Revelation 14:1-20

  1. Intro.
    1. in chapter 13, truth had fallen in the streets, and the saints' blood ran like water
      1. good had been almost banished from the earth
      2. faith was almost unknown
      3. the beast proudly proclaimed himself to be God, and dictated both political and religious policies
  2. the Lamb with His 144,000 – Revelation 14:1-5
    1. the chapter opens with a view of the millennial kingdom here on earth - 1
      1. the Lord Jesus is going to reign from Jerusalem
      2. it is the Fathers intention to place Jesus upon the throne of David in Jerusalem
      3. when Jesus comes back to this earth, it will be to mount Zion
    2. who are the 144,000 - 1
      1. these are the same ones that were sealed in chapter 7
      2. they are still alive after the sounding of the seventh trumpet, the third woe, and the revealing of the man of sin
      3. they were mature people when sealed; and they are still alive
        1. they did not die during the last half of the Great Tribulation
        2. this fact teaches us that the period spoken of as days, months, and years are actual measurements as we know time today
        3. there have not been thousands of years of fulfillment, as some teach in an attempt to spiritualize these things
      4. these 144,000 were of the truth in the midst of a gross lie
      5. these came through the Great Tribulation
        1. notice that the Lamb is standing with them
        2. He started out with 144,000 and He still has 144,000; He didn’t lose any
    3. rejoicing in heaven and earth over the return of the Lamb – 2-3
      1. "the voice of many waters" is that of the Father rejoicing in the victory of His Son - 2
      2. the heavenly orchestra was playing [harps]
      3. the 144,000 were singing a new song here on earth – 3
        1. this song was never before heard in heaven or earth
        2. many have been faithful witnesses and martyrs for Christ in the past, but none like these
        3. the song which they will sing, no one else will be able to learn
          1. "learn means to increase one’s knowledge, to learn by inquiry or observation
          2. the great assembly could sing the words, but only the 144,000 could truly understand its meaning
      4. notice that the four beast and the elders are back on earth, and with Christ in His throne
    4. the character of the 144,000 – 4-5
      1. the Bible is very clear
        1. they are all male Israelites
        2. they are servant of God "redeemed from among men"
        3. they are virgins, never having been in a sexual relationship
      2. the burden of the ministry will be so demanding that they will not have time for personal comfort or family needs
        1. they will have no time for wives and kids, because they must follow Christ wherever He leads
        2. not only will they remain unmarried, but they will have remained free from sexual sin in their youth as well
      3. they spoke no lies – 5
        1. they did not participate in the big lie
        2. they did not fall for the lie
      4. they were clothed in the righteousness of Christ [without fault] – 5
  3. the hour of judgment – Revelation 14:6-7
    1. the scene as now switched back to the end of the tribulation period (things leading up to the coming of Christ)
    2. the angel with the everlasting gospel – 6-7
      1. the truth of God and His claims must be spoken
        1. if people are silent, other things must become vocal to testify for God
        2. when the antichrist succeeds in silencing all testimony for God, the heavens will speak
          1. the angels whom he cannot touch or slay become the preachers
          2. mid-heaven is their pulpit
          3. all nations, tribes, tongues, and peoples are their audience
          4. hell may slay, imprison, and silence every human witness for God, but it cannot chain the proclamation of His truth
          5. God's Word cannot be bound, it liveth and abideth forever, it must be heard
      2. the "everlasting gospel" is not a new gospel
        1. the message of judgment is emphasized, and not salvation; though God will always be gracious
        2. though the message is of judgment, it is good news to the elect of Israel and to all the saved
          1. they are now in great tribulation
          2. the saved ones will rejoice to hear the message of the everlasting Gospel
      3. the message that this angel proclaimed
        1. fear God
        2. give glory to God
        3. the hour of judgment is come
        4. worship the God who made all things
        5. salvation is still possible
      4. God’s right to judge is founded on the fact of creation
  4. the judgment of Babylon is announced – Revelation 14:8
    1. Babylon was a well-known city on the Euphrates, and was in its day the pride, glory, and head of the heathen world
      1. it was colossal system of harlotry and corruption that held dominion over the nations
      2. the literal Babylon is no more; but the name might be properly used to denote a similar power
    2. Babylon is represented as a harlot, with a cup of wine in her hand, and the effect of drinking that cup was to expose them to the wrath of God
    3. what is meant here by the word Babylon
      1. it could not be the literal Babylon, for it had long since disappeared, and according to prophecy, never to be rebuilt - Isaiah 13:20
      2. all the circumstances require us to understand this as Rome (the religious system)
        1. for Rome, like Babylon, was the seat of an empire, and the head of the heathen world
        2. Rome was characterized by many of the same attributes as Babylon, being arrogant, proud, oppressive, and the center of false religion
        3. Rome, like Babylon of old, was the most formidable power with which the people of God had to contend
        4. when this falls, the last enemy of the church will be destroyed, and the final triumph of the true religion will be complete
  5. the judgment of those who receive the mark of the beast – Revelation 14:9-12
    1. the third angel gives a more urgent message to the dwellers on earth concerning the dangers of following the beast
      1. part of the tribulation is caused by Satan being released, and part of it is caused by Christ judgment upon this earth
      2. Jesus will move personally to put down the rebellion against Him here on earth
      3. the message of this angel is to warn men not to follow the commands of the beast
    2. this section makes it clear that no one can assume a neutral position during the reign of antichrist
      1. the beast and false prophet will threaten capital punishment to all that will not obey the beast or bow down in worship to him
      2. they will also demand that everyone receive the mark of the beast, or else they will be unable to buy or sell
      3. life will be so difficult that the pressure to submit will be overwhelming
      4. the penalty for submission will be far greater – 10
    3. there are those who mock and jeer at the idea of an eternal hell for the wicked – 10-11
      1. many are the jests about the preachers of fire and brimstone
      2. here a great and mighty Angel from heaven is the preacher
        1. his sermon from beginning to end is nothing but fire and brimstone
        2. even everlasting burning and torment for all who take the mark of the antichrist
      3. shall we believe our modern sentimental philosophers, or abide by the Word of our God
    4. is there really fire in hell – 10 [fire and brimstone]
      1. if this is not literal fire and brimstone, then whatever it is must be far worse
      2. if this is a symbol, then remember that symbols only give us a faint picture of the real
      3. there can really be no question as to whether there will be fire in hell, because it is a constant theme in the Bible
      4. it is folly to ignore it or to spiritualize it
    5. is the judgment of the wicked eternal – 11 [the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever]
      1. the doctrine of eternal punishment is objectionable to many modern intellects and cults
      2. this resistance cannot change the fact that the Bible clearly teaches it
      3. their torment continues forever
    6. their torment not only involves fire and burning, but also eternal fatigue – 11 [they have no rest]
      1. no hope of getting any sleep, not even a short break
      2. this luxury will be denied them forever
      3. heaven is the place of rest, and it is reserved for the children of God
    7. hell is not the place of soul cremation or annihilation
      1. every human has a soul and spirit that will exist forever
      2. if God is going to burn up the wicked, why does He not put out the fire
      3. why does the smoke ascend up forever and ever
      4. if God burns up souls, then how long does it take to burn up a soul
      5. they will burn forever and ever and ever, and never be destroyed
      6. for those who do not believe in hell, I have news for you
      7. the Bible was here before we were, and it will be here when we are gone
      8. what they believe about hell, what their preachers preach about hell does not matter
      9. God has had His say, and that settles it
      10. if we do not believe in hell this side of the grave, we will believe in it on the other side
    8. the patience and faith of the saints will finally have its worth revealed – 12
      1. the gospel promises are accomplished, the judgment is come
      2. the humanistic world system is fallen, and all the ungodly are in hell
      3. the patience and faith of the saints are justified at last
  6. how death should be viewed by the saved – 14:13
    1. many of the tribulation saints will give their lives for the cause of Christ
      1. during the tribulation it will be better to die than to live
      2. this verse is meant to give comfort and assurance to those who are suffering
    2. blessed are the dead
      1. the condition of those who die is to be regarded as a blessed or happy one
      2. all Christians immediately upon their departure out of this life are in a blessed and happy condition
        1. there is joy in Heaven, the righteous dead are happy
        2. the righteous dead go immediately to be with the Lord; the wicked dead go immediately into hell
      3. there is much in death that is sad
        1. we dread it by nature because it cut us off from so much that is dear to us
        2. it destroys all our hopes in this life
        3. the grave is a cold and cheerless resting-place
        4. we owe much to Jesus Christ, who will enable us to say and to feel that it is a blessed thing to die
        5. we should be grateful for the salvation given to us
    3. which die in the Lord
      1. not all the dead are happy; for God never says that the condition of the wicked who die will be blessed or happy
      2. the phrase "to die in the Lord" implies the following things:
        1. they who die are the friends of Jesus
          1. to be "in the Lord" implies a true attachment to him, or close union with him
          2. The assurance is limited to those who are sincere Christians
        2. to "die in the Lord" implies that there is evidence of His favor and friendship
    4. from henceforth
      1. the language is not meant to implying that they who had died in the faith before were not happy
      2. in the times of trial and persecution that were to come, they were to be regarded as blessed who should escape from these sorrows by death
      3. many believers would die as martyrs, but their condition should not to be regarded as one of misfortune, but of blessedness and joy
        1. they would die an honorable death in an honorable cause
        2. they would come forth from a world of sorrow
        3. they would rise to eternal life and peace
    5. that they may rest from their labors
      1. labor means pain, trouble, or weariness
      2. used in the sense of wearisome toil in doing good (defending the truth, seeking the lost)
    6. and their works do follow them
      1. the rewards of their works will follow them to the eternal world
      2. all that the righteous do and suffer here, will be appropriately recompensed there
      3. this is all that can follow a man to eternity
        1. he can take none of his gold, lands, raiment, and none of the honors of this life
        2. all that will go with him will be his character, and the results of his conduct here
        3. in this respect, eternity will be a progression of the present life
      4. it is one of the highest honors that we can make the present affect the future for good
        1. by our conduct on the earth we can lay the foundation for happiness for the millions of ages to come
        2. what we do today will determine our happiness in that future period
        3. when all the affairs of this world shall be wound up, and when ages which cannot now be numbered shall have rolled by, it will have been a glorious thing to have lived and died for Christ
        4. when all is said and done, only that which we have done for Christ will matter
  7. the judgment – 14:14-20
    1. the reaping of the earth – 14-16
      1. the proclamation has gone forth that the hour of judgment is come
        1. that great Babylon is on the brink of her fall
        2. that the damnation of every worshipper of the Beast is at hand
        3. now we find ourselves face to face with the last great administration of divine wrath
        4. more specific details are given in the succeeding chapters, but a general summation is first presented
      2. some take this to be the final gathering home of God’s people
        1. it must be remembered that evil has its harvest as well as good
        2. the evil is harvested before the good
        3. tares are harvested before the wheat, and like it was in the days of Noah (who was taken)
      3. the scene before us is obviously one of preparation for judgment – 14
        1. "the Son of man": no one else is here to be thought of but our blessed Lord Jesus
        2. the Son of Man is to have dominion over all the earth
        3. the sickle in His hand indicates that He is coming in judgment
        4. the crown on His head indicates that He is coming to reign
      4. the plea of the first angel – 15
        1. the first three angels in this chapter warned of the coming judgment
        2. the last three angels speak of the implementation of that judgment
          1. the first angel entreats the Lord to delay no longer because the harvest of the wicked is ready
          2. a created angel cannot command the Son of Man to do anything
          3. his cry should be regarded as a plea rather than a demand
        3. the holy angels are appalled by the wickedness of men and devils
        4. the holy angels long for the time when the rebellion will be put down, and God’s will shall be done in all His creation
      5. the reaping of the earth – 16
        1. in response to the plea of the first angel, the Son of man begins His mighty reaping
        2. "and the earth was reaped"
          1. as far as the righteous were concerned, the end had come
          2. the work contemplated was accomplished
          3. the results of the work of the Savior were like a glorious harvest
        3. notice the great and infinite power of our Lord Jesus Christ
          1. upon the thrusting in of his sickle, the whole earth was presently reaped
          2. behold the ability of Christ for judgment, as well as his impartiality in judging
            1. the power of the mightiest cannot daunt such a Judge
            2. the riches of the wealthiest cannot bribe such a Judge
            3. the subtlety of the wisest cannot deceive such a Judge
            4. there is no appealing or repealing of his sentence
    2. the winepress of God – 17-20
      1. another angel commissioned by God for a particular service – 17-18
        1. the sickle he carries is for judgment and destruction, not a harvest blessing
        2. the grapes of this vine are said to be not only ripe, but fully ripe
          1. how great is the forbearance and long-suffering of God towards to wicked
          2. the patience of God towards sinners is the greatest miracle in the world
          3. though lasting it will not be everlasting
          4. when long abused, it will at last turn into fury
        3. The expression "vine of the earth" constitutes the entire religious system on earth at the close of the Tribulation period
        4. the great religious systems of earth led by Antichrist and his henchmen will be dealt with unsparingly by Almighty God
      2. the great war – 19-20
        1. some descriptive terms
          1. "without the city" means outside of Jerusalem
          2. "unto the horse bridles" is about four feet deep
          3. "a thousand and six hundred furlongs" is about 185 miles
        2. the thrusting in of the sickle speaks of a rapid displacement of all the followers of the beast
          1. a tremendous number of soldiers will be massed in the land of Israel for this final confrontation
          2. the winepress is the place of final confrontation (a valley)
          3. once all the armies of the beast are gathered together in that location, the bloodbath begins
          4. the bloodbath will be so massive and so quick that it is compared to the spurting of juice from the ripe grape clusters in a press
          5. when the blood suddenly burst forth from the bodies of this massive army, it will create a sea of blood
          6. the blood will drain toward the valley center, where it will literally reach the horse’s bridle
          7. the dead bodies will soon become a feast for the fouls of the air – Revelation 19:17-18
    3. the design of this chapter
      1. to show that all the enemies of God will be destroyed
      2. that the hearts of the believer should be cheered and comforted in the trials and persecutions which were to come upon them