Revelation 1:1-20 (19)

  1. Intro.
    1. the last book of the Bible has intrigued and fascinated multitudes of people throughout the centuries
      1. more commentaries have been written about this book than any other
      2. there is also a greater variety of interpretations
    2. the book of Revelation is not a theological book, but an actual record of the final phases of world history
      1. it is a book of real history (real events with real people)
      2. this book was written specifically to provide knowledge of the future - Rev 1:1
      3. what God desires for us to know about the future is written for us in this book
    3. if we wonder whether these prophecies will actually come to pass, we need only look at earlier prophecies
      1. much of Bible prophecy is very unique, because they are long range prophecies
      2. this type of prophecy is not found in any other writings (religious or secular)
    4. this book was written to show things that were coming to pass, not to obscure them in symbolism or dark sayings
      1. it is true that there are many opinions about this book, but it is only because the natural man cannot understand spiritual things
      2. the author of this book (Holy Spirit) is also the author of all the scriptures, and He is willing and able to teach every believer
    5. three main divisions of the book - Rev 1:19
      1. the things which thou hast seen - Rev 1
      2. the things which are - Rev 2-3
      3. the things which shall be hereafter - Rev 4-22
  2. the Revelation of Jesus Christ - 1:1-3
    1. "revelation" means to unveil or to take the cover off, to reveal - 1
      1. this book is not intended to be mysterious or confusing, but illuminating and revealing
      2. intended to give us new resolution to stay faithful
    2. Jesus has not lost His humanity - 1
      1. He is still the resurrected man, though He is now glorified in heaven
      2. in His humanity (He is also deity), he has received from God this prophetic message of the future
      3. as God, He is omniscient; knowing all things before they come to pass
      4. as the God-man, He is the mediator between sinful man and God
    3. this prophecy was to be fulfilled in the near future - 1 [which must shortly come to pass]
      1. "shortly" means a brief period of time
      2. those of the early church were looking for the return of Christ
      3. even a thousand years is a brief time when placed on the eternal time line
    4. this revelation was intended for the servants of Jesus Christ - 1 [to show unto his servants]
      1. to give guidance and blessing
      2. when God lays out a road map of the future, we can be certain that we are on the right path
    5. this book was written by John, who received it from an angel - 1-2
      1. verse 2 gives proof that it was John the apostle that wrote the book, and not another John
      2. John not only HEARD the words recorded here, but he also saw the visions - 2
      3. In the Spirit, John saw what will literally take place upon this earth
    6. a special blessing is promised for those who study this book - 3
      1. for those that read it
      2. for those that hear it
      3. for those that keep it
        1. to attend to carefully, to guard, to observe
        2. we cannot keep what we do not possess
        3. this promise assumes that we will be able to understand and appreciate the writings of this book
        4. we can understand and appreciate this book , only if it is taken literally
      4. the word "blessed" means happy
        1. this book is not a frightful book for the believer
        2. the Holy Spirit declares that this is a blessed book, and that it brings joy and eternal pleasure to the one that reads it
      5. the reason for reading, hearing, and keeping these words is that "the time is at hand"
  3. John’s greeting to the seven churches - 1:4-8
    1. written to seven churches - 4
      1. notice that the word is churches, and not the church or even the church of Asia
      2. it was written to seven churches
        1. seven is an important number in Revelation
        2. seven is the number of perfection and completion (creation)
        3. the message is to all churches of all centuries
        4. these seven churches are representative of all churches everywhere
    2. John begins with a greeting of grace and peace - 4
    3. where did the grace and peace come from
      1. "from him which is, and which was, and which is to come" - God the Father - 4
        1. cannot refer to Jesus Christ because he is mentioned in verse 5
        2. this reveals the eternal nature of God
      2. "from the seven Spirits" - Holy Spirit - 4
        1. why the Holy Spirit and not an angel
          1. mentioned between the Father and the Son
          2. the text indicates His equality with the Father and the Son
          3. only God has grace and peace to give
        2. why is the number seven applied to the Holy Spirit?
          1. the number seven often denotes that which is full, complete, or manifold
          2. it could be used in reference to an all perfect Spirit, or to the manifold operations of the Holy Spirit
        3. we notice that He is before the throne
          1. the Father sits on His throne, and Jesus is sitting on His right hand side
          2. the Holy spirit is at work in the world today
          3. He is not seen as sitting, but as going forth
      3. from Jesus Christ - 5
        1. three things about Jesus
          1. the faithful witness
            1. in His testimony about God
            2. in His revelation of the future
          2. the first begotten from the dead
            1. because death could not hold Him
            2. His resurrection is our guarantee of a future resurrection of all believers
            3. "first begotten" speaks of a position of honor
          3. the prince of the kings of the earth (King of kings, and Lord of lords)
        2. three things He did for us
          1. loved us
          2. washed us from our sins
          3. made us kings and priest unto God - 6
            1. we that were once slaves, have become kings and priest
            2. one day we shall reign with Christ
        3. for all this, Christ is worthy of our praise and worship - 6 [to him be glory...]
    4. a reminder that Christ is coming back - 7
      1. "Behold" is meant to get our attention because the subject is of great importance
      2. this coming of Christ is not at the Rapture, but when He comes to set up His kingdom
        1. this is when Christ comes to judge
        2. every eye shall see him
          1. the saints that are with Him will see Him, but for them the time of judgment is past
          2. all the lost will see Him as they stand before Him in judgment, and hear their final doom announced
          3. this will be a time of great suffering and agony for those being judged [shall wail]
      3. all the saints can say "Amen" to all of this
        1. "amen" means so be it
        2. what the wicked lament in, the saints rejoice in
        3. the saints desire the coming of Christ, they love it, look and long for it; they believe it shall be, and wish it may be quickly
    5. Jesus Christ is the true God - 8
      1. He is the Alpha and Omega (A to Z an everything in between)
      2. He is the beginning and the ending (of all things)
        1. He has always existed, and He will always exist
        2. in other words, He is God
      3. He is the one which is, and which was, and which is to come
        1. the same was said of the God the Father in verse 4
        2. it is a proof of the deity of Christ
        3. the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit are one
      4. He is the Almighty
        1. those who say that Christ is not God, should try to explain why He is called the Almighty
        2. Jesus Christ is the one true God that has created all thing, and sustains all things
  4. John’s vision on Patmos - 1:9-20
    1. John was not a superhuman - 9
      1. he was a man just like you and me
      2. he was a brother in the Lord, as well as a brother in suffering and patience
    2. all the other apostles had died a martyrs death, but John was exiled to the isle of Patmos
      1. God had a job for John to do yet
      2. God’s servants are indestructible until God is through with them here on earth
      3. God’s servants cannot be destroyed by the devil nor all the forces of hell; as long as, God has need of them
      4. many are the afflictions and tribulations of the saints
    3. why he was put on the isle [for the Word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ]
      1. John preached the Word without apology
      2. the only reason some of us are not exiled is because we do not preach as fervently or as sternly as John
      3. the "Santa Claus" religion that is in our country today is not the religion Jesus taught and John practiced
        1. Jesus did not say, "Follow me and I will put a big automobile in your garage, or money in your bank
        2. Jesus did say, "if you are willing to carry the cross, you can be my disciple, but if you are not willing to carry the cross, you cannot be my disciple, you cannot share my crown"
        3. this does not sound like the modern, easygoing, happy-go-lucky, chocolate-covered, religion of today
        4. the Word of God declares, "If any man will live godly in Christ Jesus he shall suffer persecution"
        5. the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us
      4. John was a man entirely yielded to the will of God; he served God with all of his heart
        1. he was content to suffer whatever he was called upon to suffer, for the sake of the God’s Word
        2. he did not mention the trial, the condemnation, or the parting with friends
        3. not one word of complaint fell from the lips of John
        4. he simply says, "I was in the Isle called Patmos"
      5. most of us do not know the meaning of the word PERSECUTION
        1. if Jesus delays His coming much longer, some of us will learn the meaning of real suffering for Jesus' sake
        2. it is already taking place in some parts of the world
    4. time and circumstances of the vision - 10
      1. "in the Spirit" means he was praying and meditating on God’s Word
      2. "on the Lord’s day" which is Sunday
      3. "heard behind me a great voice"
        1. loud and clear, so as not to be misunderstood
        2. it was the voice of Jesus Christ
    5. what John heard - 11
      1. identity of the One speaking
      2. a command to write a book
    6. the vision John saw of Jesus Christ – 12-16
      1. Christ in the midst of the churches –12-13
        1. when John turned and saw the Lord, it was the most glorious sight ever beheld by mortal eyes
        2. the candlesticks represent the churches, and Christ is in the midst of them – 20
          1. though the churches were enduring tribulation, Christ had not forsaken them
          2. Christ is in the midst of the churches so that He might judge the churches
            1. He judges believers so that the light might continue to shine
            2. Jesus Christ has the sole oversight of the churches
            3. like the high priest of the OT, He lights the lamps, pours in the oil, and trims the wicks
            4. sometimes Christ has to use the snuffer
      2. His garments – 13
        1. There is no nudity or seminudity in heaven
        2. Jesus was stripped of His garments when He was made sin on the cross
      3. the face of Jesus – 14
        1. what Jesus looked like while He was on earth is unknown
          1. the NT writers did not speak one word concerning His physical appearance
          2. this omission is significant because He is the representative of us all
        2. His present appearance is far more important
          1. this is the way we shall see Him
          2. this will be His appearance throughout all eternity
        3. His hair was white
          1. Daniel had the same vision [the Ancient of days…his head like pure wool – Dan 7:9]
          2. Isaiah speaks of Him as the "everlasting Father" – Isaiah 9:6
          3. The white hair clearly speaks of His great age
          4. Contrast this with modern man, who desires to retain the appearance of youth
            1. The beauty of old men is the grey head – Proverbs 20:29
            2. The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness – Prov. 16:31
          5. The promise in the Bible is that we shall be like Him
        4. His eyes were as a flame of fire speak of His penetrating insight and eyewitness knowledge
      4. His feet were like fine brass – 15 (symbolic of judgment)
      5. His voice as the sound of many waters – 15
        1. It is a voice of authority
        2. It is the voice that called the universe into existence
        3. This voice will one day raise the dead
        4. This voice will one day call His own out of this world to be with Him
      6. in His right hand was seven stars – 16 (the angels of the seven churches – 20)
        1. the word "angel" means a messenger
        2. it could be either human or angelic beings
        3. our text points to the human messengers of the churches, which is the pastor
        4. pastors are God’s special messengers for the churches, and He is holding them
      7. out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword – 16 (the Word of God)
        1. God judges by His Word
        2. when God speaks the Word, we better sit up and take note of it because He means business
      8. He was shining like the sun at high noon – 16
        1. we cannot look at the sun when it is blazing high in the sky
        2. what would it be like to behold the One who made the sun?
    7. John’s actions and Jesus’ response – 17-18
      1. the effect of the vision upon John was nothing short of paralyzing [fell at His feet as dead]
      2. one day when we see Him in heaven, we will probably respond in a similar way
      3. Jesus told him not to fear [fear not]
        1. because He is our Creator [I am the first and the last]
        2. because He is our Savior [I am he that liveth, and was dead]
        3. because He is interceding for us [I am alive for evermore]
        4. because he has power over death and the grave [have the keys of hell and of death]
    8. the command to write a book, with the table of contents given – 19
    9. interpretation of what John just saw – 20
      1. churches are to be light holders [candlesticks]
      2. the people are the lights
      3. saved people are to place their lights in the light holders [candlesticks]