Gen. 6:5-22

  1. the need of salvation - Gen. 6:12, 7-8 (salvation is by grace)
  2. it was a divine provision - Gen. 6:14-16
    1. the ark was not Noah’s idea
      1. God gave Noah specific instructions for building the ark
      2. every detail was planned & laid out by God
    2. salvation is also a plan of divine origin
      1. it was not an after thought with God
      2. long before man sinned, God had a plan of salvation - Rev. 13:8
      3. every detail was carefully planned
      4. everything that happened to Jesus was on purpose
    3. the ark was perfectly designed (the dimension ratio is still used today)
      1. salvation is a divine provision that cannot be improved
      2. man can add nothing to God’s plan of salvation - Eph. 2:8-9 & Titus 3:5
  3. the ark was a shelter from God’s judgment
    1. God’s judgment on a wicked world came in the form of rain
      1. those inside never felt a single drop
      2. those inside were sheltered from God’s judgment
      3. the judgment fell on the ark & not those inside
    2. God’s final judgment for sin is an eternity in hell
      1. those in Christ will never suffer a single moment in hell - Rom. 8:1
      2. the judgment for sin fell on Christ
      3. while Jesus hung on the cross, He suffered our hell (compare with rich man in hell)
        1. separated from God
        2. pain, suffering, and darkness
        3. alone
      4. God treated Jesus the way He will treat every unbelieving sinner
      5. if God did not treat Him the same, then our debt would not be fully paid
    3. everyone trusting in Christ is in a place of shelter from God’s judgment
      1. He bore our guilt
      2. He suffered our hell
      3. He paid our price
  4. Noah and family were saved because they accepted the invitation - Gen. 7:1
    1. the invitation was to "come"
      1. God did not say, "go into the ark"
      2. God said, "come to Me, come to were I am"
    2. the invitation to "come" is found everywhere in the Bible - Matt. 11:28 & Rev. 22:17
    3. Jesus is still inviting everyone to come and trust Him as Lord & Savior
      1. Noah & family had to make their own decision about accepting the invitation
      2. their going into the ark was a voluntary act
  5. the ark had only one entrance - Gen. 6:16
    1. there was only one way to escape the judgment of God: go through the one door
    2. there is only one way to escape the eternal fires of hell: Jesus Christ the door - Jn. 10:9
      1. Jesus is the only door to heaven - Jn. 14:6
      2. Jesus is the way, not a way
    3. there was only one door for everything that entered the ark
      1. the elephant, tiger, dog & cow all entered through the one door
      2. to get to heaven, all men must go through Jesus Christ - Acts 4:12
  6. no one was born inside the ark
    1. everyone was born outside & had to go inside
      1. there was not a single birth on board
      2. the point is: no one is born a Christian - Jn. 1:12-13
      3. every person has to make a personal decision concerning Jesus Christ
    2. no one is born in the family of God, but must be "born again" - Jn. 3:3, 7
      1. no one can see or enter heaven without being "born again"
      2. little children who die will not go to hell - II Sam. 12:15-23
      3. age of accountability: when a child must decide for himself what to do with Christ
    3. the only thing that stand between a sinner & salvation is the sinners will - Jn. 5:40
  7. everyone who went inside the ark was safe
    1. no one who entered the ark lost their life
    2. the person who is trusting in Christ will never lose his life either
    3. Jesus Christ has provided salvation for all, through His death on the cross
    4. He promises everlasting life to all that trust Him Jn. 3:16
    5. Jesus Christ is a place of safety for all who come & trust Him completely for salvation - Rom. 8:1