Mark 16:15 & Acts 1:8
- because life is short - James 4:14
- here today & gone tomorrow
- questions to ask ourselves
- will we have tomorrow to do work for God?
- many put it off until tomorrow
- they think they have more important thing to do
- they feel they have plenty of time to do service for God
- will the lost have a chance to repent tomorrow?
- we cannot waste time; it is urgent
- we mist tell them today; it is urgent
- what it means to be lost
- they are dead in sin - Eph. 2:1
- many do not realize they have a sin problem
- many don’t care about their sin problem (God is love)
- evidence of being dead in sin
- self abuse: drugs, alcohol, sex
- going t extremes to have fun
- never experiencing true joy (they are dead)
- they are under the wrath of God
- whatever they do & wherever they go
- is it right to let others suffer this wrath needlessly
- can we watch them suffer it?
- we need to have the love of God
- Christ goal should be our goal - Luke 19:10
- they are in desperate need
- "without strength" - Rom. 5:6
- "were enemies" - Rom. 5:10
- we cannot sit idolly sit by – God is counting on us
- people need to know that there is help, hope & salvation
- the time is urgent
- the end is near - Rom. 13:11
- nearer now then when written
- not all will see death before Christ’s return - I Thes. 4:16-17
- many will be surprised at His return - I Thes. 5:2
- what we should do in light of His soon return - Rom. 13:11-12
- "wake out of sleep"
- realize the urgency of the hour
- people are dying
- Christ is coming
- realize that people are dropping into hell every second
- "cast off the works of darkness"
- unconcern & sloth
- self satisfaction
- "put on the armour of light"
- just the opposite of the works of darkness
- prayer, Bible study, giving, going
- doctors bury their mistakes, but we send ours to hell
- service determines reward
- Satan is a relentless foe
- he never gives up
- he is like a chisel –he just keeps chipping away
- Satan has a master plan or goal (to be like God)
- Satan is opposed to all that is of God
- Satan wants to be the center of worship
- will we let Satan have this honor?
- this honor belongs only to God
- by doing nothing, we allow Satan to have it
- by doing nothing, we aid the cause of Satan - Matt. 12:30
- we must make ourselves ready for war
- Satan will not give up easily
- God is depending on us
- the cause is worthy & the need is urgent