Revelation 4:1-11

  1. Intro.
    1. a big change takes place at the beginning of chapter 4
      1. up to this point, John is seen here on earth, and the events recorded in chapters two and three took place right here on earth
      2. now, John leaves the earth and is caught up into Heaven to witness and record the visions that remain in the book of Revelation
    2. as we enter this chapter the history of the church on this earth is over
      1. the overcomers have been translated to meet the Lord in the air
      2. the guilty multitudes of earth have been spewed out
      3. the removal of the True Church sets the stage for the devil to take over
      4. this he will do, as we will see in chapter six
  2. the rapture taking place – 4:1
    1. this is a very important verse in the book of Revelation
      1. it begins and ends with the same word [after this, hereafter]
        1. show the beginning of the third part of the prophetic outline in Revelation 1:19
        2. at this point the Lord begins to show John the things which shall be after these things
          1. after the things associated with the churches
          2. after the church has completed its earthly ministry and is caught up into heaven
      2. Jesus is now turning His attention to other urgent matters concerning the earth
      3. there is no mention made of the churches in all the great events that are about to take place on earth
    2. what has happened to the churches
      1. the answer is clearly seen in John’s experience in this verse
      2. the purpose of the book of Revelation was to show (not just tell) the great event of the future – R 1:1
      3. He shows John the open door in heaven and invites him to enter
      4. the voice that he now heard was the same voice that he had heard on Patmos – R 1:10
        1. the voice invited him to come up
        2. the door was in heaven, but John was on earth
        3. the Lord had preceded him into heaven, and now he was to go up to meet Him there
        4. John represents one of those who will be alive when Jesus returns
        5. Jesus will not come to this earth when He comes in the Rapture; the saints will be caught up to meet Him in the air
    3. from heaven the Christian will view the things that take place on earth [shew thee things which must be hereafter]
  3. the throne in heaven – 4:2-3
    1. the rapture is an event that will take place instantaneously [immediately]
    2. the first vision that John has after he get caught up to heaven is that of a throne
      1. the throne is the center of the heavenly scene
      2. the throne is a symbol of God's universal government
      3. the scene is one of preparation of judgment on earth
    3. He who sits upon the throne is not named, but is described by the stones that symbolize His appearance
      1. God is on His throne, incapable of being seen or described; only the light of His glory can be seen
      2. His glory cannot be communicated, even by the most exalted of creatures
      3. God is light unapproachable
      4. the Holy Spirit uses these two stones to symbolize the brilliant glory and unsurpassed splendor of God
    4. the throne was encircled with a rainbow
      1. this unbroken circle symbolizes the unbroken power of God, and the unbroken love and mercy of God
      2. the rainbow around the throne is to remind all of God's creatures of the goodness, mercy, and long suffering of God toward His creatures
  4. the four and twenty elders at the throne of God – 4-5
    1. the four and twenty elders sat upon thrones [seats] - 4
      1. not as glorious and majestic as the throne of God
      2. something more noble and honorable than an ordinary chair
      3. those that sit upon them are no ordinary people
    2. these elders have a royal character, and are of a kingly order - 4
      1. they are seen sitting on thrones
      2. they have on their heads "crowns of gold"
    3. who are the twenty and four elders - 4
      1. they represent the raptured saints
      2. proof that they are the raptured saints
        1. there is an angelic hierarchy, but there can be no "elders" because they are all the same age
        2. they are distinguished from angels – Rev. 5:11
        3. "elders" is never used in reference to angels, but only in reference to men
        4. elders are always the chosen representatives and leaders of the people
        5. the elders were wearing white raiment as promised to the overcomers
        6. they have crowns and sit on thrones, which are promised to the redeemed people
        7. angels are never seen wearing crowns or sitting on thrones
      3. they are designed to represent a class of people
        1. so small a number would not be the whole of those who are around the throne of God
        2. they represent man, and in heaven all men will worship God
        3. they represent the church triumphant and victorious
        4. as representatives of the church, they are admitted near to Him
    4. why are there twenty and four elders - 4
      1. don’t really know for sure
      2. the whole Jewish priesthood of old was represented by twenty-four elders – I Chronicles 24:1-18
      3. each officer was a representative of that portion of the priesthood over which he presided
      4. the church is a community of priest employed in the praise and worship of God
    5. the saints of God are to be kings and priest – Rev.4:10
    6. another view of the throne of God – 5
      1. although the throne was encircled by a rainbow (symbol of grace and mercy), sounds of judgment also came forth from the throne of God
        1. the judgment of God was soon to follow in the tribulation period
        2. the mercy of God cannot extinguish His righteousness and judgment
        3. as different as these qualities may seem, they are combined in God
      2. the Holy Spirit is found in this scene of judgment
        1. the Holy Spirit is not only a comforter, but also a consuming fire
        2. this scene at the throne of God would fill the unbeliever with terror, but it is comforting for the believer
  5. the four living creatures at the throne of God – 4:6-8
    1. the sea of glass like unto crystal – 6
      1. it is symbolic of the calmness of the divine government
      2. the calm sea indicates the position of rest into which the church has come
      3. they are no longer victims of the storms of life
    2. who are the four living creatures that are full of eyes 6-7
      1. they are different than the angels or the four and twenty elders
      2. they may well represent the ministers of Jesus Christ
      3. their number is four because they are sent into the four corners of the earth to preach the gospel
        1. our commission is to go into the whole world
        2. God calls and saves people from every walk of life
        3. in heaven there will be people from every nation, kindred, people, and tongue
      4. there are four of them because they are fewer in number than the members of the church
      5. as living creatures they quicken dead sinners, and revive drooping saints
      6. the location of these living creatures reveal that they are gospel ministers
        1. nearer to the throne than the twenty-four elders
        2. between God and the elders
        3. gospel ministers are to receive from God, and give to the people
      7. gospel ministers lead in the worship of God as these living creatures do – 8
      8. these living creatures are full of eyes (spiritual light)
        1. to look into the Scriptures of truth
        2. to overlook the flock committed to them
        3. to look to themselves, their doctrine, and their conversation
        4. to see the enemies and dangers, and give notice of them to the churches
      9. they have the same qualities as Christ (lion, calf, face of a man, flying eagle) - 7
        1. the lion is the king of all the beasts
          1. it denotes their courage and boldness in preaching the Gospel of Christ
          2. not fearing the faces of men
        2. the calf denotes humility and patience, and is a beast of labor
        3. man is the highest of God's creation, denoting wisdom, reason, and intelligence
        4. eagles are the wisest of all birds; he flies the highest, is keenest of sight and is swift of action
        5. Jesus is the all-powerful One, yet He is the most humble to have ever lived in a body like ours, He is perfect in wisdom, and certainly nothing misses His all-seeing eyes
  6. a worship service in heaven – 9-11
    1. the four beast lead the worship service (ministers) – 9
    2. the nature of the worship service
      1. they gave glory and honor and thanks unto God
        1. glory means to give praise, to exalt, to rejoice in
        2. honor means to value and to esteem highly
        3. thanks means to be grateful and to have appreciation
      2. they fell down on their face before God - 10
        1. the greatest act of humility and reverence
        2. they must descend from their own thrones to bow before Him
      3. they will cast their crowns before His throne – 10
        1. they acknowledged the supremacy of God
        2. the beautiful crowns that they receive for faithful service seem unbecoming in His presence
        3. they were redeemed and have their crowns by His blessings
        4. even their faithfulness was made possible by His faithfulness
        5. they had nothing which they were not given
        6. they accomplished only what He willed and enabled
        7. all is of God; therefore, their crowns are not really their own
        8. we owe everything to Him
    3. the cause of their worship – 11
      1. because God had created all things
        1. before God can be known as Redeemer, He must first be believed and acknowledged as Creator
        2. this belief is in sharp contrast with those who are still on earth, who believe in the evolutionary process
        3. those in heaven fully understand that they have their existence solely because of God’s creative will
      2. they acknowledge the purpose of God’s creation [for thy pleasure]
        1. God created all things simply because it was His will to do so
        2. since our minds were created by Him, it is presumptuous for us to question His will
        3. we owe our existence to the will of God
        4. the purpose of all God’s creative work is for it to please Him