Revelation 9:13-21
- the nature of this judgment 9:13-19
- a voice is heard from the horns of the golden alter 13-14
- the earthly temple, which was fashioned like the heavenly temple, had two alters: brazen alter and the golden alter
- the brazen altar was the altar of sacrifice
- incense was burned on the golden altar in the Holy Place
- "the golden altar" was a figure of the intercession of Christ; for on this altar incense was burnt, which was a symbol of the prayers of the saints
- the days of mercy and intercession by Christ are over
- a voice was heard calling for the judgment to begin
- the implication is that God's appointed way of forgiveness has been set aside
- the divine system of gracious atonement and salvation has been rejected and despised
- the great high priest and only Mediator between God and man has been disowned
- the wickedness of earth has risen so high that even the altar itself, which otherwise cries only for mercy, is forced into a cry for vengeance
- the voice came from the four horns of the alter and not the alter itself
- four is the number for something that is universal
- the judgment of the sixth trumpet is universal [four angels were loosed]
- four angels presently bound in the Euphrates River are to be let loose- 14
- they were bound in mercy to our race, and here they are let loose in wrath and judgment
- they are not loosed for salvation, but loosed from their restraint to inflict death
- they have an appointed time and purpose set by God 15 [prepared for]
- this particular time
- this particular judgment
- the number in the army that will be led by the four angels 16
- the four angels will lead TWO HUNDRED MILLION troops against the earth
- It is said the largest army ever to go into the field of battle was under Xerxes when he invaded Greece, he led one and a half million
- during World War II, at the height of the conflict, America had 12,000,000 men in arms
- a description of this demonic army 17
- it was the cavalry from hell [saw the horses]
- the riders of the horses had breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone
- the riders will be super-human, and demented
- the riders are mounted upon horses that cannot be stopped, and cannot be conquered
- out of the mouths of the horses issue fire, smoke and brimstone
- the power of this demonic army 18-19
- the power to kill 18
- they kill men by the fire, smoke and brimstone
- the fire would scorch and burn people to death
- the smoke and the brimstone (sulfur) would suffocate and choke them
- something similar took place in Sodom and Gomorrah
- to meet one of these 200 million hellish horses face to face, is certain death
- the power to hurt 19
- the serpentine tails: nothing is said of power to kill, but only of power to injure, or hurt
- used by them as instruments of mischief, by which great suffering is inflicted
- by these one third of mankind is killed
- this plague will last longer than the previous one, it will last thirteen months, one day and one hour15
- the mere contemplation of these facts makes one's flesh chill with horror
- some people would say that this is to hard to understand
- the problem with men who come to Revelation and say it is to hard to understand is that they do not believe it
- if we read it and believe it, it scarcely needs any comment
- in wrath God remembers mercy
- He suffers only one-third of the race to fall a prey to this tremendous woe, and two-thirds He spares
- not because they deserve to be spared
- so that by their awful circumstances they might be led to repent of their sins, and lay hold of salvation before it is clean gone forever
- the Lord is good and gracious, even in the severest of his visitations
- He delights not in the death of the wicked, but desires them to turn from their evil ways and live
- mans response to this great woe 9:20-21
- the people not killed by these plagues only harden themselves against God and continue in demon and idol worship - 20
- they continued their senseless attachment to dumb idols
- Paul tells us that "Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived"
- by this time they have become so hardened that they are unreachable
- they had become so hardened against God, that by now they had become open Satanist
- they knew that the judgments were from God, but decided to cast their lot with Satan
- the idols that they worshipped were nothing but inanimate material - 20
- instead of fearing, loving, and trusting in God above all things, people will bestow their loving confidence upon unclean spirits, calling upon them for guidance
- it is absurd to believe that such things as these can meet the personal needs of its followers
- nations everywhere have practiced idol worship since the dawn of history
- how can it be that intelligent man, created in the image of God, can put their faith in lifeless matter
- God will send them strong delusion, that they may believe a lie, and be visited with the damnation their perverseness deserves
- not only do they have a pagan religion, but also pagan morals 21
- murder will be a common of crime
- selfish passion will make sad havoc of human life
- there will be no serious thought about it on the part of the leaders
- infanticide, homicide, and all forms of sin against human life, will be tolerated as if no great harm were done
- ever since the second seal was opened, and the red horse rode forth, there had been violence and anarchy on earth
- sorceries will be a predominate vice in those days
- our English word "pharmacy" comes from the Greek work for "sorceries"
- the word includes tampering with one's own or another's health, by means of drugs, potions, or intoxicants; and often with magical incantations
- with all moral restraint removed, drugs will no longer be a controlled substance
- drugs will play large part in the lives of the unsaved, and will serve several purposes
- drugs will enable them to bear the judgment of the Great Tribulation Period (escapism)
- drugs will help dull any pangs of conscience that they might have
- drugs will enable Satan to deceive the whole world
- by these drugs, Satan will insert his deceptions into the minds of many
- there will be a general subversion of marriage and its laws
- the Apostle uses the word "fornication" alone
- it embraces all forms of lewdness,
- it suggest that marriage will then be hardly recognized anymore
- last in the catalogue sins is that of general and abounding dishonesty
- the disregard of other's rights
- the practice of fraud, theft, and deceit wherever it is possible