Revelation 19:11-21
- the mighty Lord Jesus Christ, and His victorious army - 11-16
- here we do not have the Lamb of God on a throne, instead, we see Him as the great Warrior-King
- Who is victorious in battle
- Who conquers in mighty power
- the appearing of Christ in the sky, riding upon a white horse with the armies of Heaven, will be a gladdening sight to the saints on earth
- it will be a terrible sight to the armies of Antichrist, and the mighty men of earth and all who have been against Christ
- the wedding has taken place, and now is the time for the feast; but the earth is still in bondage to the kings of the earth
- His coming will be the final manifestation of the wrath of God upon a sinful world
- the rebellion of Satan, the demons, and man is put down and judged
- He puts down all unrighteousness before He establishes His kingdom in righteousness
- the first thing John saw was "a white horse"
- this signifies victorious power
- the horse is an animal of warfare
- when Jesus was on earth, He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey which speaks of peace and not war
- the name of the rider was "Faithful and True"
- no one but the Lord Jesus Christ could bear that title
- He was called "Faithful" because He came to execute the eternal program of God
- the scoffers said, "where is the promise of His coming"
- here He is, He has made good, He is faithful
- He was faithful to the Father in every minute detail
- He is called "True" because He is the Truth
- He is not just someone who tells the truth, though He does that
- He is the bureau of standards for truth
- He is the yardstick of truth
- how wonderful it is to have someone whom we can trust, in this day when everything we hear is slanted and used as propaganda
- He has come to "judge and make war," not to die on the cross again
- He is coming to settle the destinies of the world and its inhabitants
- the rider of the white horse is not only a mighty warrior and conqueror; He is also a righteous Judge
- He is coming to judge in righteousness, as well as to destroy in blood
- God "hath appointed a day, in the which He will judge the world in righteousness
whereof He hath given assurance unto all men, in that He hath raised Him from the dead"
- this is a war like no war that has ever been fought up to this hour
- it is not a war for the love of conquest nor to enlarge a king's territory
- it is a war to put down evil and enthrone righteousness on earth
- so that there may be peace on earth, good will toward men, and that the knowledge of the Lord may cover the earth
- Jesus is about to prepare the earth for His reign of righteousness
- the night Jesus was born the angels announced the birth of a King, and added, "Peace on earth, good will toward men"
- that has never been, but it will be when King Jesus puts down the armies of Antichrist, sits on the throne of His father David, and reigns in righteousness
- "His eyes were as a flame of fire" - 12
- to observe all, to search out every hidden evil, and to execute righteous judgment
- His eyes "as flame of fire" denote omniscience; nothing shall escape the all-seeing eyes of Christ
- "On His head were many crowns"
- signifies that He is supreme over all governments, and in the end all authority and power will crumble under His mighty hand
- indicates that He will be the sole ruler of this earth
- His government will be a dictatorship
- a chicken wont peep, a rooster wont crow, and a man will not move without His permission
- His will, will be done at all times
- "He had a name written that no man knew, but He Himself"
- there are divine names such as God, Jehovah, Christ, Jesus, Lord, Savior, which express the relationship between God and His creatures
- there is a name not revealed to man, that He alone knows and is too great for man to know
- He wore a robe dipped in blood 13
- this speaks of the shed blood of His enemies
- an emblem of slaughter
- before the battle is fought, the victory is sure, and their slaughter unavoidable
- there is no doubt concerning the victory of this battle
- the Lamb came the first time in humility, but He will come this second time to drain the blood of His enemies
- this does not sound like the "grandfather-God" the liberals and modernists love to preach about
- God is love, God is longsuffering, tender, good, and kind; but God is a consuming fire, He is angry with the wicked every day
- He is called the Word of God 13
- this is one of the preeminent designations for the Son of God, who became flesh in Jesus Christ
- He is the Word of God
- the true and only expression of the eternal Godhead
- the great subject and substance of the written Word
- the accomplishment and fulfiller of the written Word
- the very expression and revelation of the Father
- the words that express the thoughts of the heart
- the armies that follow the Lord Jesus 14
- when Jesus is revealed from heaven, to take vengeance upon them that know not God and that obey not the Gospel, he does not come alone
- not the angels, though they are God's host, and are the armies of the heavens
- He is married now, and His Bride is with him
- they ride white horses
- the great Captain is mounted, and they are mounted too
- He comes as the Warrior, Judge, and King, and they share with Him in the same character
- these horses are all white, the same as the Great Captain rides
- the riders all are royal and righteous ones, and the same is expressed in the color of their horses
- the coming of Christ with His saint has been prophesied since the beginning of time Jude 14-15
- the riders of the white horses were clothed in fine linen, white and clean
- this is the heavenly attire of the saints that make up the Bride
- it is clear that the Bride will accompany Christ when He returns to the earth
- they wear no armor, they are immortal, and cannot be hurt
- they are not the executors of this vengeance, it is Christ's own personal victory
- this is in accordance with the Bible, "for this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the Devil." (1 John 3:8)
- He bears the only sword, and he alone uses it, He treads the wine press alone
- those who accompany him in the scene of conflict have no need of weapons
- the sword of the great Captain is enough
- their defense is in Him, and their victory is in Him
- a sword comes forth from His mouth 15
- the only weapon the heavenly host has is "a sharp sword"
- when Judas led the soldiers to arrest Jesus, Jesus simply spoke and His enemies fell to the ground (John 18:5,6)
- the Word of God smites, slays, destroys
- the power of the Word is irresistible
- God needs no hydrogen warheads, guided missiles, atomic submarines nor supersonic bombers
- all God needs to do is utter the Word, and creatures disintegrate
- God needs no weapons made with hands
- this shows the ease with which He accomplishes His purpose
- He speaks, and it is done
- He commands, and it is accomplished
- during the millennial age, the Gentile nations will be ruled with a rod of iron - 15
- the word "rule" means to feed, to tend a flock, keep sheep, to furnish pasture for food, to nourish
- Christ will be their pastor, but He will demand absolute obedience
- it will be a dictatorship of love
- the winepress 15
- the winepress depicts the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God against sinners
- the wicked are likened to clusters of grapes; who being ripe for destruction, are cast into it, and pressed, squeezed, and trodden down by the mighty power of Christ,
- the two term are synonymous and express the unleashed ferocity of the longsuffering God
- the fury of His wrath is in sharp contrast to the gentleness of His first coming
- another wonderful name for Jesus 16
- a title of complete universal dominion
- a title descriptive of his character
- He needs no sword on His thigh, because His sword proceeds out of His mouth
- He is King of time, King of space, and King of all creation
- how can mere creatures, whether men or angels, or Satan himself, presume to oppose Him
- it means that He is the sovereign over the kings of the earth, and that all nobles and princes are under his control
- a rank that properly belongs to the Son of God
- another great supper prepared by the great God 17-18
- this invitation is given at the end of the Battle of Armageddon
- a feast for the fowl of the air, where they will have A-1, blue-ribbon meat to eat
- men who live in the flesh will have their flesh destroyed
- the haughtiness of man will be brought low
- this great multitude was slain by one sharp sword -- the Word of God (Jesus Christ)
- it is a frightful thing to rebel against God because He is going to judge us someday
- what a humiliating end to the strength, pomp and pride of the armies of Antichrist
- these verses denote the entire slaughter and utter ruin of the whole anti-Christian army
- the certainty of Christ's victory
- antichrist would not suffer the dead bodies of the witnesses to be buried, and here God metes to him the same measure; their carcasses shall be a supper for the birds of the air
- "the great God" is no other than Christ, the general of the armies in heaven
- the complete overthrow and destruction of the opposing army and leaders 19-21
- the day of Jehovah has finally come
- the Bible refers to this event as "that day," and also as "the great day"
- God is setting the stage and preparing for the Millennium, the glorious reign of peace on earth
- a very short war
- the beast and his armies are gathered together to make war 19
- this battle started in Heaven when Satan brainwashed some of the angels, and attempted to overthrow God
- Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler or Mussolini could not bring together such a vast combination of power
- Satan is the master mind behind this movement against God
- there has never been a battle such as this, nor will there ever be another battle like it
- the beast and the false prophet are taken and cast into the lake of fire 20
- yes, this is literal fire . . . a lake of it
- there is not enough words in all the languages of all the world to describe the horror of such a doom
- this is not Satan, for after this he is taken and bound for a thousand years
- the Beast and false prophet are not killed as are their followers
- physical death does not come to them
- they are cast into the lake of fire and brimstone with the bodies they possessed on earth [alive]
- one thousand years later, Satan will be cast into the same lake (Rev. 20:10)
- this proves that the wicked do not burn up, for when Satan is cast into the lake of fire, the Beast and false prophet are still there, BURNING
- this will be a literal lake, not of water, but of fire, no matter what any religions, preachers, or teachers, say about it
- the armies of the beast are all slain by the sword of the Lord 21
- the pride of the armies of the Antichrist, now lies in the dust of the earth
- butchered; but not with bullets nor atomic bombs
- butchered with the sword that proceeds out of the mouth of the King of kings
- the destiny of those who worship the Beast and join his army is here revealed