Revelation 11:15-19
- Intro.
- in the middle of all the woes of the tribulation period, some encouragement is given to the saints still on earth
- they are apt to get discouraged after all they have been through
- the worst part of the tribulation period is still ahead
- the seventh trumpet – 11:15
- "great voices in heaven"
- at the opening of the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven
- the sounding of this trumpet clears up the mystery of God
- all creation is now to be delivered from the curse
- all of God’s created beings can now see the end, and are jubilant in anticipation of the termination of evil
- Christ is going to take possession of the kingdoms of this world
- Satan’s kingdom will be defeated someday, but not by some sweet talk on brotherhood and love
- the Lord Jesus is coming to put down all rebellion, and He shall reign supreme forever
- He will sit on the throne of David in Jerusalem
- the knowledge of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea
- the curse will be lifted and we will have "peace on earth, good will toward men
- we will have the peace the politicians have talked about but have done very little to bring about
- the twenty-four elders fall down before God in worship – 11:16-17
- Jesus came the first time as a babe in a manger -- a tender Lamb
- He is coming the second time in great power, taking vengeance on them that know not God
- here we approach the grand climax of the affairs of the ungodly on earth
- they were the ones counted worthy to escape the woes that will come upon the whole earth
- not only do they fall on the ground before the Lord, but they fall on their faces
- the nations of the earth become angry – 11:18
- reveals that the stubborn rebellion of man will continue to the very end
- we cannot make this old nature obey God
- we cannot bring this old nature under control, that is why God is going to get rid of it someday
- the time of God's judgment has come
- God is about to judge the wicked in a final judgment
- He is about to reward all of His prophets and servants
- there will be a new Heaven and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness
- the saints will be put on display in the Pearly White City, and Satan will be put in the pit
- all sin and all unrighteousness must be removed from the earth
- the Antichrist and the wicked will be put down
- they become exceedingly angry, and in chapter twelve a great war breaks out between God and the devil
- the temple is opened – 19
- the tabernacle and the temple of the Jews were copies of the tabernacle and temple in Heaven
- when the temple in Heaven is open, John sees "the ark of God's covenant"
- all the covenants and promises of God to His people are in that ark
- God's solemn promises cannot be broken, they are forever settled in Heaven
- not one word of God's promises is obsolete, dead, or forgotten; God cannot lie
- now, at the ending of time, when all promises are to be fulfilled, that sacred ark appears
- the ark was the most sacred part of the temple
- the ark disappeared when Nebuchadnezzer destroyed the temple and carried Judah captive into Babylon around 600 BC
- at this time all the vessels of the house of God were taken into Babylon
- no mention was made of the ark, the most important and most costly item
- no mention was made of the ark when Cyrus commissioned the rebuilding of the temple, and sent back all the vessels
- it would seem strange for God to have allowed the ark to have been destroyed
- there is no mystery as to were the ark is, God showed John