Revelation 2:8-11
- Christ identified – 8
- "the first and the last"
- the persecuted believers needed to know that He was in charge
- their persecution was in the planning and purpose of God
- "which was dead, and is alive"
- to a persecuted church, these would be words of comfort
- his experience with death identified Him with those who were being martyred for the faith
- He had triumphed over death, and was alive forever more
- since He had already conquered death, they were certain of the ultimate victory
- the knowledge Christ had of this church – 9
- "I know thy works" implies an intimate understanding of all that pertained to the church
- "tribulation"
- Christ has warned us that tribulation would be a part of our earthly experience
- Jesus knows every heartache; He knows every pain, every tear, every burden
- we are at our best and are richest when we suffer
- when the Church is persecuted it spreads like wildfire
- when the Church is at ease in Zion, God's work suffers sorely
- the saints in this period dealt with more of it than any other (represents the church period to 314 A.D.)
- in 313 A.D. the Edict of Toleration was given by Constantine
- this Edict ended the persecution of Christians all over the Roman Empire
- the church in its Ephesian period had lost its first love: therefore, He permitted chastisement to come upon the church to cause the church to return unto Him
- "poverty"
- this poverty came not by sin, but by sufferings for his sake
- nothing is more contemptible among men than poverty, yet Christ takes notice of it, and owns his people in it
- "but thou art rich"
- speaks of the spiritual wealth of the church
- they were laying up treasure in heaven
- compare them with the church at Laodicea
- poverty is not a hindrance to the favor of God
- there are things about poverty, but not wealth, that promote a right spirit toward God
- Jesus was extremely poor, and so was many of His faithful followers
- Jesus knew that the source of their trouble was religious people
- "blasphemy" means harsh and bitter reproach
- "of them which say they are Jews, and are not"
- they professed one thing and did another
- if they really believed in God, their action would have been different
- they were Jews outwardly, but they were not worthy of the name
- "but are the synagogue of Satan"
- all false religions belong to Satan
- the Spirit puts no frills or sugar-coating on the words that expose these crooked religious fakes
- there is a true Church, composed of true believers, and all else is false and belongs to the synagogue of the devil
- That may sound a little rough, but we need to speak words easily understood when making truth and error known
- Jesus’ counsel for this suffering church – 10
- "fear not
- suffering
- what the devil can do
- the devil is a powerful being, but his power is limited and controlled by the all-powerful One
- since the devil's power is limited and controlled, he cannot hurt even the most feeble of the saints without express permission from the Lord God Almighty
- the devil cannot make one move against God's child without God's permission
- tribulation
- God has a purpose for the suffering He allows
- it caused His saints to repent and turn to Him
- God’s saints were purified
- there love, faith, and courage were strengthened
- this time of tribulation had a limited time period [ten days]
- "be thou faithful"
- unto death, not until death
- faithfulness will gain the martyr’s reward, the crown of life (this is not the same as eternal life)
- the Spirit’s message to the churches – 11
- it is the responsibility of the individual to hear the message of the Holy Spirit
- we will not be excused by God at the judgment seat if we depend upon others to do our hearing, our praying, or our confessing
- we must individually hear and obey what the Spirit has to say to us
- the Holy Spirit’s promise to the churches was that the overcomer would not be hurt by the second death
- the second death is that state of eternal separation from God in hell
- no believer will ever experience the second death
- these words were meant to encourage the believer to be faithful unto death
- the second death is far worse than any tortured death we may experience