wife
      3. this forbids unnecessary separation
    3. understand her [according to knowledge]
      1. as wise men, who know the word of God and their own duty
      2. a husband needs to know his wife (thoughts, feelings, moods)
      3. an atmosphere of love and submission will allow the husband and wife to disagree and still be happy together
    4. treat her as something special (giving honor)
      1. honor means respect, reverence, the highest degree of esteem because of one’s rank
      2. the husband may be lord, but the wife is queen
      3. a husband should be a "knight in shining armor" who treats his wife like a princess
    5. remember that she is physically weaker [the weaker vessel]
      1. this does not suggest that the wife is mentally, morally, or spiritually weaker than the man
      2. the husband should treat his wife like an expensive and fragile vase which is full of a precious treasure
    6. recognize her spiritual equality [heirs together]
      1. marriage is a partnership between two equals
      2. marriage is two people working together to fulfill God’s will
      3. God saw that it was not good for man to be alone, so He gave man a helper, not a slave
      4. God has made the man and the woman different, and also to need each other
    7. the promise [that your prayers be not hindered]