I Peter 4:12-19

  1. Intro.
    1. in this section Peter speaks of a special kind of persecution [fiery trial]
    2. this is not the occasional persecution of those around us
    3. this is an "official" persecution from those that are above us
  2. expect suffering - 4:12
    1. persecution is not something that is alien to the Christian life
      1. throughout history the people of God have suffered at the hands of the unbelieving world
      2. the cause: Christian are different from the unbelievers
        1. most of what goes on in the world depend on lies, pride, pleasure, and the desire to get more
        2. a Christian builds his life on truth, humility, holiness, and the desire to glorify God
    2. the world does not persecute religious people, but it does persecute righteous people
    3. not all difficulties in life are fiery trials
      1. some are simply a natural part of life
      2. some are brought on by ourselves
      3. some happen because we are faithful to God
    4. persecutions and trials do not just "happen", as in the sense of being an accident
    5. they are a part of God’s plan, and He is in control
  3. rejoice in suffering - 4:13-14
    1. some form of joy is mentioned four times in these two verses
      1. the world cannot understand how difficult circumstances can produce exceeding joy
      2. the world has never experienced the grace of God
    2. privileges that will encourage us to rejoice in the midst of fiery trials
      1. our suffering means fellowship with Christ [partakers of Christ’s sufferings] -13
        1. it is an honor and a privilege to suffer with Christ, and to be treated as He was treated
        2. not every believer grows to the point where God can trust him with this kind of experience
        3. Christ is always with us in the furnace of persecution
        4. when unbelievers persecute us, they are really persecuting Christ
      2. our suffering means glory in the future - 13
        1. "suffering" and "glory" are two truths often spoken of in this letter (they go together)
        2. the world thinks that the absence of suffering is glory
        3. the Christian outlook is different: the trial of our faith today means glory when Jesus returns
        4. God does not replace suffering with glory, rather He will transform suffering into glory
          1. the example of a woman giving birth
          2. the same baby that gave her pain also gave her joy
          3. our sufferings will one day be transformed into glory, and we will "be glad with exceeding joy"
      3. the Holy Spirit has a special ministry to those who suffer for the glory of Christ 14 [resteth upon you]
        1. suffering Christian do not need to wait for heaven to experience His glory
        2. through the Holy Spirit, they can have it now
        3. this is why martyrs could sing while burning at the stake
      4. our suffering enables us to glorify God - 14 [he is glorified]
  4. examine our life - 4:15-18
    1. why am I suffering - 15
      1. the fact that we are Christians is not a guarantee that we will escape the consequences of our misdeeds
      2. when Abraham, David, Peter and other Bible greats disobeyed God, they suffered for it
    2. am I ashamed of Christ - 16
      1. Jesus is not ashamed of us, though many time He could be
      2. the Father is not ashamed to be called our God
      3. "not be ashamed" and "glorify God" are both essential to be a good witness
    3. am I seeking to win the lost - 17-18
      1. the meaning of these verses: if God sends fiery trials to His own children, what will happen to the lost sinners when His fiery judgment falls
      2. instead of being concerned only about ourselves, we need to be concerned about the lost sinners around us
      3. our present fiery trial is nothing compared to the "flaming fire" that shall punish the lost when Jesus returns in judgment
  5. commit ourselves to God - 4:19
    1. everything we do as a Christian depends on this
      1. "commit" means to deposit for safe keeping
      2. when we deposit our life in God’s bank, we will receive eternal dividends on our investment
      3. when we commit our life to God. We have nothing to fear; for He is able to keep us [faithful Creator]
    2. this commitment is not a single action but a constant attitude
    3. this commitment involves every area and every hour of our life
    4. service is a commitment to God and an investment for the future
      1. unsaved people have a present that is controlled by their past
      2. Christians have a present that is controlled by the future