Revelation 2:1-7
- Intro.
- the picture we see in Revelation 2 & 3 is amazing
- they represent all churches, and yet all the churches are unpromising
- they are spiritually strong churches, but they have some form of decay
- we are imperfect, and the churches are full of spots and wrinkles
- nevertheless, we belong to Christ, and He is in our midst
- these seven churches were real churches, and many visit the ruins of these churches today
- they still represent our churches today
- their problems are our problems
- Jesus’ exhortation to them apply equally to us today
- there is a sense in which they depict stages of development and change in the churches throughout the centuries
- the total and the sequence are both significant
- the last four churches were to last until the return of Christ (2:25, 3:3, 11, 20)
- this can only be true if they represent stages of church development until the end of the age
- each letter is composed of seven parts
- a greeting [unto the angel of the church at…]
- identification of Christ as the sender [these things saith He that…]
- an assertion of knowledge [I know thy works…]
- exhortation
- this is the core of the message to each assembly
- commending them as well as rebuking them
- none can relax as though they had attained all that Christ desires of them
- a promise or threat of His coming
- an admonition to heed [he that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith…]
- a promised blessing [to him that overcometh]
- the church that had left its first love – 2:1-7
- the Savior identified – 1
- it points to something about the Savior that requires their special attention
- He directs their attention to the fact that He holds the seven stars in His hand (pastors)
- He directs their attention to the fact that He walks in the midst of the seven candlesticks (churches)
- what was He trying to impress upon them
- they were dependant on Him
- He had the power to continue or remove the ministry
- He had absolute control over the ministry
- "walking" implies a constant and vigilant supervision
- He is one who inspects and examines all that is under His care
- it was by His presence only that those candlesticks could continue to give light
- that they might do what was necessary to secure His continual presence among them
- He commends them for the good characteristics in their lives –2-3
- He emphasizes their zeal and steadfastness
- "thy works"
- these are the works of a believer, not works for salvation
- we have been saved to work, we are not saved by works
- "thy labour"
- this word carries the meaning of weariness
- they worked until they were weary
- "thy patience"
- under many trials
- they had manifested a firm endurance against all those who had resisted the truth
- "thou canst not bear them which are evil"
- they had no tolerance for that which is evil
- they had no sympathy for the teaching of unrighteousness, and made no compromises
- "tried them which say they are apostles"
- they were in the habit of testing the men that came to there assembly
- they sought to maintain a pure ministry, and to uphold pure doctrine
- it is especially stated that they rejected those that claimed to be apostles, and were not
- innumerable people have been led away from God through the centuries by such false leaders
- there is no successors to the apostles
- the primary requirement for an apostle was that they had seen Christ
- verse 3 restates what is said in verse 2, and it adds the reason for their actions [for my name sake]
- this church characterizes the first 100 years of church history
- there is a lot of good in this church, but Jesus also sees their faults – 4
- they had lost their intense and enthusiastic devotion to the person of Christ
- the early church got off track first in their personal relationship with Christ and not in doctrine
- when home life and church life become a burden, then there is something wrong with our relationship with Christ
- course of action to be taken by the church - 5 [remember… repent, and do…]
- "remember"
- someone has said that memory is a luxury that only good people can enjoy
- Jesus wanted this church to remember where they had been, and compare it with their present situation
- we should often call to mind what we use to be, and what we have become through the grace of God
- we should remember what we use to be for Christ, and reflect on what we are right now
- "repent"
- Christians need to repent
- repentance means to turn around, to change one’s mind and purpose, to turn back to God
- many churches today need to repent, but that is not the message they want to hear
- "do the first works"
- to manifest the zeal and love that was once evident in their lives
- read the Bible as they did back then
- pray as they did back them
- go forth and witness as they did back then
- teach a class as they did back then
- open their heart, purse, and hand to a dying world
- this is the way they manifested their love back then
- this is the best way to rekindle the flame of love that is almost extinguished
- they weapon that is used will stay bright
- the weapon that has become rusty will become bright again if it is used
- consequences for failing to act – 5 [or else…]
- Christ would come as Judge to execute the judgment that is specified
- judge the state of your own heart, lest I am forced to judge you
- the judgment: the church would cease to exist
- the removal of the lampstand had nothing to do with a persons salvation, but the church as a whole
- Christ is always watching His lamps
- He does not mind trimming the wicks
- He does not mind using the snuffer when they refuse to give light
- more praise – 6
- not all hated is wrong
- both Jesus and the church hated the deeds, and not the people
- what were the deeds of the Nicolaitans???????
- Nicolaitans means to conquer the people
- they could have been some of the false apostles spoken of in verse 2
- a group of men who plagued the 1st century church by falsely claiming divine authority
- men who came into the church to usurp authority (to lord it over)
- the idea that the clergy was somehow superior to the rest of the people
- the very early stages of the Roman church (priest and laity)
- a promised blessing – 7
- for those with spiritual ears [he that hath an ear]
- only those who desire to do God’s will can know God’s will
- Jesus is speaking to those who have spiritual perception
- all others do not care, or do not have an interest in the matter (can’t hear)
- "let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches’
- not what the church council says, nor a denominational headquarters, or the pope, or anybody else
- when the Holy Spirit speaks, we should pay close attention
- for the overcomer [to him that overcometh]
- this refers to the genuine believer, who has overcome through the blood of the Lamb
- it does not mean that we must overcome all sin or we lose our salvation
- "to eat of the tree of life"
- in the Garden, after the fall, man was forbidden to eat of this tree
- in heaven the "no trespassing" sign will be taken down
- "the paradise of God"
- there is more to heaven than the streets of gold, it will be the most beautiful garden we have every seen
- Christ will receive them that overcame through the blood to a world of happiness
- He will permit us to eat of the fruit that grows there
- we will rest in God’s garden that He has made for our enjoyment