Romans 5:8
- Intro.
- how do we know that God loves us
- man by nature questions the love of God & His truthfulness
- the proof of God’s love is not in words, but in deeds
- God has given us an example to follow (what we say should be proven by action)
- the greatest proof of God’s love – "Christ died for us
- it was Christ who died for us and not any one else
- when man sinned against his Maker, God had to punish his sin
- "the soul that sinneth it shall die’
- God is holy an cannot move from what He said
- God had a desire to forgive the offender
- God could not overlook sin
- man could never pay the price for sin
- it was necessary for someone else to bear the suffering of the guilty
- by substitution God could be both just & the justifier of the ungodly
- the big question: who would be a substitute for man?
- it was Almighty God who chose to become man & take the sinners place
- it was God Himself who wore the crown of thorns & died on the cross
- He went from heaven to earth to the grave and then to hell for us
- the death of Christ is the greatest proof of God love - John 15:13
- a second proof of God’s love – "Christ died for us"
- what are we that Christ should die for us?
- it was no small thing for Christ to strip Himself of all His glories to become man
- as a man, He lived a holy life which was an example for us to follow
- as a man, He was hated while doing good to those that hated Him
- the proof of His love is not in that He lived for us, but in that He died for us
- His death was no common death
- His death was a death of disgrace (legal execution)
- it was a death of unspeakable pain
- it was a slow death (He hung on the cross for hours)
- He had no comfort or sympathy in the time of death
- hear Him groan, "I thirst"
- listen to Him cry, "My God, My God, why hast thou foresaken me"
- hear Him cry before He dies, "it is finished" (love)
- a third proof of God’s love – "while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:6-7)
- think about what kind of sinners Christ died for
- continual sinners
- our life, no matter how moral or upright, is stained with a continual path of sins
- who among us can say that they are without sin
- Christ died for us knowing that we would be continual sinners
- He did not die for us because we had only committed one error
- "sinner" - an identifying characteristic of one’s life
- as sinners we are redeemed, and by it we become saints
- does not this prove God’s love for us
- sinning against knowledge
- we know what is right, but sin anyway (a more serious sin)
- even for these Christ died
- we sinned against the very person who died for us
- it is strange but wonderful, that the Person we sinned against has died for us
- He had been injured, but He pays the penalty for the injury
- He died for His enemies – those that hated Him
- love is a mighty thing; it can forgive great sinners
- rejecters of the Gospel (how many get saved the first time they hear it)
- the fact that Christ died for sinners is special proof of His love
- God did not consider man’s merit when Christ died
- God considered our sins, but not our righteousness ( He died for sinners)
- when Christ died, He died for man who was wicked & abominable, not good & excellent
- Christ did not shed His blood for us as saints, but as sinners
- God had nothing to gain by saving man
- He could have started all over when man sinned
- He had the angels in heaven to sin His praise
- Christ died for us, unasked
- man never sought God’s mercy or forgiveness
- God has ask man to be redeemed - Isa. 1:18
- God is still asking man to be saved